Not his translate French
25,959 parallel translation
Whoa. That is not his wife.
Ce n'est pas sa femme.
Sounds to me like it's not his fault.
Apparemment, ce n'est pas tout à fait sa faute.
The last time I checked, Toby was peeping and plotting against Janet Heffernan, not his dad.
Aux dernières nouvelles, Toby espionnait et complotait contre Janet Heffernan, pas son père.
Experience makes a man. Not his bloodline.
C'est l'expérience qui fait un homme, pas sa lignée.
You're not his teacher or his mentor or a monk, so...
Tu n'es pas son prof ou son mentor ou un moine, donc...
It was my fault, not his.
C'est ma faute.
Not where he went, unfortunately, but some of his money.
Pas là ou il est allé, malheureusement, mais où son argent est allé.
And I'm not seeing any fresh tar on the street or on his shoes.
Et je ne vois pas de goudron frais dans la rue ou sur ses chaussures.
Owen Lyman, who was living in New York under the alias Mark Waterman, not only murdered his former student, but a dozen other women.
Owen Lyman, qui vivait à New York sous le pseudonyme Mark Waterman, non seulement assassiné son ancien élève, mais une douzaine d'autres femmes.
So 2 1 / 2 hours into his route, he's not gonna stop and take a break.
Donc 2 1 / 2 heures dans sa route, Il ne va pas arrêter et prendre une pause.
Not... punished him because I'd... grown to hate his father.
Pas... le punir parce que je... détestais son père.
Wyatt seemed pretty adamant about not putting down his prop gun.
Wyatt semblait sûr de ne pas avoir déposé l'arme factice.
He's not perfect, but he's a man who finds his way.
Il n'est pas parfait, mais il trace sa voie.
I'm not telling them my brother bought his own pants.
Je ne leur ai pas dit que mon frère achetait ses propres pantalons.
Not everyone wants your microbes in his food.
Tout le monde ne veut pas de tes microbes dans sa nourriture.
Well... he ain't pleading insanity... and I promise you his lawyer's not gonna let you anywhere near him.
Il ne plaidera pas la folie... Je vous le promets son avocat ne vous laissera pas près de lui.
You know, that's- - that's not actually his real name.
Ce n'est en fait pas son vrai prénom.
He's not answering his cellphone.
Il ne répond pas au téléphone.
So, you're not gonna call because you're being respectful of his feelings?
Donc, tu ne vas pas appeler parce que tu respectes ses sentiments?
Uh, hey, guys, Barry's not... In his cell anymore.
Barry n'est plus... dans sa cellule.
He's been hunting and feeding himself his whole life, rain or not.
Il a chassé toute sa vie pour se nourrir, qu'il pleuve ou non.
His friend, not yours. Yet!
Mais crois-moi... quand elle plante ses crocs dans un truc, elle les plante pour de vrai.
He won't let you see him at his worst if you are not willing to do the same.
Disons que c'est une longue histoire qui finira avec moi, parce qu'elle n'est plus en ma possession. Tu as laissé croire le contraire à Pippy.
I'm not responsible for his weakness.
Je ne suis pas responsable de sa faiblesse.
He's spent his whole life and death wondering why you and not him.
Il a passé toute sa vie et sa mort à se demander pourquoi toi et pas lui.
I'm saying not only are we going to have to engineer, code, and stand up a full platform on our own, we also have to make Jack and his sales weasels think we're working on the box the entire time.
On va devoir concevoir, coder et monter toute la plateforme seuls et persuader Jack et les commerciaux qu'on construit la boîte.
I should not have removed him as CEO, and installing Jack Barker in his place only compounded that error.
Je n'aurais pas dû lui enlever le poste de PDG. Et le remplacer par Jack Barker n'a fait qu'aggraver cette erreur.
I called Big Head to tell him that our share was worth half a mil each, and... not five minutes later, his father, one Nelson Bighetti, Sr., called me and explained that I was never to have
J'ai appelé Grosse Tête pour lui annoncer la nouvelle. Moins de 5 minutes plus tard, son père, M. Nelson Bighetti Senior, m'a appelé pour me dire de ne plus me mêler des finances de son fils.
Every minute I'm not online, a dad is throwing a football with his son, a mom's helping her daughter with homework.
Chaque minute passée hors ligne, un père joue au football avec son fils, une mère aide sa fille à faire ses devoirs.
I'm afraid not. But we better find out before the mayor opens his new cancer research wing.
Mais on a intérêt à le trouver avant que le maire n'ouvre la nouvelle aile de recherche contre le cancer.
Not all those teeth are his.
Toutes ces dents, ne sont pas à lui.
And if his song Real World is not on your cardio playlist,
Et si sa chanson Real World est pas sur votre playlist cardio,
- You're not on his list.
- Vous n'êtes pas sur sa liste.
You mean he's not honoring his late wife?
Tu veux dire qu'il n'honore pas sa femme décédée?
I'm not sure, but I don't think it's related to his clavicle.
Je ne suis pas sûre mais je ne pense pas que ce soit lié à sa clavicule.
Your client might not blow up a morgue to protect his foot soldiers, but family is different.
Votre client n'exploserait pas une morgue pour ses subalternes, mais la famille, c'est différent.
Did he prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Janet Heffernan's last desperate act was not clawing at his private parts?
A-t-il prouvé sans l'ombre d'un doute que le dernier geste de Janet n'a pas été de lui griffer les parties?
Did you not get his name before you gutted him and turned him into a bomb?
Vous n'avez pas demandé son nom avant de l'éviscérer pour en faire une bombe?
Now, as you can imagine, that's not going to look very good at his trial.
Comme vous l'imaginez, ça fera désordre à son procès.
If his concerns get out and they're taken as a sign that the United States has doubts, it could make others reevaluate, not to mention embarrass the hell out of us.
Si ses inquiétudes se savent et qu'elles sont vues comme un signe que les États-Unis ont des doutes, cela pourrait en inspirer d'autres, sans parler de l'embarras que cela nous causerait.
I don't know exactly what his job is, but I know it's not walking around, just casting judgement.
Je sais pas en quoi consiste son boulot, mais je sais que c'est pas de porter des jugements.
And I think your God, if he really does exist, is not more than a stocious moppet who smells his own farts!
Je crois que ton Dieu, s'il existe, est rien d'autre qu'un petit merdeux bourré qui renifle Ses propres pets.
Not when a man's looking for his son.
Pas quand un homme recherche son fils.
Can we tell Max Lord that I'm not at his beck and call?
Pouvons-nous dire à Max Lord que je ne suis pas à sa disposition?
Is it not possible that Narcisse is just trying to do his job?
N'est-il pas possible que Narcisse essaie simplement de faire son boulot?
"This servant" that you pretend not to know was on his way to me for questioning.
"Ce servant" que vous prétendiez ne pas connaître était sur le point de venir me questionner.
Catherine de Medici would kill not only him but she would kill his entire family.
Catherine de Medici ne le tuerait pas seulement lui mais sa famille toute entière.
If Timothy found his way back here, he did not linger for long.
Si Timothy a trouvé son chemin ici il n'est pas resté longtemps.
Yeah, but by home, we're probably not talking about his residence.
Oui, mais par foyer, on ne parle pas forcément de son domicile.
I'm just not sure I can be with someone who has so little regard for his own children.
Je ne suis pas sûre de pouvoir être avec quelqu'un qui a si peu d'estime pour son propre enfant.
That's not even his real name.
C'est même pas son vrai nom.
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his house 47
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his daughter 107
his place 22
his hands 34
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his daughter 107
his place 22
his hands 34