Speaking of that translate French
1,002 parallel translation
Speaking of that, perhaps now you'll tell us... a little bit about who you are.
Puisqu'on en parle pourriez-vous nous dire qui vous êtes?
Speaking of that, I was reading a most interesting book, Slavery In Old Africa.
À propos, j'ai lu un livre passionnant. Esclaves en Afrique.
Susan, I'm awfully sorry if I annoyed you in speaking of that bracelet as I did.
Je suis absolument navrée si je vous ai offensée au sujet de ce bracelet.
Speaking of that Zorro, Excellency, could you provide me with an escort home?
À propos de Zorro, pourriez-vous me faire escorter jusque chez moi?
Speaking of that, did you get a visit three days ago from a guy named Matsunaga?
Au fait... Un certain Matsunaga serait-il passé chez toi?
- Speaking of that...
C'est vrai!
- I wasn't speaking of that. - Oh?
- Je ne parlais pas de ça.
Well, that accounts for his strange manner of speaking.
Cela explique ses curieuses manières.
And speaking of come-on, about that oil deal.
Mais parlons plutôt de cette affaire de pétrole.
I little thought I should be speaking tonight in support of that brilliant young statesman, that rising, er, er, the gentleman on my right.
J'ai une petite pensée dont je voulais parler ce soir à l'appui de ce jeune et brillant homme d'Etat, heu, heu, le monsieur sur ma droite.
And speaking of words, I'd like to say a few about the injustice... of keeping an innocent man locked up for three months... in such filth and heat and ill-feeding that my chief regret is I didn't try... to pull down the filthy fellow that sits on the throne.
Et je dénonce l'injustice qu'il y a à garder 3 mois un innocent dans un cachot si pestilentiel. Et je regrette de n'avoir renversé pareil monarque!
What's the matter with that boy? Was I speaking out of turn?
J'ai dit quelque chose de mal?
Speaking of meetings, remember that night in that poo-tang joint in Saigon when we met up with a certain party?
En parlant de rencontre, tu te souviens de ce tripot à Saigon - où on a retrouvé qui-tu-sais?
Oh, that reminds me, Mrs. Prentiss, speaking of money.
Ceci me rappelle, à propos d'argent.
Speaking of poison, I'll see that you get some fresh breakfast immediately.
Je vous fais monter un autre petit déjeuner.
Speaking of smoke, that reminds me, those pipes I ordered from London have come.
En parlant de fumer, cela me rappelle que les pipes que j'avais commandées à Londres sont arrivées.
Speaking of your husband, if you keep defending him like that the idea might get around that you love him.
Si vous continuez à défendre votre mari, on croira que vous l'aimez.
Speaking of games, that darn fool son of yours has a brilliant stroke.
En parlant de golf, votre idiot de fils a une frappe magnifique.
When I got out, I was dizzy and he took my arm, and apologized, of course, for speaking to me like that.
En descendant, j'ai eu un vertige. Il a pris mon bras, et s'est excusé, évidemment, de m'aborder de la sorte.
Speaking of Satan, I also bid ye beware of the frivolity and foolishness of women that bedeck themselves with ribbons, curls and lace bonnets.
Puisqu'on parle de Satan, je vous implore aussi de vous méfier de la frivolité et de la bêtise des femmes qui se parent de rubans, de frisettes et de dentelle.
The Elders have been speaking of you and me as a proper couple, and my mother is of a mind that we should be married soon.
Les anciens nous considèrent comme un couple et ma mère souhaite qu'on se marie bientôt.
This is Buzz Fielding speaking, and I'm not going to say anything about the race... except that we're gaining with every turn of the turbines.
Ici Buzz Fielding. Je ne dirai rien à propos de la course... sauf que nous gagnons du terrain à chaque tour de turbines.
I'm speaking as the head of the family de la Loiselle de la Vertinier de la Courtoisie, including the branch of the Faussignac de Gascony, and I suggest that you take your hat and leave.
Je suis l'ainée de la famille de la Loiselle de la Vertinier de la Courtoisie, incluant la lignée de Faussignac de Gascogne, et je vous suggère de prendre vos affaires et de partir.
If you're speaking about that diabetic idiot in Budapest, I'm his eighth cousin once removed, which makes me more of a Baron than you are a Baroness.
Si vous parlez de cet idiot diabétique à Budapest, je suis son huitième cousin, je suis donc plus baron que vous êtes baronne.
Speaking of horses, that reminds me. My own poor, bedraggled beast has been waiting more than an hour.
En parlant de chevaux, ma pauvre bête attend depuis une heure.
Say, speaking of land, that guy Billings gave me a deed or something.
En parlant de terrain, ce Billings m'a donné un titre, je pense.
Well, speaking of beauty, it might interest you to know that my taste in it was formed by the expert opinion of my distinguished patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
En parlant de beauté, je dois dire que mon goût a été formé par l'opinion de ma distinguée patronne, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
That is, one at a time! Speaking of wives, uh, what is your first name, Miss Smith?
A propos, quel est votre prénom?
My dear friends... speaking as a jurist, may I say that even in our penal code... we have wisely provided a system of parole... and I have excellent reason to believe that the party whose name I, naturally, will not mention in this house has amply paid for her mistake.
Chers amis... en ma qualité de juriste, je vous fais remarquer que même le code parle de prescription. Et que la personne en question, dont je tairai le nom, a largement payé ses erreurs.
Remember, furthermore, that you're speaking of the woman I hope to marry.
N'oubliez pas qu'il s'agit de la femme que je souhaite épouser.
Speaking purely as an inspector of the Sà " retà ©, I'm afraid that even the obvious often needs confirmation.
En tant qu'inspecteur de la sûreté, je crois que même l'évidence doit être confirmée.
It's Cupid that I'm speaking of
C'est de Cupidon Dont il est question
Speaking of sweethearts, get a load of that military objective approaching us.
En parlant de jolis cœurs, cible en approche.
Well, speaking of shirts, isn't that one of mine?
En parlant de chemise, n'est-ce pas une des miennes?
Well, it seems that I shall have the pleasure of speaking to Mr. Gray myself.
Il semblerait que j'aurai le plaisir de lui dire de vive voix.
No, sir. The rules say that And in a manner of speaking, you never did stop me at all, because my heart kept right on singing.
Et tu ne m'as pas interrompu car mon coeur continuait à chanter.
So that regardless of who won the war, Germany would emerge the strongest nation in Western Europe, biologically speaking.
Victorieuse ou non, l'Allemagne serait la nation biologiquement la plus forte d'Europe.
You know, speaking of talent, you've got lots of it in that music room.
En parlant de talent, vous en avez beaucoup là-dedans.
Speaking of records, would you like to hear a playback... of the recital you made to me that night?
Voulez-vous écouter l'enregistrement de votre confession?
That face, those hands, your voice and manner of speaking.
Ce visage, ces mains, votre voix et votre manière de parler.
Speaking of change of pace, it probably isn't any of my business, but would you mind telling me what that noise is?
Je passe du coq à l'âne et je suis peut-être indiscrète, mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bruit?
Roughly speaking, he was a dog of some sort that strayed in a couple of nights ago.
Une espèce de bâtard que j'ai ramassé.
Speaking of things that grow, cast your eye on this one.
Regarde-moi celui-ci.
I have heard where many of the best respect in Rome, except immortal Caesar, speaking of Brutus and groaning underneath this age's yoke, have wished that noble Brutus had his eyes.
J'ai entendu des Romains respectés, pas l'immortel César, parler de Brutus et gémissant sous le joug de l'époque, souhaitant à Brutus des yeux pour voir.
Speaking of experiments, the talk is that you'll never train the Seminoles.
Rarlant d " expériences... on dit que vous ne formerez jamais les Séminoles au combat.
I don't want to be personal, of course... but psychologically speaking, I wouldn't be so sure that you're in love with her now.
Je ne veux pas être trop personnelle, bien sûr... mais psychologiquement parlant, je ne suis pas si sûre que tu l'aimes encore.
Maybe I'm speaking out of turn, but I think that's your advantage
Voilà la vraie réussite.
Well... speaking of meatheads, that reminds me, dinner will- -
À propos de... lard... si nous passions à table?
Speaking of weddings, that sounds like Luke Radford.
En parlant de mariage, on dirait bien Luke Radford.
Must I remind you that you are speaking of a member of the Reform Club?
Dois-je vous rappeler qu'il est membre du Reform Club?
And speaking of lunch... will you tell whoever that is that I'm out having mine?
Et parlant de déjeuner, pouvez-vous dire à ce visiteur... que je suis sorti prendre le mien.
speaking of which 971
speaking of 385
speaking of money 16
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
speaking of 385
speaking of money 16
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830