Time to move on translate French
729 parallel translation
Give him time to move on.
Laissons-le s'eloigner.
I've accomplished what I stayed here to do... and maybe it is time to move on.
J'ai accompli ce pour quoi j'étais resté et c'est peut-être le moment d'aller de l'avant.
I believe it is time to move on.
Il est temps de tourner la page.
A good time to move on, don't you think?
Un bel âge pour s'en aller, non?
It's time to move on.
- Il est temps de partir.
You know how it is. Time to move on, I guess.
Les temps changent...
It's time to move on.
Il est temps de se bouger.
- Wake up, Baby, it's time to move on.
- Debout, ma puce. C'est l'heure d'y aller.
- Giving him plenty of time to move on.
- Lui donnant ainsi assez de temps pour bouger.
It's time to move on.
Mais c'est le moment d'y aller.
- Yeah, I think it's time to move on.
- Oui, il est temps de faire autre chose.
Thank you, girls. And now it's time to move on to a little something we call the spotlight.
La sexualité était réfrénée, mais l'émission faisait fantasmer, c'est sûr.
- It's time to move on.
- Il est temps de passer à autre chose.
It was now time to move on to the next stage of my plan....
Il était temps maintenant d'entamer... la prochaine étape de mon plan.
It is time to move on.
Et passer á autre chose.
Time to move on?
Il est temps de passer la main?
Has to be on the move all the time.
- Il doit toujours bouger.
It's time to have to move on.
Et remuez-vous.
Nobody on our block has to move. And with the right handling I think we can even thaw out Mrs. Kirby in time.
Aucun voisin n'est forcé de partir, et nous devrions bientôt parvenir à dérider Mme Kirby!
he loved restlessness, so he didn't want to age time and again he had to move on, because people became afraid of him he had no real homeland, for mortals only love and trust other mortals
Il refusait de vieillir car il aimait la vie. Mais ne vieillissant pas, il ne trouvait pas la paix. Il effrayait immanquablement ses amis, et à peine un pays lui était-il familier qu'il devait en repartir.
Every time you meet a pretty babe... you're either out on your feet or you get the order to move.
À chaque fois c'est pareil. On est crevé ou on part.
If we do move to Shinshu please write to us from time to time and let us know how you're getting on
Si nous nous installons à Shinshu... écris-nous de temps à autre pour nous donner de tes nouvelles.
Time to move out.
Faut qu'on parte.
"Let's now move on to a happier subject : Christmas time."
Passons maintenant à un sujet plus gai, avec l'approche de Noël.
I came to my senses just in time. There's no security. Always on the move.
Mais ce n'était pas assez stable, toujours en vadrouille.
I know a little gallery we could knock over just to get our feet wet so to speak and then gathering confidence as we go, we could move into the big time.
On pourrait se faire une petite galerie, histoire de se faire la main, puis, avec un peu plus d'experience, on pourrait se lancer.
I won't say a word. I put my hand on her knee in one quick move that gave her no time to react.
- J'ai mis ma main sur son genou, d'un mouvement rapide, elle n'a pas pu réagir.
- There's not time to move it. We got to tear down a stage and the scaffolding.
On mettra ça au point ensemble demain matin.
And I want time to take one year of my life out of Lago... before we move on.
Je veux me venger d'un an passé hors de Lago.
I stayed with her until I graduated high school, which was a year ago, and there didn't seem to be anything much holding'me back, so I decided now is the time to move around and find out what was going on.
C'était il y a un an et comme rien ne semblait me retenir... j'ai décidé qu'il était temps de bouger et de voir ce qui se passe.
Kind of admitted to that ready move, so we won't take anything off auditorium this time.
On a coupé le microphone, comme ça ils ne nous entendront pas.
The aim, as you very well know, is two-fold. We want co-operation in our joint defence effort at a time when the situation looks none too pleasant and we want to get the economy on the move again.
Le but, tel que nous l'avons publiquement déclaré, est d'une part la coordination de nos efforts pour l'organisation du système défensif à une époque qui n'est pas particulièrement rassurante et d'autre part une tentative de rétablir notre stabilité économique.
Just forget the whole thing, because if you don't, if you try to move in on us the telephones are gonna start ringing again and this time, those bells are going to be heard all over the world.
Oubliez tout, sinon, si vous essayez de vous en prendre à nous les téléphones commenceront à sonner de nouveau et cette fois, ces sonneries seront entendues dans le monde entier.
It's time to just face it and move on.
Il est temps de passer à autre chose.
Time for us to move in on that pot of gold!
On va avoir la belle vie!
Nowadays you just move on. Ain't nobody committed to nothin except having a good time.
Maintenant, on passe au suivant, on ne s'engage plus que pour les bons moments.
His time isn't over. He'll move on to higher security prisons. - We'll never see him again.
Il a son compte mt ce n'est pas fini, d'ici à Clairvaux, de Clairvaux à Mende où il ira pourrir, on ne le reverra plus.
It's time for me to move on.
Il est temps que je m'en aille.
Now, we don ´ t have time to move out everything.
On n'a pas le temps de tout déplacer.
I know we don ´ t have time to move the house!
Je sais qu'on n'a pas le temps de déplacer la maison!
It's funny how when you want time to move along, it never does.
C'est drôle, quand on veut que le temps passe, il se prolonge.
It's time to say goodbye and move on.
Il est temps de m'en évader.
Time to go, move it!
On n'a plus le temps.
And it's time to move on. No. No, don't.
Tu auras ce que tu voudras de ce crâne.
But not until our overseas contacts have had time to move in and terminate every fanatic on his payroll.
Mais avant, on attend que nos contacts à l'étranger viennent éliminer tous ses fanatiques.
Come on, move over. Next time she does another show, tell her I'll be right there to cheer her on.
Quand elle refera son cirque... dites-Iui que je ferai Ia claque!
It's time to get a move on.
Il est temps de faire un effort.
'There are two crews here. We won't be able to move for a long time.
Il y a deux groupes ici, on ne bougera pas avant longtemps.
You know, when I first took this job they told me that this position was only temporary, and that eventually, when the time was right I'd move up to news, which is really my forte.
Quand j'ai commencé ici, on m'avait promis que ce poste ne serait que temporaire, et qu'au bout d'un moment, je passerais aux actualités, mon point fort.
They finally meet for the first time in 30 years... and in less than one year, he decides to move on.
Ils se rencontrent pour la première fois au bout de 30 ans... et en moins d'un an, il décide de partir.
It'll take time to adjust, if you want, we can move the wedding back.
Il faudra du temps pour s'adapter. Si tu veux, on peut retarder le mariage.
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to get up 91
time to move 28
to move on 19
move on 540
time flies 78
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time is up 41
time is money 74
time travel 83
time to move 28
to move on 19
move on 540
time flies 78
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time is up 41
time is money 74
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time of death 270
time for breakfast 17
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time low 44
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time of death 270
time for breakfast 17
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time low 44