Take me there translate French
1,855 parallel translation
Can you take me there?
Vous pouvez m'y conduire?
Won't you take me there with you.
Won't you take me there with you.
Perhaps you can take me there one day.
Tu pourrais m'emmener là-bas, un jour.
Take me there.
- Emmenne moi.
Then take me there!
Emmène-moi là-bas!
You can't take me there, on what basis?
Vous ne pouvez pas m'y emmener, pour quelle raison?
Would you take me there Tomorrow?
Vous pouvez m'y amener demain?
Take me there.
You're gonna take me there to get what he needs.
Conduisez-moi là-bas pour que je le soigne.
Come on, take me there.
Allez, emmenez-moi.
You'll take me there at dawn.
Tu m'emmèneras là-bas au lever du jour.
Well then, I need for Alana to take me there.
Alors, Alana doit m'y emmener.
Take out there sexual harassment manual and hit me in my groin.
Frappe-moi dans l'aine avec le manuel de harcèlement sexuel.
All the other pledges freaked out and left me there to take care of him so I - I threw him in the car and I took him to the hospital as fast as I could.
Les autres candidats ont flippé et m'ont laissé seul pour m'occuper de lui alors... je l'ai mis dans la voiture et je l'ai emmené à l'hôpital.
Would you take me over there and introduce me to some of Tara's friends?
Tu peux m'emmener là-bas et me présenter ses amies?
It'll take me, like, 35 minutes to get there.
Il me faut environ 35 min pour venir.
There's no hot water. - What? I gotta take a shower.
Il faut que je me douche.
Listen, just tell me, did they take my son in there?
Ils ont emmené mon fils là-dedans?
- There's nobody around to take me. - That's'cause I work.
Y a personne pour m'emmener.
After my parents died, Sybille couldn't take me in but she was always there for me.
Après la mort de mes parents, Sybille Weber ne pouvait pas s'occuper de moi... mais, elle a toujours été très présente.
Take this money, there's mistake, I kept my part.
Prends cet argent, il y a erreur, j'ai gardé ce qui me revient.
Whatever life there is in me, take it.
Peu importe la vie qu'il y a en moi, prend la.
Next time, let me know, I could take some people there.
La prochaine fois, dis-moi... je peux emmener des gens là.
I'm no good in interviews, but I've got enough chat to take me round the golf course, and maybe there'll be someone on the board who wants to go around the golf course.
Je suis pourri en entrevue... mais je peux jaser autant que vous voulez en jouant au golf. Peut-être que quelqu'un de la direction voudra jouer une ronde de golf.
Now, look, if you want me to I'll take you out there and show you a few pointers.
Écoute, si tu veux, je peux te donner un ou deux conseils.
All right, but it's gonna take me twenty minutes to get on there.
Mais ça va me prendre 20 minutes.
You can use this money to take her there, but don't whatever you do tell her it came from me.
Avec cet argent, tu peux l'emmener là-bas, et SURTOUT, tu ne lui dis pas que ça vient de ma part.
How about I take the money, kill you... and don't worry about if there's any more?
Je vais prendre le fric et vous tuer sans me demander s'il y en a plus.
Take their car Meet me back there
Prends leur voiture. Et retrouve moi ici.
Would you take me there?
Vous voulez m'y emmener?
EARL : As hard as it was to stand there and take it, I had to keep reminding myself of why I was there, and that karma would take care of Mr. Patrick.
Bien que ce fut difficile à prendre, je devais me rappeler... pourquoi j'étais là et que le karma s'occuperait de M. Patrick.
Believe me, if there's anything going on, which I'm sure it's not I'll take care of it.
Croyez-moi, s'il y a quelque chose, ce qui est sûrement faux, je réglerai ça.
Why's a thief gonna do that? Well, if he thought we were on to him or if there was some way we could let him know that if he put it back, we weren't gonna take anything further, you know. Have you got something you want to say to me, Charlie?
Assieds-toi là, commande ce qui te fait envie, et admire la vue.
You can take me up to customs, I can manage from there
Conduisez-moi à la douane, je me débrouillerai.
There's a way for me to take the hit solo.
Je peux tout prendre sur moi.
As I lay there, watching Nurse Roberts hammerthrow 23 pounds of highend fruit my way, I could take solace in one thing... We're having a baby! Carla and Turk were coming to tell me they were pregnant
En regardant, allongé par terre, l'infirmière Roberts jeter ses 12 kilos de fruits sur ma tête, une chose me réconfortait... On va avoir un bébé! Carla et Turk allaient venir m'annoncer qu'elle attendait un bébé.
There you go. And take a look at that, boys. Oh, you got to be kidding me.
voila. prenez-ça les mecs des chasseurs.
I want you to take me back there.
Je veux que vous me conduisiez là-bas.
It's gonna take me about a day's drive to get there.
Ca va me prendre quelques jours pour y arriver.
Jameson, the only reason you'd give me first crack is because there is not another chump east of the pacific ocean who'll even take your fuckin'phone call.
Jameson? Tu me fais cette proposition parce que tu n'as personne d'autre à l'Est du Pacifique qui prendrait ton appel.
You know, there wouldn't even be me and you if it wasn't for Irv and I couldn't even take time to pick up a phone.
Il n'y aurait pas eu de nous sans Irv et je n'ai même pas pris le temps de l'appeler.
I'm standing there and I'm running and I see the beast just coming towards me so I just step to my left, I turn around, and just as he's coming to me I take my sword, I draw it and I lop off its head.
Bon. Je suis là et je cours, et je vois la bête qui vient vers moi. Donc, je fais un pas à gauche, demi-tour et quand elle arrive, j'attrape mon épée, je dégaine et je lui tranche la tête.
will you take me up there?
Tu veux bien me soulever jusque Ià-haut?
Andavamo shops and if there was something I wanted and I did not have the money I would have preferred not take it but she took and the then taking me out to dinner.
dans les boutiques et si je trouvais un truc que je voulais et que je n'avais pas l'argent je ne l'aurais pas acheté évidemment mais elle me l'acheté et elle m'enmenait diner...
I'll let him help me to the bathroom door, but I take it from there, Ace.
Je vais le laisser m'aider jusqu'à la porte de la salle de bains, mais à partir de là j'assume, Ace.
Tell me what you know, I can take it from there.
Dîtes-moi ce que vous savez, je reprendrai à partir de là.
When they take me out, there's huge rocks with a big hole in the middle by the beach you'll know when you see.
Quand ils m'ont emmené, il y avait des gros rochers avec un gros trou au milieu près de la plage, tu le sauras une fois que tu les verras.
There's no need to take me as well.
Pas la peine de m'emmener!
The bishop, the attorneys, and the police department decided that maybe it was best to move me on to another situation out of the particular county in which these charges will be filed, and then to... they'll let me take care of the business there.
L'évêque, les procureurs et la police ont décidé qu'il serait peut-être mieux de me muter dans une autre ville en dehors du comté dans lequel ces accusations seront déposées, et puis de... Ils me laisseront m'occuper de mes affaires là-bas.
A car will be there to pick me up and take me someplace for a face to face with Armand.
Une voiture passera me prendre et m'emmènera voir Armand.
I can show you how, but you have to take me in there.
Je peux vous montrer comment, mais vous devez m'emmener là dedans.
take me away 98
take me 491
take me back 66
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me 491
take me back 66
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912