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Translate.vc / English → French / [ O ] / Of course he didn't

Of course he didn't translate French

206 parallel translation
No. The name was a phony, of course, and I had the clerk downtown, he went over half the pictures in the gallery and couldn't pick anybody, or else he didn't want to.
Elle a été louée sous un faux nom, j'ai fait venir le réceptionniste, je lui ai montré des photos, mais il n'a reconnu personne ou n'a pas voulu.
Of course he didn't.
- Bien sûr que non.
Of course he didn't use his own knife.
Il n'a pas utilisé son propre couteau. Il a pris celui de Barelli.
But he had no right to write such things to me. Of course he didn't.
Mais il n'avait pas le droit de m'écrire cela.
He didn't tell me it was a glass eye, of course. It happen to come out during the conversation.
Je l'ai su car son œil est sorti pendant la consultation.
! Of course, he didn't know I was Jane's sister.
- Il ignorait qui j'étais.
Of course, he and Mr. Kane didn't exactly see eye to eye. You take the Spanish American war.
Il différait souvent d'avis avec M. Kane, comme sur la guerre contre l'Espagne.
But then, of course, we didn't count upon a creature... that has learned to stalk the most cunning animal... that can catch scents upon the Wind... that has mastered the trick of moving through a forest as if he were transparent.
Mais bien sûr, on ne comptait pas sur une créature... ayant appris à traquer le plus rusé des animaux... pouvant sentir une piste dans le vent... ayant la maîtrise de traverser une forêt comme s'il était transparent.
And he never got back. They didn't want him back, of course.
Ils ne voulaient plus de lui, ils le haïssaient
Of course, he didn't tell me what you two talked about.
Il ne m'a pas dit de quoi vous aviez parlé.
Of course you didn't. He left his office with you. Wasn't seen again alive.
On l'a vu sortir avec vous et on l'a retrouvé mort!
Of course, we didn't know who he was then but we recognized him later in the village and...
On ne le connaissait pas. On l'a repéré plus tard.
But if you didn't dress, he couldn't and if he couldn't, then of course, I wouldn't.
Si vous ne vous habillez pas... il ne peut pas s'habiller et moi non plus.
Except, of course, he didn't have a scar on his cheek, naturally.
À l'exception de la cicatrice, bien sûr.
Of course he didn't want to kill you.
Il ne voulait pas te tuer.
Of course he didn't..
Bien sûr que non.
- Of course I didn't. Why should he help me?
- Mais non...
That included me, of course... although he didn't mean it that way.
Bien sûr, cela m'incluait.
Of course he didn't.
- Bien sûr que non!
Of course he didn't come by or I'd have seen him.
Bien sûr qu'il n'est pas venu, je l'aurais vu.
The quotation, of course, he didn't find entirely for himself.
Il n'a certe pas trouvé la citation tout seul.
Of course, he was only 12 and didn't have any moustache then, but, apart from that, I see no reason why it shouldn't be Harry.
Il n'avait que 12 ans à l'époque et pas de moustache. Mais il n'y a aucune raison que ce ne soit pas lui.
Of course, I didn't believe him at first, but he meant it, all right. But he's been wonderful ever since.
Je ne voulais pas le croire, mais depuis, il a été parfait.
But, of course, he didn't.
Seulement... il ne l'a pas fait.
- No, I didn't. It's George, of course. He just phoned that he's bringing out a weekend guest.
George a appelé pour dire que nous aurions un invité.
I've witnessed the whole hullaballoo. He didn't chicken out So of course he got a thorough trashing.
- Il s'est pas dégonflé, le Nantais, alors forcément, il a dérouillé.
He knew, of course, that this rather unique system of betting... Would more than likely result in a loss, but he didn't care.
Il savait bien sûr, que ce système de pari plutôt unique... résulterait vraisemblablement en une perte, mais il s'en fichait.
Of course he didn't.
C'est faux.
Well, of course, I didn't know him until after he married her.
Moi, je ne l'ai connu qu'après son mariage.
of course he didn't.
Bien sûr que non.
Of course, at first, they didn't get on too good, her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like he don't care this way or that.
Bien sûr, au début, ils ne s'entendaient pas bien. Elle pensait qu'il l'avait échangée pour s'enrichir. Lui, il faisait semblant de ne pas s'intéresser à elle.
Yes, but of course he didn't choose to attempt it in a 91-foot chamber pot.
Oui, mais il n'a pas tenté de le faire dans un misérable rafiot.
Of course he didn't come...
Élisabeth a sûrement raison. Il n'est pas venu.
No, of course he didn't.
Bien sûr que non.
Of course he knew, but it didn't matter to him.
Bien sûr qu'il le savait, mais il s'en foutait.
Not in so many words, of course he didn't.
Pas ouvertement.
Of course, we didn't get a chance to prove our charges the last time we caught him because he burned down the jail and escaped.
La dernière fois qu'on l'a attrapé, on n'a rien pu prouver, car il a incendié la prison et il s'est échappé.
Of course he didn't.
Bien sûr que non.
Of course he didn't have to ask me twice!
Nom de nom!
Well, of course he didn't really paint it, general.
Il ne l'a pas vraiment peint.
- Of course he didn't.
- Non.
Of course he didn't. You don't know that man like I do, Elizabeth.
Tu ne le connais pas aussi bien que moi, Elizabeth.
He didn't see me do it, of course, but Mr. Lang went to the bank and got that check himself this afternoon and then he came back and locked it in a desk drawer.
- Un chèque. - Il ne m'a pas vue, mais M. Lang est allé le chercher à la banque en personne et l'a mis sous clé dans son bureau.
He didn't know it, of course, but his last supper had been the night before.
Il ne le savait pas, bien sûr, mais il avait pris son ultime dîner la nuit d'avant.
And of course, since he didn't eat it on the way, we got to the room, I took off my clothes and asked him, out of curiosity, what was the ice cream for, since he wouldn't eat it,
Comme il ne l'avait pas mangée pendant le trajet, quand je me déshabillais dans la chambre, je lui ai demandé, par curiosité, pourquoi il n'avait pas mangé la glace.
Of course, he didn't succeed.
Bien sûr, il n'a pas réussi.
Yes. Of course he didn't have the dummy with him then.
- Il avait pas la marionnette.
He showed us a room in the garage where he said he stayed, and I didn't really believe him, of course, but why the act?
Il nous a montré une chambre au garage, où il vivait, paraît-il. Je ne l'ai pas cru, bien sûr, mais pourquoi cette comédie?
In the North, of course! He told me and I didn't understand.
Il me l'a dit, mais je n'ai rien compris.
He didn't tell me straightaway, of course.
Bien sûr, il ne me l'a pas dit de suite. Que non!
Of course, he was screwing her, but he didn't kill her.
- Mais il ne l'a pas tuée.

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