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She killed him translate French

631 parallel translation
- She killed him.
- Elle l'a tué!
I don't believe she killed him.
Je ne crois pas qu'elle l'a tué.
It seems there was a man married to his wife, and she killed him.
Il semble qu'un homme marié a été tué par sa femme.
She killed him all alone.
Elle l'a tué, toute seule!
She killed him just as she tried to kill me.
Elle l'a tué comme elle a tenté de me tuer.
You don't think she killed him?
Vous ne pensez pas qu'elle l'a tué?
She killed him.
C'est elle qui l'a tué.
She killed him?
Elle l'a tué?
Then Scott found out about it and he told me tonight, he told me she was not right... she was sick inside... sick with jealousy... and that is why she killed him.
Et puis Scott a tout découvert avec ses tests, et, ce soir, il m'a tout dit, il m'a dit qu'elle n'était pas bien... malade en dedans... malade de jalousie... et c'est pourquoi elle l'a tué.
So you think she killed him?
Vous pensez qu'elle l'a tué?
Yes... She killed him... with his own dagger.
Oui, elle l'avait tué avec son poignard à lui.
Still, others claimed that she killed him because she couldn't bare the thought of any other woman putting her arms around him.
D'autres prétendent qu'elle refusait que d'autres femmes l'embrassent encore.
She killed him and for 300 years she wish she hadn't.
Elle l'a tué et depuis 300 ans, elle le regrette.
She killed him, the bitch!
Elle l'a tué.
She killed him, with my electric iron!
Elle l'a tué, avec mon fer électrique!
You see, she was just about to give it to him when she killed him instead.
Puisqu'elle a préféré tuer Swan...
She killed him... but she's my little girl... and I love her.
Elle l'a tué! Mais c'est ma petite fille.
- She killed him.
- Elle l'a tué.
- Nothing, except she killed him. And how...
- Rien, à part qu'elle l'a tué, et comment.
Has she killed him?
L'a-t-elle tué?
- How she killed him. How she murdered him at Cabeza de Lobo. Ask her.
- Comment elle l'a tué... comment elle l'a assassiné à Cabeza de Lobo.
That she killed him, she killed him with the hand of Aegisthus.
elle l'a tué, elle l'a tué avec Ia main d'Egisthe.
- How did she killed him?
Comment cela?
And if you think that is why she killed him, you're...
Et si vous croyez que c'est pour ça qu'elle l'a tué...
You say she killed him?
Elle l'a tué?
He couldn't go through with the wedding. He was gonna have the law down on her, so she killed him.
Le mariage ne pouvait pas se faire, alors, elle l'a tué.
He would never have been killed if she hadn't entrusted the falcon to him in Hong Kong.
Il n'aurait jamais été tué si elle ne lui avait pas confié le faucon à Hong-Kong.
He was seen by the German officer, he killed him, she helped him get back to the army.
Il a été découvert par l'officier allemand. Il l'a tué. Ma fille l'a fait passer dans les lignes françaises.
She killed her husband same as if she shot him.
C'est comme si elle avait tué son mari!
Miss Scarlett called him a murderer for teaching that child to jump. She said, "You give me my baby what you killed."
Scarlett le traitait d'assassin... pour avoir laissé la petite sauter.
Do you suppose she could have killed him?
Tu crois qu'elle l'a tué?
She had killed him.
Elle l'avait tue.
She killed Irving August. Stabbed him out of fright when he discovered where she was hiding.
Elle a poignardé Irving August, par peur, lorsqu'il découvrit sa cachette.
And when she refused to tell him where her father had gone he killed her.
Quand elle a refusé de lui dire où était son père, il l'a tuée.
She kept saying we killed him, Norman and I.
Elle n'arrêtait pas de dire qu'on l'a tué, Norman et moi.
... she thought you'd killed him.
Elle pensait que tu l'avais tué.
I want the affidavit that Meta put in Eels'safe when she took the files out. A lie that somebody put on paper that I killed a guy named Jack Fisher. Because, you see, I only buried him.
Je veux la déposition m'accusant d'avoir tué Fisher.
She must have killed him.
Elle a du le tuer.
It all adds up to a confession, except she said you killed him.
Elle a fait des aveux mais elle t'accuse du crime.
Read it. Read the scene just before she has him killed.
Lisez la scène avant son exécution.
He killed this Creole gal'cause she was... double-dealing him for some other young bucko.
Il a tué cette Créole parce qu'elle le trompait avec un jeune.
She betrayed my father a hundred times... and when she finally left him for a young, rich Frenchman... - my father killed himself.
Cent fois, elle a trahi mon père... et quand elle l'a finalement quitté pour un jeune Français, il s'est tué.
If she had killed you, I would not have forgiven him.
Si elle t'avait tué, je ne lui aurais pas pardonné.
She would tell me nothing except that she'd killed him.
Elle ne veut rien me dire à part qu'elle l'a tué.
Well, if he did, why does she say she killed him?
Si c'est le cas, pourquoi dit-elle qu'elle l'a tué?
She had killed him.
Elle l'avait tué.
She must have killed him while you were taking the money.
Elle a dû le tuer pendant que tu prenais l'argent.
She was no good, but couldn't tell him that. I tried, and he damned near killed me.
J'ai voulu le mettre en garde, il a failli me tuer.
So she said to her husband that she has killed her children... to frighten him, to get him back.
alors, elle dit a son mari qu'elle a tué ses enfants pour Iui faire peur, pour qu'iI revienne.
That's why she killed him, so I'd never be happy
- C'est pour ça qu'elle l'a tué!
The doctor told the girl that it was she who killed him!
Le docteur a dit à la fille que c'était elle qui l'avait tué!

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