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We're getting there translate French

339 parallel translation
Laurel, your mother, your father, all of us who love you... feel that now that you're getting older... there are many advantages that we can give you.
Laurel, ta mère, ton père, nous tous qui t'aimons pensons que maintenant que tu grandis il y a beaucoup d'avantages que nous pouvons te donner.
They're waiting upstairs. We'd better be getting up there.
Ils sont là-haut, nous devrions les rejoindre.
"we're getting married and from there on we're playing it according to the book?"
"on se mariera et on vivra une vie honnête."
We're getting a writ of habeas corpus, there ain't a judge in this town that'll hold me.
Avec l'habeas corpus, pas un juge ne pourra me retenir.
We're getting there.
Nous y arrivons.
I know you're getting pushed around... but there's one thing we've got in this country :
Je sais qu'on vous malmène... mais une chose qu'on a dans ce pays, c'est des moyens de se défendre.
- Glad we're getting there.
Je suis content d'arriver.
We're getting there.
Nous y sommes presque.
We're not getting there.
Nous n'arriverons jamais à Diamantina.
Well, we're very civic-minded and all that, but it is getting late and if there's nothing else we can do here...
Nous avons l'esprit civique mais il est tard et si nous n'avons plus rien à faire ici...
We're getting some artillery fire. If there's a counterattack, we'll be ready.
Nous avons un peu d'artillerie.
I'd at least like to know what we're getting into. Easy easy Bones. As long as you know there's something down there you know as much as we do.
Si vous savez qu'il y a quelque chose, vous en savez autant que nous.
We're just sort of getting there, basically.
Il y a un docteur là-bas, avec une nana qui accouche.
We hit that clearing on the edge of that camp... if there are two of us... we're gonna have twice as much a chance of getting through.
Arrivés à la clairière qui borde le camp, si on est deux, on aura deux fois plus de chances de s'en sortir.
- We're getting there.
- On approche.
- We're getting there.
- Extra.
There's no way we're getting out of here.
Il n'y a aucun moyen de sortir d'ici.
We're getting there.
J'y suis presque arrivée.
He better provide you a way of getting there, too. The next town we come to with a bus stop, you're getting on it.
Qu'il pourvoie à ton transport, je te dépose au car.
We could live there for a while and then... We're not getting married because we could decide that later, you know.
On pourrait vivre là un temps mais... sans nous marier, on décidera de ça plus tard.
We're getting there.
- On y est presque.
The problem we're gonna have, though, is getting him in and standing right there.
Le problème va être de l'amener ici.
The Romans will be attacking any time now and still no word... from Anticlimax, it's getting serious, there's no hope, we're lost.
Les romains vont bientôt attaquer, et toujours pas de nouvelles de Jolitorax. Nous sommes perdus!
And then there's Ibiza, but I'm always saying... to George we're getting far too old.
J'ai dit à George qu'on se fait trop vieux pour Ibiza.
- slow down, we're getting there.
- Ralentis, on approche. - T'inquiète.
l`m glad we`re getting out of there.
Je suis content de partir.
So where're we getting our money from? Oh, here and there. Here and there?
Si le budget n'a pas encore été voté, où le général a-t-il déniché ces 80 millions?
We're getting there.
On y arrive.
We're getting creamed out there.
On se fait massacrer dans la rue.
We're going in there and getting my lantern
On entre là dedans et on récupère ma lanterne
d We're getting to the end d d That's all there is d d It's the end of the show d d He drank all the booze, now we gotta go d
♪ On arrive à la fin ♪ ♪ Et on s'arrêtera là ♪ ♪ C'est la fin du show ♪
- I think we're getting there, Mr. Cosmo.
- J'y réfléchirai, M. Cosmo.
But if you say you're in, and we show ourselves to you, there's never any getting out.
Mais si vous dites oui, il n'y aura aucun moyen de reculer.
We're getting there, Lieutenant.
J'y suis presque, lieutenant!
So we're fooling around there. You know, it's getting a little passionate. And she starts with the dirty talking.
On batifole un peu, ça devient un tantinet passionné et... elle se met à parler cochon.
Now we're getting there.
On y est presque.
We're supposed to find a way up there anyway for our music thing. Now it's like I'm getting paid to go.
En f ait, je vais à Oakland... pour notre musique, et aux f rais de la Poste.
Well done, Peter. We're getting there.
Bien joué, l'enquête touche à sa fin!
- We're getting there.
- Presque. Ouvrez.
The reports we're getting from the evac troops there support that conclusion.
Les rapports qu'on reçoit... des troupes d'évacuation sur place confirment cette hypothèse.
- We're getting there.
Nous approchons.
We're not there yet, but we are getting closer.
Rien n'est gagné mais on approche.
Look, Tommy, we know you're getting a hard time off Lizzy but there's really no need to take it out on us.
Tommy, on sait que t'en baves avec Lizzy mais c'est pas la peine de te venger sur nous.
The entire store is getting together... and we're meeting with an organizer... and we're gonna go from there.
On est tous solidaires et on doit rencontrer un syndicaliste. On partira de là pour s'organiser.
So you sit there and you look at these long numbers... of how much over profit we're doing... and how well we're doing... and then you're punching in and out... and you're getting your little paycheck... with your big hunk for health insurance... that you can't use.
On s'assoit et on regarde cette liste de longs chiffres. On a bien travaillé. Et puis on continue à pointer et arrive la paye, avec sa cotisation santé bidon.
How're we getting out of there?
Comment on va ressortir?
We're getting you out of there. Good idea.
- Bonne idée.
- Forget it. - We're not getting on there.
On va pas recommencer.
Understood. We're getting out of here, Tuvok, but first, assemble the crew in Cargo Bay 1, and have the Doctor meet me there.
Nous allons partir d'ici, Tuvok, mais d'abord réunissez l'équipage en salle de chargement 1 et que le docteur m'y retrouve.
So we're fooling around there, you know. It's getting a little passionate and she starts with the dirty talking.
On se faisait des câlins, ça devenait un peu passionné et elle a dit des choses cochonnes.
The house is a tip, but we're getting there.
La maison est un dépotoir, mais nous y arrivons.

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