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Not much time translate French

990 parallel translation
There's not much time.
Il n'y a plus de temps à perdre.
Beg pardon, but there's not much time to pay for your clearance papers.
Il vous reste peu de temps pour acquitter les droits.
Come, we have not much time left before sunset.
Venez, il nous reste peu de temps avant le coucher du soleil.
We had not much time for speaking, Kurt and I... but I'd hoped I made myself clear to him... when he asked my permission to marry you.
Nous n'avons guère eu le temps de parler, Kurt et moi... mais j'espère qu'il m'a bien comprise... quand il m'a demandé la permission de vous épouser.
I mean, there's not much time before you D-l-E.
II ne reste plus beaucoup de temps avant votre... M-O-R-T.
No, and there's not much time left for that, is there?
Non, et il reste peu de temps pour y arriver, n'est-ce pas?
- That's not much time.
- C'est peu.
We have not much time, and the matter, in my opinion, permits no delay.
Le temps presse.
.. would be Hitler's target, in the onslaught that could come at any moment. They knew they had a job to do and not much time to do it in.
Ils savaient qu'ils avaient une tâche à accomplir et peu de temps pour la réaliser.
There's not much time for harp playing up here.
Tu n'auras pas le temps.
I got a lot to say, and not much time to say it.
J'ai beaucoup à dire en peu de temps.
In the army, they think mostly about keeping your body occupied. They've not much time to worry about your mind.
À l'armée, ils s'efforcent d'occuper notre corps, ils n'ont pas le temps de penser à notre esprit.
I'm sorry, but there's not much time.
Je suis désolé, mais il reste peu de temps.
That's not much time. Or is it?
C'est court, non?
We have two months left of the season in Monte Carlo - not much time, but enough - two months.
Nous resterons encore deux mois ici. Et nous partirons en tournée :
Come on, there's not much time.
Il ne reste pas beaucoup de temps.
- Well, there's not much time.
Nous avons peu de temps...
That's not much time.
D'ici 1 heure. C'est court!
Not much time.
En tout cas peu de temps.
- That's not much time.
- Il n'en a plus pour longtemps.
Not much time for an announcement.
On n'a pas eu le temps de l'annoncer.
A great deal to do and not much time.
Grosse affaire et le temps presse.
I'd better hurry and find him. There's not much time.
Mais il me faut trouver M. Lundie.
"You'd better hurry, Fiona. There's not much time left."
"Nous n'avons plus beaucoup de temps, Fiona."
There's not much time, so I'll read it aloud.
Pour gagner du temps, je vous le lis.
I got the loan from the bank, not from you, Ajumma! I don't have much time now, so before pulling out my dirty temper, process this one. QUICKLY!
Ajumma! Traitez celui-là.
Even all the little details about you are described. I understand how you feel now, but let's proceed with it simply not dragging too much time.
Même les petits détails ont été décrits. sans perdre de temps.
Yes. Well, there's not too much time. May I carry that for you?
One time, yes, it's not too much.
Une fois, oui. Tous les jours, non.
We'll give him a little time. Not too much.
Laissons-lui un peu de temps, mais pas trop.
Thank you so much, but this time "fish-hunt," not manhunt.
Merci, cette fois chasse au poisson, pas chasse à l'homme.
I'm not much for making long speeches, but it looks to me... like you've been singing the same old tune around here all the time.
Je ne suis pas du genre à faire de longs discours, mais on dirait que les choses n'ont pas changé depuis un bail.
How so? Henry, I'm not gonna waste a lot of time telling you how much I admire you, because I don't.
Henri, je ne vais pas gâcher mon temps à vous dire... combien je vous admire, car ce n'est pas le cas.
Leo's friend don't look at the bonds much... not for five or six months at a time.
L'ami de Leo ne regarde pas souvent ses obligations... pas plus d'une fois tous les cinq ou six mois.
Not so much, that's it. - This is not the time for cheap publicity Mr. Connell.
Ce n'est pas le moment!
Not much more time.
Je n'ai plus le temps.
What's so wonderful about that fellow? He just eats and sleeps. Much of the time, he's not even friendly.
La plupart du temps, il mange et il dort.
Not much lately. Haven't had time.
Je n'en ai pas beaucoup le temps.
You had a tough time when you were a kid. Not much friendliness.
Tu as eu une enfance difficile, pas beaucoup d'amis...
It was only a question of time, and not very much time at that.
Et à brève échéance, encore!
There's not much difference. It's his for the time being.
Le château est à lui pour le moment.
Not to waste too much time, the partridges roasted with the truffles.
Ne perdons pas de temp.
Not so much so as you were Last time.
Non, pas autant que la dernière fois.
There's really not much. I work rather hard. As a matter of fact most of my time is taken up by my music.
Il n'y a pas grand chose à dire la musique me prend tout mon temps
I've not very much time, have I?
C'est bien peu.
There's really not very much time left.
il ne reste que peu de temps.
You're not going to have very much time for the sun.
Tu n'auras pas le temps de profiter du soleil.
And I'm not gonna wait until the facts penetrate that thick skull of yours. There just isn't that much time.
Je ne vais pas attendre que l'évidence vous rentre dans le crâne!
I've wasted too much time on this. You're not gonna get us lost.
Il est hors de question de se perdre par ta faute!
- Not much. Well, it's time you did at your age.
Il est temps que tu apprennes!
You got lots to think about, and maybe not so much time for to do it.
Vous avez plein de choses auxquelles réfléchir, et peu de temps.

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