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What's there to say translate French

311 parallel translation
There's a fortune for just us two to split. What do you say?
" On peut se partager une fortune à deux.
My brother flew down to bring up a saint the other day... and he say, from what he can see... most of the population down there's done made the devil their king... and they're working in three shifts for him.
Mon frère a volé pour ramener un Saint dernièrement. Il dit que d'après lui, ils ont fait du diable leur roi et ne cessent de travailler pour lui.
There's $ 10,000 reward up now for Ames'killer, and I need it. Now, you oughtn't to say that to me after what I've done for you.
Vous ne devriez pas dire ça après ce que j'ai fait pour vous.
What's there to say?
Qu'y a-t-il à raconter?
There's never any telling what you'll say or do next but it's bound to be astonishing.
On ne sait jamais ce que vous allez dire, mais on sait que ce sera étonnant!
Now, wait there, Captain Leech. We ought to hear what... Morgan's got to say.
Arrête, Leech, laissons d'abord parler Morgan.
- What do you want, Daisy? There's a gentleman here to see you say he's from New York.
Un Monsieur demande à vous voir.
But when there's a legitimate chance. ... to slip a little leg art into the world today and she comes back with this, I don't know what to say.
Mais lorsqu'on a l'occasion de voir quelques jambes de femmes, et qu'elle revient avec ça, j'en suis bouche bée.
I don't ask you to say what isn't true, but... there's no need to mention to Mrs. Baines that you metJulie.
Je ne te demande pas de mentir mais il est inutile de parler de Julie à Mme Baines.
By what right do you dare say that there's a superior few to which you belong?
Comment oses-tu dire que tu appartiens à la minorité supérieure?
But what I want to say is that there's nothing you can do that you ever have to feel guilty about.
Quoi que tu fasses, ne culpabilise pas.
Well, in that case, there's nothing to do but take you over to the Vickers'house and see what your friends have to say.
Alors, allons chez les Vickers, Leur demander ce qu'ils pensent de toi.
There's a lot of sense in what you say and I have to admit it.
J'admets que tu n'as pas tout a fait tort!
I will add nothin'to what Sky said, except to say that there are many here upon who, if they get outta line, I would squeal with pleasure.
Je n'ajouterai rien à ce que Sky a dit sauf... qu'il y en a beaucoup parmi vous, que je balancerai avec joie... s'ils ne comportent pas comme il se doit.
As you say, she's lost her only child... but if there's any shadow over Rhoda because of what has happened... then I have to live under it... and my husband does, too.
Elle a perdu son fils unique. Mais je ne veux pas que l'ombre d'un doute pèse sur Rhoda. Mon mari sera de mon avis.
Yeah, they say there's no end to what a good salesman can make out there.
On dit qu'un bon commerçant fait facilement fortune, là-bas.
We could say that this is the skeleton of What you had here before, right? Well, What's there to be surprised then?
Pleurez, ne vous arrêtez pas.
And I suppose there's not one of you out there that has the gumption... to stand up and say what you think, is there?
Aucun de vous n'a le cran de dire ce qu'il pense, n'est-ce pas?
What's there to say?
Tu veux entendre quoi?
Well, how's it going to look at the inquest if you and he aren't there to say what really happened? That is of no account to me.
Il faut se dépêcher, le ministre s'impatiente!
What I'm trying to say is that - is that there's someone else.
Mais ce que j'essaie de vous dire c'est qu'il y a quelqu'un d'autre.
What is there to say. Have a go at them.
Pourquoi en parler, s'en mêler.
Well, there's a great deal in what you say, sir, but I gave their father a solemn oath that I'd never allow their unfortunate malady to become the object of public scrutiny.
Ce que vous dites n'est pas faux. Mais j'ai fait à leur père la promesse solennelle que je ne laisserai jamais cette maladie qui les afflige devenir l'objet d'un examen public.
What's there to say?
Que voulez-vous que je vous dise?
What for? There's somebody down there that wants to say something to you.
Quelqu'un en bas a quelque chose à te dire.
Home is the place where when you have to go there, they have to take you in. That's what my ol'mum used to say.
Le coin où "on se trouve à sa place"... comme dit ma mère.
What you're tryin'to say is there's no charge, right?
Alors, vous ne retenez aucune charge contre moi...
What would you say if I told you... there's a force beyond your comprehension that's trying to destroy this hospital?
Que diriez-vous si je vous disais... qu'il y a une force au-delà de votre compréhension qui tente de détruire cet hôpital?
What I meant to say... was that I drove out to Parker Motors... but when I got there, Parker's car was gone.
En fait, quand je suis arrivé chez Parker, sa voiture n'était pas là.
What's there to say? We've underestimated all kinds of things. Sit down Gianni.
Je sais, on a sous-estimé des facteurs qui nous ont fichus dedans.
I'd say there's a good chance you're not what Speed refers to as a "bleeder".
Il y a de fortes chances que vous ne soyez pas ce qu'il appelle un hémophile.
What I've come to say is if there's to be a fight, I'm all there is. Come and get me.
Je suis venu vous dire... que s'il y a une bataille, ce sera contre moi et je vous attends!
- There's one thing I got to say, though. - What?
Il faut reconnaître une chose.
What have the Aborigines got to say for themselves? There's nothing here of any value.
Qu'est-ce que les aborigènes ont à dire pour leur défense?
I mean, when you think about it and consider that your feelings of love begin when you're about 10 and if you live to, say, 70 well, that's pretty limiting, because what chance is there that he'll be alive at the same time you are?
Je veux dire, quand tu y penses et considère que tes sentiments amoureux commencent quand tu as 10 ans et si tu vis, disons, 70 ans bien, c'est assez limité ; car quelles sont tes chances qu'il soit vivant en même temps que toi?
What's there to say?
Vous croyez que ça vaut la peine d'en parler?
There's no logical explanation for what I'm going to say to you now.
Il n'y a pas d'explication logique à ce que je vais vous dire.
What's there to say.
Que dire?
What's that he's trying to say there?
Chut! Qu'est-ce qu'il essaie de dire?
Here's the village... At least, what's left... They say everything that you see over there used to be green.
On raconte que tout ce que tu vois là-bas... était vert...
Well, this isn't easy to say and I don't know what song it's from, but there's a line in some song that goes, "l've got you under my skin."
Ce n'est pas facile à dire et j'ai oublié le nom de la chanson, mais il y a une chanson qui dit : "Je t'ai dans la peau."
Nick, what I'm trying to say is, do you think there's ever a chance that we'll get back together again?
Nick, j'essaie juste de te dire ceci : Crois-tu qu'il y a la moindre chance qu'on se remette ensemble?
Diane, what I'm trying to say is there's someone else.
Diane, ce que j'essaie de vous dire, c'est... qu'il y a quelqu'un d'autre.
That's right, Ben, that's right! When I look at that man I say what's there to worry about? All he has to do is go into any city, pick up a phone and he's making his living.
C'est juste, quand je le vois, j'oublie mes soucis ll n'a qu'à décrocher le téléphone n'importe où pour gagner sa vie!
What's there to say?
Qu'y a-t-il à dire?
What's there to say?
Moi? Que dire?
There's always a job for people who aren't afraid of hard work. That's what my father used to say.
Il y a du boulot pour les travailleurs.
Oh, there's nothing to talk about. I already know what both of you are gonna say.
C'est pas la peine, je sais ce que vous allez dire.
What's she going to say when I don't show up for dinner for the next 20 years to life? [DOORBELL RINGS] There's the long arm of the law!
Bundy, j'imagine que tu es drôlement fier de toi.
Just go over there and say that to him. Go on. Let's see what happens.
Vous voyez le type à ma gauche, avec le manteau noir?
What's there to say?
Y a rien à dire.

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