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Translate.vc / English → French / [ N ] / Not much to tell

Not much to tell translate French

313 parallel translation
- There's not much to tell. The krauts had the hill, and we were ordered to take it.
Les boches la tenaient, on a eu l'ordre de la prendre.
- Well, there's really not much to tell.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
" There's not much to tell about my hometown
" II n'y a pas grand-chose à dire sur ma ville natale
Well, there's not much to tell.
J'aurais si peu à dire.
There is not much to tell, Sir.
Il n'y a pas grand chose à dire, messire...
Well, there's not much to tell, Jack.
Il n'y a pas grand chose à dire.
Well there's not much to tell really.
Que puis-je dire?
Well, there's not much to tell.
Oh, il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
There is not much to tell.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
There's not much to tell.
Je n'ai pas grand-chose à dire.
- There is not much to tell...
- Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
There's not much to tell.
Il n'y a pas grand chose à dire.
Oh, well, there's not much to tell.
II n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
There's not much to tell, AuntJess.
- Il n'y a rien à dire, tanteJess.
There's not much to tell.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
Well, there's not much to tell.
II y a peu à en dire.
I know I do. It's not the work I mind so much. It's having to tell Flo King how pretty she looks in things I know would look as well on me.
Ce n'est pas le travail qui me gêne, c'est de... dire à Flo qu'elle a l'air jolie... dans des robes qui m'iraient!
At the end of two days, if they have not been found you call your police, tell them as much of the truth it is safe for you to say.
Dans deux jours, s'il n'a pas été trouvé, appelez la police, et déclarez ce que vous pouvez, sans prendre de risque.
Mr. Gerard, I'm not sure why I was engaged to meet you, I can tell you that much.
M. Gerard, j'ignore pourquoi on m'a engagé pour vous rencontrer.
And it's not even that much. I'll tell you the truth. I don't understand why we have to take it, to steal it when you have a necklace that's worth so much more.
A la vérité, je ne comprends pas que tu voles, quand tu as un collier qui vaut bien plus.
Did he not tell you how much in the past it would be easy to rob the bar 380?
Ne vous a-t-il pas dit dans le passé combien il serait facile de dévaliser le bar 380?
There's not much to know, but what there is, I wanted to tell you myself.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à savoir. Mais le peu qu'il y a, je voulais vous le dire.
Don ´ t tell me not to scream! I ´ ll scream as much as I please!
Je crierai si ça me plaît.
I'm not sure there's that much to tell.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
That's not too much for one friend to tell another, is it?
Ce n'est pas trop demander à un ami, si?
To tell the truth, she's not much for these smash and grab rackets.
Pour tout vous dire, elle n'aime pas les combines.
There's not much that I can add except to tell you that the situation is far from hopeless.
Je n'ai pas grand-chose à ajouter, sauf que Ia situation n'est pas perdue.
It's not going to make much of an impression, I can tell you that, Mr. K.
Ça ne fera pas bon effet, M. K.
I tell those women not to put so much food on the table. They don't listen to me.
Je dis aux femmes d'éviter ça.
I hate you so much, I'm not able to tell you how much in front of your wife.
Et je vous hais tant que je ne peux le dire devant votre femme.
Ma'am, you've just got to go tell Dr. Bentley how much you care for him, and that you're not just his right arm, the way the hospital folks been saying, but you be a woman, too.
Madame, vous devez dire au Dr Bentley ce que vous ressentez pour lui et que vous êtes plus que son bras droit, comme le personnel le pensé, que vous êtes aussi une femme.
There's not really very much to tell.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
Tell them not to drink too much.
Dis-leur de ne pas trop boire.
I would appreciate it if you would not worry so much about my schooling and tell your hands to do their stuff or I'll blow'em off your wrists!
Cessez de vous mêler de mon éducation, et servez moi un verre ou je vous fais sauter les mains!
There is not very much to tell because his cello playing was just terrible.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire. Il jouait effroyablement mal.
- We're not happy, no. And before fixing new times, you have to tell us how much we're getting into our pockets
On veut savoir ce que l'on gagnera en plus.
- He's not much to live with today. I can tell you that, sir.
En ce moment, il n'est pas à prendre avec des pincettes.
Father, I feel like I am waking up from a nightmare. A nightmare you have not helped me much with, to tell you the truth.
Je sors d'un cauchemar que vous n'avez rien fait pour dissiper!
Tell the warehouse... not to issue any goods to Frumkin, he owes us too much.
Donnez l'ordre au dépôt, de ne plus livrer Frumkin II nous doit trop d'argent.
I do not know, or I have nothing or I have too much to tell.
- Pierre, il savait ça? - Oui, je lui avais dit, pourquoi tu me demandes ça?
There's not very much to tell, really.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire!
I will call upon a visitor to our nation, a young man who has come from afar to tell us that our predicament is not unique, that once upon a time there was another world, very much like our own,
Je vais faire appel à un homme en visite chez nous. Un jeune homme venu de loin pour nous dire que notre situation n'est pas unique et qu'il a existé un monde très semblable au nôtre.
There's not much more to tell.
Mais je t'ai déjà presque tout raconté...
So just tell me how much you want, and I'll decide whether to pay it, although it'd better not be more than 50 bucks, because since the governor died,
Dites-moi combien vous voulez. Je déciderai de payer ou non. Pas plus de 50 dollars, car depuis la mort de mon mari je me moque éperdument qu'on connaisse mon passé.
Well, let me tell you one thing : I'm not going to put up with this shit much longer!
Eh bien laisse-moi te dire une chose... je vais pas supporter cette merde très longtemps!
He wants to tell you not to worry about us because we are fine, and everything is all right with us, even though we miss you very much.
Il vous dit de ne pas vous inquiéter pour nous parce que nous allons bien, et que tout va bien pour nous, même si vous nous manquez beaucoup.
There's really not much more to tell.
Y a pas grand-chose à raconter.
- There's not that much to tell.
- Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
i Just Wanted To Tell You how Much I Appreciate Your Respecting My Feelings by Not Coming To Chicago.
C'est moi. J'apprécie vraiment que tu aies respecté mes sentiments.
Here's my gift, paid for out of the proceeds of the jersey cow. It's not much of a party gift, but you tell them that I plan to give them my zigzag quilt as a wedding present.
j'ai peut être mal agit en retirant Emelyne de l'école je dois dire aussi
If you can't tell me where McClellan's moving, you're not much use to me, son.
Si vous ne pouvez pas me dire où McClellan va se rendre, vous ne m'êtes d'aucune utilité, fils.

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