No idea why translate French
759 parallel translation
They have no idea why they appeared on TV and they have nothing in common
Ils ont aucune idée pourquoi ils sont apparus à la télé. Ils ont à peu près rien en commun.
Yes, and I have no idea why.
Oui, et j'ignore pourquoi.
I've no idea why Mr. Phillips tried to reach you.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi il voulait vous parler.
" Frankly, I have no idea why I'm writing to you like this.
" Sincèrement je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous écris comme cela.
No idea why he invited you out on a bum steer at 2 : 00 a.m.?
Sur ce qu'il voulait faire en t'invitant à sortir à 2 h du matin?
I've no idea why I woke up before the temple bell rang
Je ne sais pas pourquoi. J'étais éveillé avant d'entendre la cloche du temple.
I have no idea why on earh she came here.
J'ignore pourquoi diable elle vient ici.
You've no idea why I'm here?
Vous ne devinez pas?
I have no idea why you and he split up but I can't bear it
Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé entre vous, mais ça me tourmente.
He and Lucky fought. No idea why.
Lucky et ce type se disputaient, je ne sais plus à propos de quoi...
I've no idea why my mother even bothers with these kind of events.
J'ignore pourquoi ma mère tient à ces oeuvres de charité.
And I have no idea why.
Et j'ignore pourquoi.
You have no idea why he wanted you to meet his train?
Pourquoi veut-il que vous veniez à la gare?
You've no idea why you're here?
Vous ne la connaissez pas?
All I can contribute is the further we travel into this zone of darkness, the weaker our life functions become and I have no idea why.
Plus on s'enfonce dans la zone, plus nos fonctions vitales faiblissent. J'ignore pourquoi.
- No, I have no idea why.
- Aucune idée.
Doctor, I've no idea why you saw fit to save me from great embarrassment but I'm much obliged to you, sir.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous m'avez sauvé d'un très grand embarras, mais je vous en suis redevable.
No idea why anyone would come into this apartment and tear it up like this?
Pourquoi quelqu'un aurait-il mis l'appartement dans cet état?
The spectators have no idea why.
Les spectateurs ignorent pourquoi.
I have no idea why, and...
Je ne sais pas du tout pourquoi...
No idea why.
- Aucune idée.
In fact, I have no idea why you and your military cohort are here.
D'ailleurs, je ne sais pas ce que vous et votre acolyte faites ici.
I had no idea why.
Je ne savais pas pourquoi.
Honey, I have no idea why we're together.
Je n'ai aucune idée de pourquoi nous sommes ensemble.
I have no idea why.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi.
An unconfirmed report tells me that Tommy T. And his pals have no idea why Dr. Dinky tried to take a spear for him yesterday.
Une dépêche m'informe que Tommy T et ses amis ignorent pourquoi Dr Dinky a fait ça.
I had no idea, Chairman. You didn't even hesitate staining your own noble hands, why are you so intent on crushing me?
Président. pourquoi voulez-vous tellement m'anéantir?
It's so good idea, I don't know why I no think about it myself.
Je sais pas pourquoi, je pense pas ça moi-même.
Why, I had no idea.
Je l'ignorais.
Why, no. I haven't the slightest idea.
Aucune idée.
Why or how, I've no idea.
I'd like to have your suggestion... as to how I can explain why that money... that those ladies need to finance their ball tomorrow night... must be given to you today. We had no idea there was any difficulty about the deposit.
Suggérez-moi comment justifier le fait que ces dames aient à vous donner aujourd'hui un argent dont elles ont besoin pour organiser leur soirée de demain.
- Any idea why the boss blew the deal? - No.
On sait ce qui a foiré?
I have no idea. Why not ask her?
Je n'en ai aucune idée.
Have no idea where he could be at this hour. Why no, he's never been this late
Vous dites que vous ne savez pas où il peut être à cette heure-ci?
- Why? I've no idea.
- Pourquoi?
- No, that was my idea, you know, in case Mr. Jasper Hadley should ask why we came to town.
- Non, c'était mon idée. Vous savez, au cas où Mr.Jasper Hadley demanderait pourquoi on est venus.
It must be that patrol car those telephone men saw but I certainly have no idea what could have happened or why.
C'est sûrement la voiture de police qu'ils ont vue. Mais que lui est-il arrivé?
But you say someone is going to kill you, and yet you have no idea who or why.
On veut vous tuer, mais vous ne savez ni qui ni où.
No idea. Why?
Aucune idée, pourquoi?
Why, Darwin, I had no idea you were so fond of me.
Darwin, je ne savais pas que vous m'aimiez tant.
Why you purchased that monstrosity I have no idea.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu as acheté cette monstruosité.
As to why he'd send his pregnant wife alone on a trip... I have no idea.
Mais il a laissé voyager sa femme alors qu'elle était enceinte.
Why she ran off and left him to bleed to death, I have no idea.
Pourquoi s'est-elle échappée en le laissant mourir?
Why do you suppose he started downstairs? No idea. No.
- A votre avis, pourquoi est-il descendu?
Oh, why, Mr. Crabbits, I had no idea.
Oh, et bien, Monsieur Crabbits, Je ne pensais pas...
If he's there, he must be hiding, although why he'd want to hide, I have no idea.
S'il est là, il se cache, même si j'ignore pourquoi il voudrait se cacher.
I got a great idea. Why don't I bring her to meet you? - No, no, no.
- Je sais : je vais l'amener à la rivière.
Though why they should want to push a planet through space, I have no idea.
La raison pour laquelle ils voulaient propulser une planète dans l'espace, je n'en sais rien.
You have no idea how I feel, so why don't you just butt out of this, please?
Tu ne sais pas ce que je ressens. Tu devrais te mêler de ce qui te regarde.
I have no idea who I am, what I am, why I'm...
- Vous ne vouliez pas qu'il me voie. - C'est exact.
no idea 1579
no idea what you're talking about 50
no idea at all 20
why not 13238
why would you 271
why are you silent 31
why is 26
why don't you answer me 30
why are you calling me 64
why are you here 2118
no idea what you're talking about 50
no idea at all 20
why not 13238
why would you 271
why are you silent 31
why is 26
why don't you answer me 30
why are you calling me 64
why are you here 2118
why not me 94
why are you leaving 72
why aren't you sleeping 26
why would i care 20
why do you ask 743
why don't you come along 19
why aren't you 63
why are you like this 89
why are you looking at me 70
why are you crying 355
why are you leaving 72
why aren't you sleeping 26
why would i care 20
why do you ask 743
why don't you come along 19
why aren't you 63
why are you like this 89
why are you looking at me 70
why are you crying 355