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Million bucks translate French

800 parallel translation
Take this. It's a million bucks.
Prends ça en gage!
A million bucks, all right.
Un million, sans blague!
A million bucks, huh?
Un million?
Boy, him and Marie look like they found a million bucks.
On dirait qu'ils ont trouvé 1 million!
An uncle died. Left 54 million bucks.
Un oncle a légué 54 millions.
Over a million bucks. It's the one we've been waiting for, and I'll take care of you.
Plus d'un million de dollars.
There's a million bucks in it.
Il y a un million de dollars à faire.
Sure, cement. 50 million bucks worth.
Mais oui, un ciment qui coûte 50 millions de dollars.
That letter 1 opened was worth about a million bucks.
ILa lettre que j'ai ouveri valait un míllion de dollars.I
A million bucks, a million bucks.
Un million de dollars!
Somewhere a guy is walking into 20 million bucks.
Un type a 20 millions de dollars.
- Uh-huh. It's always those kind that have a million bucks salted away.
Ce sont ces gens-là qui ont des millions.
If he's got a million bucks salted away, I'll bet he's forgotten where he put it.
S'il a des millions, il doit avoir oublié où!
I don't care if he gave you a million bucks.
Je me fiche de combien il vous a donné.
I figure there's half a million bucks here.
Il doit au moins y avoir 500000 $.
Right here in this bag is a half a million bucks that was stolen off the armored truck.
Voilà les 500000 $ qui ont été volés cet après-midi.
Half a million bucks?
500000 $!
Honestly, you look like a million bucks.
Vraiment, tu es belle comme un cœur.
And him with nearly a million bucks hidden away.
Il a caché prés d'un million de dollars.
Say, if I knew anything about a half a million bucks, do you think I'd be working in this joint?
Si je savais quoi que ce soit au sujet de ce demi-million... vous croyez que je travaillerais dans ce trou?
But I guess a few million bucks split four ways ain't bad.
Quelques millions divisés en quatre, ce n'est pas si mal.
Don't she look like a million bucks?
Un vrai trésor, hein?
Sixty million bucks!
Soixante millions de dollars!
You know something? I'll bet we had 150 million bucks right in that living room.
Je parie qu'ils pesaient au moins 150 millions, à eux tous.
He's got a million bucks, and don't give me that love hooey again.
Il est riche. L'amour, c'est de la blague!
- You said it. Standing next to me, you'll look like a million bucks in nickels and dimes.
Et grâce à moi, vous connaîtrez la gloire!
4 million bucks, and he's got insomnia.
Millionnaire et insomniaque!
4 million bucks.
4 millions de dollars!
They've got pictures there worth a million bucks.
Il y avait des toiles d'un million de dollars.
That was some drop - two million bucks.
C'est une somme.
There's a million bucks riding on my back!
Il y a un million misé sur moi.
Quit worrying about guns... and dead females, and missing ones... and that million bucks you want to marry.
Laissez tomber les revolvers, les mortes et les disparues, et le millionnaire aussi!
The girl I like won't be editing a string of crime magazines... or looking for a quick million bucks... or trying to hang a murder on another woman.
La fille qui me plaît n'édite pas le crime, ne court pas après les millions, n'accuse pas une autre femme.
Or a dope with a million bucks.
C'est de naissance, comme avoir deux têtes ou un million.
- Stabbed me in the back for a dirty million bucks.
Trahi pour un million de dollars.
How can you argue with a million bucks?
Comment peut-on se battre contre un million de dollars?
That song, they tell me it made a million bucks for the fella who wrote it.
Le compositeur a empoché un million de dollars.
When you got something up there that's worth a million bucks.
Quand tu touches là-bas c'est des millions de dollars
Stake we're going for is about a half a million bucks, cash. Only, it's a one-shot deal.
On vise un butin d'un demi-million, en liquide.
Come on, let's get out of here, we've got a million bucks in the car.
Allez, on se tire. On a un million dans le coffre.
And at the present rate of exchange it should be netting him a cool 2 million bucks a year, tax-free.
Et avec le cours actuel, ça devrait lui rapporter 2 millions de dollars par an, non imposables.
A cool 2 million bucks a year.
Deux millions de dollars par an.
If you were for sale, I could get a million bucks for you from any foreign government.
Si vous étiez à vendre, je pourrais avoir un million pour vous de n'importe quel pays.
You'll publish your novel, make a million bucks, marry a movie star. - - And live with your conscience.
Vous publierez un roman, deviendrez millionnaire, épouserez une star, et vivrez avec votre conscience.
He doesn't have to. He's got four million bucks.
Pas besoin, avec son tas de millions.
He's just worth half a million bucks to me, tax - free.
Pour moi, il vaut juste un demi million de dollars, net d'impôt.
This bottle costs a million bucks.
Cette bouteille vaut un million.
- What did you say? - Losing the girl I love? A beautiful girl who loved me, just inherited a hundred million bucks?
Je perds celle que j'aime et qui hérite 100 millions de dollars.
There's a million bucks in Toro.
Il a un million de dollars dans le ventre.
That horse is worth a quarter million bucks.
Ce cheval vaut le quart d'un million de dollars.
A million bucks?
Un million de dollars!

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