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They are fine translate French

224 parallel translation
Sure. They are fine animals.
De bonnes bêtes.
They are fine, indeed.
Oui, ils sont fins.
No at all, they are fine!
Mais non, ils sont au poil!
Nobody ever leaves - they are fine here.
Et personne ne s'en va jamais, ils s'y trouvent bien.
For now they are fine, but they reached 79.000 km.
Pour l'instant, ça fonctionne, mais elles ont 79 000 km.
They are fine.
C'est un garçon
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
I expect 90 percent of the women are sure they'd make mighty fine actresses if they ever got the chance.
Quatre-vingt-dix pour cent des femmes croient qu'elles seraient de bonnes actrices si elles en avaient l'occasion.
[Laughs] Yeah. Yes, but that is all very fine. But what good is it for me to make him go pfft... if to me they are going...
Oui, c'est très bien, tout ça... mais à quoi ça me sert de le faire disparaître...
Everybody is saying you have been a fine son to me You act well and you behave well They say you are a worthy successor and that makes me very happy
Je voudrais bien qu'on fasse ton éloge... pour ton art et pour ta conduite, comme d'un homme qui mérite d'être... l'héritier de notre famille honorable.
Here are those federal gas papers. They look all right. Fine, George.
Le contrat fédéral pour le carburant...
Well, these are fine, they're...
C'est bien, tout ça.
They're fine but documents and photographs are not really what I want.
Très bien... mais les documents et les photos ne m'intéressent pas vraiment.
Some folks there are want to drown fine young men and break poor girls'hearts... so that they can be wedded one day sooner!
Certains noieraient un jeune homme et briseraient un cœur pour coucher un jour plus tôt.
- How are Pauline and the kids? - They're fine.
- Comment vont Pauline et les enfants?
There you are, sir, and if I do say so myself, they look fine.
Elles vous vont bien, monsieur.
Are they fine?
Se portent-ils bien?
They are in Seattle, they're fine.
Ils sont à Seattle, ils vont bien.
The verbs are incorrect, but the tenses are fine, aren't they?
Ça manque de gérondifs. Moi je trouve ça très bien, pas vrai mon oncle?
These fools are so full of pride about who they are, about their fine old family names, so blind with conceit over nothing, they can't see what she is! How wonderful...
Ces imbéciles débordent d'orgueil... parce qu'ils portent des noms vieux et beaux qui les empêchent de voir comme elle est merveilleuse!
Those scenes are fine as they are.
Mais ces scènes sont épatantes!
Don't worry about the boys. They are living with us and getting along fine.
"Ne t'en fais pas pour Ies enfants, ils sont avec nous et vont bien,"
They are very, very fine boots.
Ce sont de très belles bottes.
They are very fine musicians.
Ce sont d'excellents musiciens.
Your horses are very fine, but they're not a team.
Tes chevaux sont beaux mais ne forment pas un attelage.
The boys are fine. They're doing well at school.
" Les enfants vont bien, en classe ils se distinguent.
How are my parents? Are they doing well? They're fine.
Comment vont mes parents?
Well, they are, well, that's just fine.
C'est très bien.
Oh, Carlo, scruples are fine in the right place, but ask yourself, are they being borne this year?
Ce n'est pas à toi qu'ils en veulent. Mais ne pourraient-ils pas t'atteindre à travers moi?
Things are fine as they are.
Vous êtes très bien comme ça.
Because for me, things are just fine as they are.
Pour moi, tout va très bien comme ça. Réfléchis un peu.
tell those beastly hounds to sit still I want to get out of here ok...... they wont hurt you you're a fine young lad what are you called?
Dis à ces chiens de rester tranquilles. Je veux sortir d'ici. C'est bon...
They're both fine. Retina's clear, muscles are perfect.
Tout semble parfait, rétines claires, muscles sains.
That's fine by me. They are two very valuable pieces.
Deux objets rares.
Well, purity and innocence are fine, but how will they sell transmissions?
C'est bien tout ça mais comment ça va faire vendre des transmissions?
Women like you are just like dogs, they know how to count, yet can't tell the difference between one and two, two less and it's over, but if there's only one less, all is fine.
Vous êtes comme des chiennes. Même si vous savez compter, vous ne faites pas la différence entre 1 et 2. Vous êtes désespérées s'il en manque 2.
Things are fine as they are.
Tout est pour le mieux.
- I'm not sure they are of fine quality.
Hum... elles n'ont pas l'air formidable.
They are very fine people.
Les Weyderhaus sont adorables.
- How are they? - Fine. They're in the chopper.
- Comment vont-elles?
Up until the point that we had a riot... everybody said, "Those niggers are all right, they're doing fine."
Jusqu'à ce qu'il y ait une émeute, tout le monde disait : "Ces nègres vont bien, pas de problème."
- Tell me, are my jeans dirty? - No, they're fine.
- Dis-moi, il est pas sale, mon jean?
They've made a fine passage and are in prime condition.
Ils ont fait un bon voyage et sont en parfait état de santé.
They are made of fine, rocky dust organic matter and ice.
Ils sont formés de poussière fine... de matière organique et de glace.
My nerves are fine the way they are!
Mes nerfs sont très bien ainsi!
For they are jolly fine fellows,
Car elles sont de merveilleux compagnons!
For they are jolly fine fellows,
Car elles sont de joyeux et francs compagnons.
You guys are doin'such a fine job, that's why they call us out at 2am.
Vous êtes si doués qu'on nous appelle à 2 heures du matin.
And the kids are just fine. But now they're taking acting lessons.
Je pense que vous avez de nombreuses qeustions à lui poser.
Now, these are four fine actors and I'm sure they all agree that the point is not to win, but to play the game...
Ils sont tous de bons acteurs, mais l'important est de participer et non de gagner
Yes, sir. And fine big fellows they are too.
Oui, et ils sont costauds.

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