Natale translate French
909 parallel translation
With him were the survivors from his island, his hometown friends and four of his brothers, as close-knit as a Mafia clan,
avec lui étaient les survivants de sa ville natale, les amis de son île, et quatre de ses frères, aussi lié étroitement qu ´ un clan de la Mafia,
Reading your work brought back long-forgotten memories of my homeland and my days of youth.
Lire votre travail m'a fait remonter à la surface des vieux souvenirs perdus De ma terre natale et du temps de ma jeunesse.
Long have I contemplated the origin and recession of the Great Death in my hometown of Wisborg.
J'ai médité sur le début et la fin de la peste dans ma ville natale de Wisborg.
- At the "Blue Angel"? - Yes. We're going to your hometown.
Oui, dans ta ville natale.
Then he must have brought his native soil with him, boxes of it.
Il a dû emporter un peu de sa terre natale avec lui.
He must return to his native land... which is where he was buried.
Il doit retourner dans sa terre natale... où il a été enterré.
Since I discovered, by chance... that Dracula cast no reflection in the mirror, and that in addition... three large boxes had been sent to Carfax Abbey... and since I also knew that a vampire must sleep during the day... in his native earth... I understood at once that Dracula had to be the person... whom Renfield calls "Master."
Comme j'ai découvert par hasard... que Dracula ne se réfléchit pas dans la glace et qu'en plus... trois grosses boîtes ont été envoyées à l'abbaye de Carfax... et comme je sais qu'un vampire doit dormir le jour... dans sa terre natale... j'ai compris tout de suite que Dracula est celui... que Renfield appelle maître.
Your native Egypt.
- De votre Égypte natale.
When he arrived in Kyoto from his home village he was a hungry kid.
Quand il est arrivé à Kyot, o venant de sa ville natale c'était un gamin affamé.
Oh, Heavenly Father I give thee thanks for the security of this voyage which has brought us safely to my native land.
Merci, mon Dieu, d'avoir protégé mon voyage... Jusqu'à la terre natale.
We have witnesses here from Mandrake Falls... his own hometown, who will tell of his conduct throughout his lifetime... proving that his derangement is neither a recent nor a temporary one.
Nous avons ici des témoins de Mandrake Falls... sa propre ville natale, qui raconteront sa conduite durant toute sa vie... démontrant que son dérangement n'est ni récent ni provisoire.
Particularly, your old hometown, which was wise enough not to let you return.
Surtout de votre ville natale, qui a été bien avisée de ne pas vous laisser y revenir.
"It's better to die than to leave your homeland."
"Mieux vaut mourir que quitter la terre natale!"
We shall not give up Russia, our enemies will be smitten!
En notre Russie natale, L'ennemi ne pénétrera pas
No enemy shall tread on Russian soil.
En notre Russie natale L'ennemi ne pénétrera pas
Yes, sir. Spoke to him in his native tongue.
Je lui parlé dans sa langue natale.
"Museum of Fine Arts, Hannibal, Michigan." That's my hometown.
"Musée des beaux-arts, Hannibal, Michigan." Ma ville natale.
We wear our sad song, so beautiful homeland.
Le salut de la terre natale.
Don't you know any better than to bring your brats here today of all days... when Senor Gallardo is about to make his first formal appearance... in his hometown?
Vous ne pouviez pas choisir un autre jour? C'est son premier combat dans sa ville natale.
Why, the grass still grows in the streets. Besides, that ain't your hometown, Peterson.
Et ce n'est pas ta ville natale, Peterson.
- New York "s my hometown, ain" t it?
- New York est ma ville natale.
I know you're dreaming of a homeland
Je sais que vous rêvez de terre natale
It is your room that is fragrant, madam, with memories of my native land.
C'est votre chambre qui est parfumée, madame, de souvenirs de ma terre natale.
- Isn't the house you were born in the most interesting house in the world for you?
Votre maison natale n'est-elle pas la plus intéressante au monde?
St. Louis is my old hometown, you know.
St Louis est ma ville natale.
Your city rejoices at your safe homecoming and takes great pleasure in presenting you with this beautiful bunch of... delphini-mimums.
Ta ville natale se réjouit de ton retour sain et sauf au foyer et t'offre avec le plus grand plaisir ce joli bouquet de del-phinimiums.
Before introducing our principal speaker, I wish to point out that he appears before you not as a hero, not with decorations he so heroically won and so richly deserves, but as a simple citizen, a home-town boy back home.
Avant de céder la place au principal intéressé, je souhaite faire observer qu'il se présente devant vous non pas en héros orné des médailles qu'il a si vaillamment gagnées et si pleinement méritées, mais en tant que simple citoyen, en garçon de retour dans sa ville natale!
The man that once did sell the lion's skin while the beast lived... was killed with hunting him, and many of our bodies shall no doubt find native graves, upon the which, I trust, shall witness live in brass of this day's work.
Beaucoup de nos corps trouveront des tombes en terre natale où le bronze commémora notre ouvrage.
The soil from your hometown looks so rich and moist today.
La terre de votre ville natale semble si riche aujourd'hui.
Stand on the soil from your hometown and think about that.
Allez sur le sol de votre ville natale et pensez-y.
The soil of my hometown brought to this vegetable garden... the soil through which the blood of my forefathers runs... the soil on which I was born.
La terre de ma ville natale... la terre de mes ancêtres... la terre qui m'a vu naître.
Jones City, Nebraska, turns out to greet Sergeant Tommy Blair of the Army Air Forces.
UN HEROS ACCUEILLI PAR SA VILLE NATALE Jones City, dans le Nebraska, salue le sergent Tommy Blair, des forces de l'Armée de l'air.
Tommy, seated between his proud father and mother, joyfully receives the plaudits of his hometown.
Tommy, assis entre ses fiers parents, reçoit les applaudissements de sa ville natale.
If I had any character, I'd... lt takes a lot of character to leave your hometown and start all over again.
Si j'en avais... Il faut du courage pour quitter sa ville natale et tout recommencer.
As for me, I'll have enough money to live out my days in the house where I was born.
Et moi, je pourrai vivre tranquillement dans ma maison natale.
Then, all of a sudden, you're driving along... and smacko, your own hometown up and hits you... right in the face.
Tu roules, tranquille, et tout à coup, boum, tu te prends ta ville natale en pleine face.
You never heard of the place she ´ s from.
Sa ville natale ne vous dirait rien.
Our hometown it would be a choirboy.
Dans notre ville natale, il ne serait qu'un enfant de chœur.
Is fine city. Ms. Moorhead write about her hometown.
Elle écrit sur sa ville natale.
D'Artagnan will return to Gascony. Athos to the province of his birth.
D'Artagnan rejoint sa Gascogne, Athos, sa province natale.
It's so different from the little town I come from.
C'est si différent de ma petite ville natale.
We were married in my hometown, Gurky's Corners.
On s'est mariés dans ma ville natale, Gurky's Corners.
" There's not much to tell about my hometown
" II n'y a pas grand-chose à dire sur ma ville natale
Burgundy was a country on its own in his day.
La Bourgogne était sa terre natale.
Extracted from the wild beast in its native lair.
Extraite directement de la bête dans sa tanière natale.
My hometown.
Ma ville natale.
This is my hometown.
C'est ma ville natale.
- But this is my hometown!
- Mais c'est ma ville natale!
- Is it my fault that I've been stationed in my hometown?
Est-ce ma faute si j'ai été posté dans ma ville natale? Désolé, Kluggs.
Here's some fish from my hometown.
Voici quelques poissons de ma ville natale.
On le l'a jamais vu, il vient de... sa ville natale! Oui!