Told him what translate French
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You told him what you saw?
Tu lui as dit ce que tu as vu?
I told him what I would tell him today.
Je lui ai dit ce que je lui dirais aujourd'hui.
And when Tanya Kavanaugh told me what he'd done, I went, I found him, and I told him what I thought.
Et quand Tanya Kavanaugh m'a dit ce qu'il avait fait, je suis allée le trouver, et lui ai dit ce que je pensais.
Well, when I told him what a world of hurt that would bring on him, he backed off.
Et bien, quand je lui ai dit a quel point je pouvais faire de sa vie un enfer, il s'est rétracté.
He needs medical information about their genetic father. I told him what little I remembered.
Vous saviez avant nous pour le SnoMint frelaté et vous ne l'avez pas fait tester?
My brother ratted me out, told him what I was doing.
Mon frère lui a dit ce que je faisais.
Then I told him what happened and he said that I should see a psychiatrist.
Alors, je lui ai raconté il dit que je devrais voir un psychiatre.
You told him what happened upstairs, right?
Vous lui avez dit ce qui s'est passé en haut?
You know, if Freddy talked to John, either John told him what's going on or he's in pieces in a freezer someplace.
Tu sais, si Freddy a parlé à John, soit John lui a dit ce qu'il se passait soit il est en morceaux dans un frigo quelque part.
I told him what I thought, but he brushed it aside in a very arrogant way.
J'ai fait part de mes présomptions, mais il n'a rien voulu savoir.
I told Deline I was gonna get him for what he did.
J'ai dit à Deline que je me vengerais pour ce qu'il avait fait.
What if I told you that your little rich kid client, Ethan, figured out that the jewelry you sold him was fake?
Et si je vous disais que votre jeune petit client riche, Ethan, a découvert que les bijoux que vous lui avez vendus étaient faux?
But what I want to know is, why you spent money on a suit for Drew after I told him no?
Mais ce que je veux savoir c'est, pourquoi t'achètes un costume à Drew alors que je lui ai dit non?
I told him that, you know, maybe we should take some time apart, so that he could figure out what, or who he really wanted.
Je lui ai dit que, vous savez, peut-être qu'on devrait se séparer quelque temps pour qu'il puisse arriver à comprendre ce qu'il voulait vraiment ou qui.
They gave him this material and Matt did what I told him to do.
Ils lui ont donné cette idée et Matt a fait ce que je lui avais demandé.
What do you mean, I told him?
Comment, je lui ai dit?
Tell him what you told me.
Dis-lui ce que tu m'as dit.
Yeah, well, I've already called my league rep and told him that's what I'm gonna do, so...
En fait j'ai déjà appelé mon représentant et je lui ai dit que c'est ce que j'allais faire donc...
He told me that out of all of his children, you were the only one who made him remember what being a kid was.
Il m'a dit que de tous ses enfants, tu étais celui qui lui rappelait le plus ce que c'était d'être un gosse.
Is that what he told you, that I- - that his mother and I abandoned him?
C'est ce qu'il vous a dit, que je- - que sa mère et moi l'avions abandonné?
What if i told you there was a way you could ask him?
Si je vous disais qu'il y avait un moyen de le lui demander?
This guy seemed relieved by what you just told him.
On dirait ce que vous venez de lui dire l'a soulagé.
but, see, the only reason they fired him is because people were gossiping, and the only reason they're gossipg is because of what i told mrs. mccluskey.
Ils l'ont viré pour une seule raison : les ragots. Et la seule origine de ces ragots est ce que j'ai dit à Mme McClyskey.
- Tell him what you told me.
Dis-lui ce que tu m'as raconté.
In fact, Joy was so mad that no matter what Darnell tried, she wouldn't take him back until he told her the truth.
En fait, Joy était tellement en colère que peu importe ce que Darnell tentait, elle ne le reprendrait pas tant qu'il ne disait pas la vérité.
Tell him what you told me.
Dites-lui ce que vous m'avez dit.
- No, I told you what I did to him.
- Non, je t'ai dit ce que je lui ai fait.
What makes you think I told him?
Qu'est ce qui te fais croire que je le lui ai dit?
Mitch just told Dale that he would do to him what he did to Gracie if he didn't go along with him.
Mitch vient juste de dire à Dale qu'il lui referait la même chose qu'à Gracie s'il ne marchait pas avec lui.
- You know what I told him?
- Vous savez ce que je lui ai dit?
I came in and he was like... And when I asked him what he was up to, he told me he was smoking MDMA.
Je suis entré et il était style et quand je lui ai demandé ce qu'il faisait il me dit qu'il fume du MDMA.
And what fool told him that?
- Et quel est l'idiot qui lui a dit? - Ce n'est pas un secret, non? Idiot!
he was told what he needed to hear in order to protect him.
Il lui a été dit ce qu'il devait entendre afin de le protéger.
What would you say if I told you I'm gonna go in and get him?
Qu'est-ce que vous diriez si je vous dis que je vais le chercher.
What if I told you that I could make him go away and you could have your job back?
Et si je te disais que je pourrais le faire disparaître et te récupérer ton boulot?
What if I told you I could make him go away and you could have your job back?
Et si je te disais que je pouvais le faire disparaître et te récupérer ton boulot?
I told him my whole life story, not just what happened, but how I really felt about things.
en tout cas, j'ai commencé à parler et une fois lancé, je ne pouvais plus m'arrêter.
Leon, just tell him what you told me.
Léon, dis lui juste ce que tu m'as dit. Vas-y.
- That's what I told him.
- C'est ce que je lui ai dit.
Tell Him What You Told Me.
Dis-lui ce que tu m'as dit.
What, you told him?
- Oui. Qu'est ce que tu lui as dit?
I told him just to take what he wanted and to leave, but he shoved me down on the couch.
Je lui ai dit de prendre ce qu'il voulait et de partir, mais il m'a poussée sur le canapé.
Tell him what you told me.
Dis lui ce que tu m'as dit.
And so that the audience could discover the information, discover the character through seeing him in the context of what he does rather than being told about it.
Et le public découvrirait alors les informations et le personnage en le voyant dans son contexte plutôt que de les raconter.
What if I told you I talked to him?
Et si je vous disais que je lui ai parlé?
I mean, I thought of 100 different ways that I could have told him, but- - but you thought no matter what the outcome, it would have always been the same?
C'est vrai, j'ai pensé à 100 manières différentes de comment j'aurais pu le lui dire, mais... Mais tu pensais que peu importe le résultat, ça aurait été toujours le même?
I mean, I thought of 100 different ways that I could have told him, but- - but you thought no matter what the outcome, it would have always been the same?
Melinda, écoute, je suis désolé. Je sais que je ne peux imaginer ce que tu ressens, mais il n'y a rien dedans que tu ne savais déjà, en dehors du fait qu'il a attaqué d'autres patients.
I told him to wait here for me to call, but my moron son never does what he's told!
Je lui ai dit d'attendre ici que je l'appelle, mais ce débile ne fait jamais ce qu'on lui dit!
But then I saw what it was that made him faint in the first place and I almost fainted, too, because it was a mummy, which I told the sheriff, who called the FBI, who called the Jeffersonian.
Mais ensuite, j'ai vu ce qui l'a fait s'évanouir et j'ai failli aussi, parce que c'était une momie, je l'ai dit au shérif, qui a appelé le FBI, qui a appelé le Jeffersonian.
Can't remember what his wife told him to get.
Il ne se rappelle plus lesquels sa femme lui a dit de prendre.
What could your elder have told him?
Qu'a-t-il pu lui dire?
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
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what do you want 9254
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what have you got 603
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what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
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what are you 4599
what have you got 603
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what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
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what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648