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Translate.vc / English → French / [ N ] / Nobody did

Nobody did translate French

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Yeah, but nobody did.
Mais personne ne l'a fait.
Nobody did.
- Nobody did, except Caesar's wife.
- Seule la femme de César savait.
Nobody did it, nobody saw it.
Ni vu, ni connu.
I didn't know very much. Nobody did.
Ni moi ni personne n'en savait grand-chose.
Nobody did.
- Il n'y avait personne.
"Nobody ever died as he did."
"Personne n'est jamais mort comme lui."
"Nobody ever went to heaven as he did."
"Personne n'est jamais monté au ciel comme lui."
Nobody asked you to be butting in here, did they?
Qui t'a dit de jeter l'ancre ici?
Nobody else did.
Tu es la seule.
Nobody ever did a rap for murder.
Personne n'a jamais été arrêté pour meurtre.
And nobody on that boat made a prettier mess than I did.
Personne ne mettait autant le bazar.
Nobody knows who did it.
Personne ne sait rien.
- Nobody told me, I did see him!
- Personne. J'ai vraiment vu Wynant.
Did they, Egbert? Nobody even thought of using finger bowls.
Personne ne songeait aux rince-doigts!
Only it occurred to me that the man who laid the air track to Rio when the whole world said it couldn't be done, and did a lot of other things that nobody else would tackle, well, that man would hardly be the one to wait for a piece of paper
Mais je me disais que le premier homme à atteindre Rio quand tous disaient que c "était impossible, et qui a accompli tant de choses que personne n" a osé faire, eh bien, que cet homme ne serait pas du genre à attendre un bout de papier
- Nobody else ever did, either.
- Ni personne.
Say, you did what nobody else ever did before : put McGraw on the floor.
Personne n'avait jamais mis McGraw au plancher.
He gave you a break. Nobody else ever did.
- Il vous a donné une chance!
Yeah, I did, but I didn't mean to have nobody get killed.
Je voulais tuer personne!
Nobody said you did.
- Personne ne dit le contraire.
But when I did, I suddenly realized that here was not only an indispensable member of the organization, but a screen personality whose possibilities nobody around the place had ever noticed.
J'ai alors réalisé qu'elle était non seulement un membre indispensable de l'organisation, mais aussi une personnalité de l'écran dont personne n'avait encore remarqué les possibilités.
I guess nobody ever said anything like that to you before, did they?
Je suis sûr qu'on ne vous a jamais parlé ainsi avant.
- Nobody was in the bank when I did it.
- ll n'y avait personne a la banque.
Nobody knows who did it, I hope. Nobody but me.
- Personne ne sait qui l'a fait?
- Who did, then? - Nobody.
- Personne.
I did it, and nobody else is responsible.
Je suis le seul responsable.
Nobody will know who did it.
Personne ne saura qui l'a fait.
Did they break out in grins when nobody tossed them a knife.
Mais ils étaient ravis que personne ne leur lance de couteau.
Nobody never did know for sure.
Personne n'en a jamais été sûr.
He figured that if he couldn't have you himself, he was gonna make sure that nobody else did. So he let her have it
Ne pouvant t'avoir, il voulait s'assurer que personne d'autre ne t'aurait et il a tiré...
Nobody said they did.
Personne n'a dit l'avoir fait.
All I did was get up and walk out, and kick over a few chairs which nobody was sitting in.
Je me suis simplement levé et je suis sorti en renversant des chaises sur lesquelles nul n'était assis.
- Nobody else did, did they?
Personne ne l'a dit.
- Nobody else did. - I can't help that.
Tu as été le seul.
Don't you pretend nobody ever did that before.
Personne ne t'a jamais fait ça?
I tell nobody nothing and forget how I did it, Or I'm in trouble with Johnson. Fine.
Je jure sur ma tombe de ne rien dire et d'oublier, ou j'ai des ennuis avec Johnson.
If you knew how sweet, how authentic you are, then nobody could hurt us, no matter what we did.
Si tu savais à quel point tu es pure et authentique, alors personne ne pourrait te blesser, moi ou quiconque, quel que soit notre comportement.
I want you to feel that even if you think... you did something you shouldn't have, nobody'll punish you here.
Même si vous avez mal agi, personne ne vous punira.
Nobody told me not to dress. I am glad you did dress.
Je suis en tenue de soirée.
Nobody knows who did just what.
Personne ne sait qui a fait quoi.
I guess nobody knew Harry like he did, or like I did.
Personne ne connaissait Harry Lime comme lui-même... Comme moi.
Nobody else did.
là où personne n'a pu le faire.
Yes, but nobody did.
C'est pourtant le cas.
"'Nobody'll know who did it. "'
Personne ne saura...
- Nobody said you did... - You just boned me.
Ne me baratine pas!
Nobody called, did they?
Personne n'a appelé, hein?
Nobody can call me the things he did.
Personne ne va m'insulter.
And nobody would even consider that you both did this.
Personne ne pensera que vous avez agi ensemble.
They said nobody could make a pit stop in a 100-mile race such as he did and have a chance at winning it, but Brannan doesn't know how to quit.
Personne ne peut faire un arrêt au stand dans une telle course et avoir une chance de gagner, mais Brannan n'abandonne pas.
Killed a poor kid like Juke, who never did nothing to nobody.
Tuer un pauvre gamin comme Juke qui n'a jamais rien fait de mal.

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