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Translate.vc / English → French / [ S ] / Seriously though

Seriously though translate French

352 parallel translation
I don't take that sort of thing seriously though.
Je ne prends pas ce genre de chose au sérieux, ceci dit.
Seriously though, I won't force this on any man.
Je ne forcerai la main de personne.
Seriously though, my name is Bart Simpson.
Non, sérieusement, je m'appelle Bart Simpson.
Why did you come here? Seriously though.
Sérieusement, vous êtes venu pourquoi?
Seriously though, I'm you? I'd hire a food taster.
Sérieusement, si j'étais toi, j'engagerais un goûteur.
But seriously though, I need a sterile hospital, magical baby or not.
Blague à part, je veux un hôpital stérilisé, bébé magique ou non.
Seriously though...
S Ž rieusement...
Seriously though, if vampires existed, don't you think we would've found them by now?
S'ils existaient, nous les aurions déjà trouvés, non?
Seriously though, Fegelein. I'm taking control now.
J'ai les rênes en main.
Seriously though, you have not seen girls like these before. All right?
Vous n'avez jamais vu de filles comme ça, auparavant.
Seriously though, touch one and you're dead.
Si vous en touchez un vous êtes mort.
Though I'm leaving, I want you all to take it seriously with affection.
je voulais vous demandez de le jouer avec affection.
Seriously, though, Henry, it's such a brutal thing.
Ce meurtre est si choquant.
Seriously, though, who do you think I met there?
Vous savez qui j'ai rencontré?
Seriously, though, if a man's a ninny... let him put on a dress and hide under the bed.
Sérieusement, les empotés... devraient porter des jupes et se cacher sous les lits.
Personally find it quite refreshing, though you can't take it seriously.
Il est rafraîchissant, mais un peu jeune.
We've made every possible test of blood damage, tissue damage, and every boy was affected to some degree - though not seriously.
On a fait tous les tests imaginables, sur le sang, les tissus, et tous les garçons sont plus ou moins affectés, sans gravité.
But seriously, though, his men are all so interesting.
Sérieusement, ses hommes sont si intéressants.
But seriously, though, no offence meant. I know one shouldn't make fun of deeply held beliefs, so I think a great big hand for the Great Prophet Zarquon wherever he's got to!
Non mais sérieusement, sauf votre respect les gars, personne ne devrait se moquer de convictions si profondes, aussi je crois que nous pouvons chaleureusement applaudir le Grand Prophète Zarquon!
Even if the ganja-smoking Marley, ripped out of his head most of the day, seems hard to take seriously, even though the temptation is to laugh at a stoned Jamaican musician who worships a dead Ethiopian dictator,
Même si Marley, le fumeur d'herbe, défoncé le plus clair du temps, semble peu crédible, même si on est tenté de rire d'un musicien jamaicain défoncé qui vénère un dictateur éthiopien décédé,
There were ladies and courtiers, and though I cannot seriously approve of such idle contests, I won,
Étaient présents des dames et des courtisans, et même si je désapprouve de telles futilités, j'ai gagné,
Seriously, though... why do you do it?
Sérieusement, pourquoi le faites-vous?
Though one can hardly believe it, at that time Andrei Tarkovsky was already seriously ill.
C'est difficile à croire, mais à ce moment-là, Andreï Tarkovski était déjà très malade.
Seriously, though, this was mighty puzzling behavior from some of our finest athletes.
Etrange, ce comportement de certains de nos meilleurs athlètes.
Though seriously I'd have to say I'd be more keen on the third applicant.
Plus sérieusement... je pencherai pour la troisième.
No foolin', man? But seriously, what'd they look like, for real though?
Mais sérieusement, ils sont comment?
Seriously, though, don't ever go up there.
Je suis sérieux, n'y montez jamais.
And even though he had a major in architecture he seriously minored in beautiful coeds.
Bien qu'étudiant l'architecture... les belles étudiantes étaient son sujet préféré.
No, seriously, though, why do you wanna know about Eddie?
Non, sérieusement, pourquoi vous me parlez d'Eddie?
I wasn't going crazy or anything... with a different guy every night... but I knew them both... and I wasn't emotionally involved... with either one of them seriously... though I liked them both a lot.
Je ne me tapais pas un type chaque soir. Mais j'en fréquentais deux... sans être amoureuse de l'un ou de l'autre. Je les aimais beaucoup.
Seriously, good game, though. Good game.
Vous avez bien joué.
They should bring back another season of Chicago Hope, though, seriously.
Cool. Et ça peut aussi marcher pour "La vie à tout prix".
Seriously, though, can you in fact... name any of the emperors?
Sérieusement. Pouvez-vous m'en citer quelques-uns?
Hey, Boom, seriously, though, man... I would let you use mine... but Earl mama using it right now.
Hé, Boom, sans rigoler, vieux... je te prêterais bien la mienne... mais c'est la maman d'Earl qui s'en sert, en ce moment.
Well, I got to do the Lion, though, seriously.
Je veux faire le lion, sérieux.
Seriously, though, can you believe that shit?
Non, mais sérieusement, vous pouvez croire cette merde?
Seriously, though... I had to make sure he'd watched the whole film... before I showed up.
Blague à part, je devais m'assurer qu'il aie tout vu avant d'arriver.
No, seriously, though, the pants without the pockets make you look better.
Sérieusement, les pantalons sans poche ça fait un plus beau cul.
But seriously, though, I'm not nervous.
Mais sérieusement, je ne suis pas nerveux. J'ai juste pensé qu'il serait peut-être temps d'encaisser.
Seriously, though, it's great!
- Seriously, though, Jones, speaking purely unselfishly, I worry about you.
Blague à part, Jones, étant de nature altruiste, je m'inquiète pour toi.
Okay, I'm telling you though, something is seriously- -
OK. Laisse-moi te dire une chose, c'est vraiment sérieux...
Seriously, though, you guys both sound - like you're doing great.
Sans blague, ça m'a l'air de marcher pour vous deux.
Seriously, though, I think this is gonna be great for our people.
Non, sérieusement, ça va être formidable pour notre communauté.
Seriously, though. I am here to act as a buffer between you and your fans, okay, that is part of my job.
Je suis là pour servir de tampon entre vous et vos fans, ça fait partie de mon travail.
Seriously, though, it's because of him... that I have a chance to leave behind a life that was... spinning out of control.
Blague à part, c'est grâce à lui que j'ai la chance de laisser derrière moi une vie qui m'échappait.
You're such a lifesaver! Seriously, though?
Vous allez tout payer?
No, seriously, though.
Sans rire.
Seriously, though, when you spoke to him, what'd he say?
Sérieusement, comment a-t-il réagi?
Seriously, though, I mean, don't you think it's time you get outta the house?
Sérieusement, il est temps que tu quittes la maison.
- Seriously, though, I have a great...
- Sérieusement, j'ai...

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