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Translate.vc / English → French / [ O ] / Of course you didn't

Of course you didn't translate French

546 parallel translation
You didn't want it to happen, of course.
Vous ne savez pas ce qui s'est passé?
Of course, you didn't know.
Bien sûr que vous l'ignoriez.
- Of course you didn't.
- Bien sûr que vous ne l'avez pas fait.
Of course you didn't know my orders.
Vous ne connaissiez pas mes ordres.
Of course, I didn't get an education like you!
Tu la connais mal.
Of course you didn't.
Of course I realize you didn't want anyone to see you off, but I just had to come and say good-bye.
Je sais que vous ne vouliez voir personne. Mais je devais venir dire au revoir.
Of course they didn't, you walking phonograph.
Bien sûr que non, espèce de phonographe sur pattes.
I didn't know, of course. I thought you were being yourself.
Je vous ai trouvé grossier.
Oh. Well, I didn't know you felt that way. Of course, Denise.
Vous le prenez comme ça?
I mean, when you told Ken you did, which you didn't, of course - Well, why did you?
Tu as dit à Ken que c'était toi... pourquoi faire ça?
Of course, you didn't have to make it ridiculous.
C'était inutile d'en rajouter.
Of course not. I asked you to talk, didn't I?
Je vous ai demandé de parler.
- You said 4 : 00, didn't you, dear? - Oh, yes, of course.
C'est bien a 4 heures, que tu avais dit?
You said you didn't belong in this setup, so I'm getting you out of it fast.
Tu l'as dit, tu n'es plus dans la course. Tu vas en sortir.
- Of course you didn't.
- Bien sûr que non.
Well, of course you didn't.
Bien sûr que non.
I'm willing to admit that I didn't pay much attention to you with the exception, of course... that I wanted you to have a fine education and plenty of money and so forth.
Je suis prêt à admettre que je t'ai peu porté attention sauf... de t'offrir une bonne éducation et beaucoup d'argent et le reste.
She never told me I wasn't to have you up. Of course, she didn't.
Tu dois me croire, elle ne m'a jamais dit ça.
Of course not. You know as well as I do we've never even touched a cent that didn't belong to the government.
Nous n'avons jamais volé un centime qui ne soit pas au gouvernement!
Of course, he and Mr. Kane didn't exactly see eye to eye. You take the Spanish American war.
Il différait souvent d'avis avec M. Kane, comme sur la guerre contre l'Espagne.
Did you ever box? No, of course you didn't.
Avez-vous déjà fait de la boxe?
Of course, the women didn't know it. Don't you tell them.
Ne le dites pas aux femmes!
- What do you mean, "Of course I didn't"?
- Comment ça, bien sûr que non?
- You knew Frank had a wife, didn't you? - Of course.
- Vous saviez que Frank était marié?
- No, no, of course you didn't.
- On ne voulait pas perdre l'avion.
Are you all right? - Of course. They didn't get you.
Pétunia, tout va bien?
- Of course, it would be my pleasure, but I can't take you because I didn't bring the car.
- Ce serait avec grand plaisir, mais je ne peux pas vous emmener car je n'ai pas pris la voiture.
Of course, he didn't tell me what you two talked about.
Il ne m'a pas dit de quoi vous aviez parlé.
Of course you didn't. He left his office with you. Wasn't seen again alive.
On l'a vu sortir avec vous et on l'a retrouvé mort!
Of course. You didn't mean it.
Oui, tu ne voulais pas.
Of course you haven't. Of course, you didn't think I suspected anything, when you were so eager to go away without me.
Tu ne pensais pas que je m'en apercevrais.
But if you didn't dress, he couldn't and if he couldn't, then of course, I wouldn't.
Si vous ne vous habillez pas... il ne peut pas s'habiller et moi non plus.
I didn't send for you because of the money. There was that, of course, but lawyers could've handled it.
La question d'argent n'était qu'un prétexte.
Of course you didn't.
Bien sûr que non.
Of course you didn't, darling.
Bien sûr, ma chérie.
Of course he didn't want to kill you.
Il ne voulait pas te tuer.
Of course, if you didn't mean what you said about us. If you lied.
Bien entendu, si tu ne pensais pas à ce que tu disais sur nous, si tu mentais...
Well, of course I wanna go any place you go but I didn't figure you felt like that. Do you?
Bien sûr, j'aimerais aller partout où vous êtes, mais j'ignorais que vous ressentiez ça.
No, of course you didn't.
Non, bien sûr!
Of course not, silly. I just didn't know you were planning quite so soon.
Non, mais j'ignorais que vous partiez si vite.
Of course you didn't hear it.
Bien sûr que vous ne l'avez pas entendu.
- No, of course you didn't.
- Bien sûr.
Well, Jane, I'm just as anxious as you are for this to work out, but, of course, I didn't expect anyone quite so young.
Jane, je veux que cela fonctionne autant que vous, mais je n'attendais pas de candidate aussi jeune.
I recall seeing Miss Julie as a child. Of course, you didn't notice me.
Je vous apercevais souvent enfant, bien que Mlle ne m'ait jamais remarqué.
Didn't you give it to her? Of course I did.
Ne lui l'as tu pas donnée?
- Of course. Didn't you know that Mother's a grandmother?
Vous ne saviez pas que Maman était grand-mère?
As of now, of course, I didn't want to say anything, since you advised me not to talk except in your presence.
Sur le moment, je n'ai rien voulu dire car je ne devais parler qu'en votre présence.
Of course, you didn't know.
Bien sûr que tu ignorais tout.
Of course you don't. Your first duty is to the boars. They would never forgive you if you didn't hunt them and kill them.
Mais non, les sangliers vous obligent... à aller les tuer!
Of course, I didn't know it was you.
Mais j'ignorais que c'était vous.

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