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Scotland yard translate French

842 parallel translation
Do you expect the entire machinary of Scotland Yard to be held up to please you?
Tu crois que tout Scotland Yard va s'arrêter pour toi?
You and your Scotland Yard
Toi et ton Scotland Yard!
Still it's about Scotland Yard!
C'est à propos de Scotland Yard.
I, uh, I want to get on to Scotland Yard.
Je dois appeler Scotland Yard.
- Also rather unfortunate, that Scotland Yard, are at present looking for that man.
Et quelle malchance que Scotland Yard... recherche justement cet homme.
No, I'm Captain Spalding of Scotland Yard.
Non, capitaine Spaulding de Scotland Yard.
the first thing they teach you at Scotland Yard is never to arrest an innocent man. But he's not innocent.
La première leçon de Scotland Yard, c'est qu'on n'arrête pas un innocent.
With New Scotland Yard to telephone Victoria 7000 or with any police station.
Appelez Scotland Yard... au numéro suivant : Victoria 7000.
All Scotland Yard was out and about.
Tout Scotland Yard était sur le qui-vive.
Does Scotland Yard have anything on me in their files?
Y a-t-il un dossier sur moi à Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard has nothing on me.
Scotland Yard n'a rien sur moi.
Scotland Yard laid a trap for him once on a bank job he pulled in London.
Il a dévalisé une banque à Londres. Scotland Yard l'a pris au piège.
Notify Scotland Yard to have a plainclothesman posted... on every corner of the district.
Prévenez Scotland Yard, qu'on poste des hommes un peu partout.
You'll convince Scotland Yard of your innocence as easily as you did me.
Vous devrez convaincre Scotland Yard de votre innocence aussi facilement que vous venez de le faire.
I've been to Scotland Yard.
Ecoutez, il est au balcon. J'ai été à Scotland Yard.
Could you find a busier man in all London than the Chief of Scotland Yard?
Y a-t-il homme plus occupé à Londres que le chef de Scotland Yard?
This is Scotland Yard, my boy, not Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Vous êtes à Scotland Yard, pas dans les contes des frères Grim.
Usual thing, "What's the matter with Scotland Yard?"
- Comme d'habitude. - Ils nous prennent pour quoi... les yeux qui voient tout? - "Que fait Scotland Yard?"
I called on you seven years ago to enlist the resources of Scotland Yard for an unfortunate mortal afflicted with lycanthrophobia.
Je vous ai rendu visite il y a sept ans... pour faire appel aux ressources de Scotland Yard... pour un malheureux mortel atteint de lycanthrophobie.
This is a case for Scotland Yard.
C'est une affaire pour Scotland Yard.
And, as head of Scotland Yard, I must warn you that there are only two courses which can be taken.
En tant que chef de Scotland Yard, je dois vous prévenir... qu'il n'y a que deux possibilités- -
I wish that bloke'd hurry up and get here from Scotland Yard so we could go home.
J'aimerais que le gars de Scotland Yard arrive pour qu'on puisse rentrer.
You can't meet a sergeant from Scotland Yard.
Tu ne peux pas aller chercher un sergent de chez Scotland Yard.
It's against orders from Scotland Yard.
C'est interdit par Scotland Yard.
Albert, this is Sergeant Wilkes of His Majesty's Scotland Yard.
Albert, c'est le sergent Wilkes de chez Scotland Yard.
You have an appointment with Scotland Yard.
Vous avez rendez-vous chez Scotland Yard.
Scotland Yard.
- Scotland Yard.
You're coming with me to Scotland Yard.
Vous allez m'accompagner à Scotland Yard.
Mr. Lorel, this is Mr. Cragg of Scotland Yard.
M. Lorel, voici M. Cragg de Scotland Yard.
This is the Sergeant Spencer of Scotland Yard.
C'est le sergent Spencer de Scotland Yard.
It is an agent of Scotland Yard.
Parce que c'est un agent de Scotland Yard.
- was the Scotland Yard?
- Est-il allé à Scotland Yard?
No, it was the fault of his friend of Scotland Yard. you blame him!
Non, tout ça est de la de ton ami de Scotland Yard. Sa faute à lui!
Tell it to the Yard.
Informez Scotland Yard.
"He arrested along with the Verloc." Chief inspector of the Yard.
La réponse : "Arrêtez l'homme ainsi que Mr Verloc dès qu'il sera au cinéma." Inspecteur de Scotland Yard
Scotland Yard may have their own methods, sir.
Scotland Yard a ses propres méthodes.
Like Scotland yard.
Comme Scotland Yard.
Well, if Mr. Holmes won't help me I'll go to Scotland Yard.
Si M. Holmes refuse de m'aider, j'irai à Scotland Yard.
So, now I'm gonna arrest this fellow Hunter, take him down to the yard. I can really question him there and I thought perhaps you'd like to come along, sir.
Je vais arrêter ce Hunter et l'emmener à Scotland Yard pour l'interroger correctement.
- Then I'll take him to The Yard.
- Je l'emmène à Scotland Yard.
Find out from Scotland Yard who the cabbie is and if you can fetch him along to the hotel.
Faites identifier le cocher et amenez-le à l'hôtel.
Neither can the special agents imported for the purpose from Scotland Yard and the Surete Francaise.
On a fait venir des agents spéciaux de Scotland Yard... et la Sûreté française pour l'occasion.
This gentleman Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard.
Ce monsieur est l'inspecteur Duff de Scotland Yard.
- Scotland Yard?
- Scotland Yard?
Did Scotland Yard arrive in time.
Scotland Yard est arrivé à temps.
- From Scotland Yard?
- De Scotland Yard?
Let me introduce myself. I'm Captain Scotland of Spalding Yard.
Capitaine Scotland de Spaulding Yard.
That's me, Captain Yard of Scotland Spalding.
C'est moi, capitaine Yard de Scotland Spaulding.
Hello, hello, hello! Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard!
Scotland Yard couldn't make anything of it.
Scotland Yard n'a rien trouvé, mais je l'ai vu...
What do we do? Call Scotland Yard?
Que faire à présent, appeler Scotland Yard?

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