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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Who were you calling

Who were you calling translate French

53 parallel translation
- Well, who were you calling?
Qui appelais-tu?
Who were you calling? No one.
À qui téléphoniez-vous?
Who were you calling?
Qui appelais-tu?
Who were you calling?
Tu téléphonais à qui?
- Who were you calling?
- À qui téléphonais-tu?
- Who were you calling?
- Qui tu appelais?
Who were you calling?
Qui vous appelez?
Who were you calling? What are you talking about?
- Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
Who were you calling?
Tu appelais qui?
- Who were you calling?
- Tu appelais qui?
Who were you calling last night? .
Qui as-tu appelé la nuit dernière?
I said, who were you calling? .
Je t'ai demandé qui tu as appelé?
- Who were you calling? .
- Qui as-tu appelé?
- Who were you calling?
- Qui appeliez-vous?
Who were you calling?
Qui as-tu appelé?
Who were you calling at the gas station?
Tu téléphonais à qui à la station-service?
Who were you calling on your phone?
Qui appeliez-vous?
Who were you calling?
Vous voulez parler à qui?
Who were you calling?
Qui appelais-tu? Sheila Redatti.
- Who were you calling?
T'appelais qui?
Who were you calling?
Vous appeliez qui?
Who were you calling?
T'appelais qui?
So who were you calling back at the hot dog stand anyway?
Qui tu as rappelé au stand de hot-dog de toute façon?
Who were you calling?
- Réponds, à qui tu téléphonais?
Who were you calling, JJ?
Qui appelais-tu?
Who were you calling?
Qui est-ce que tu appelles?
You'll tell them that your fathers defended your fatherland from the barbarian invader who threatened its sacred borders and that we of 1899, who fought on Monte Grappa, on the stony ground of the Carso and on the River Piave, are the same men we were then and so, when the cannon thunders it's the voice of the fatherland that is calling us and we shall answer :
Vous leur direz que vos pères ont défendu la patrie contre l'envahisseur barbare qui menaçait les frontières sacrées. Que nous, ceux de 99, qui nous sommes battus au mont Grappa, sur les pentes du Carso et sur le Piave, sommes restés les mêmes! Et alors, quand tonnera le canon, nous entendrons l'appel de la patrie et nous répondrons : présent!
Who were you calling a beast just now?
Norman, I've already proved to you that Mary and Lila Loomis were the ones who were calling you.
Je vous ai déjà prouvé que ce sont Mary et Lila Loomis qui vous appelaient.
A friend of mine who works there, said you were calling about it and she said it I knew anything that I should come here.
Une amie m'a dit que vous aviez besoin de témoignages, et que je devrais venir vous trouver si je savais quelque chose.
The lady who called yesterday thought you were calling too and would find you.
La dame d'hier pensait qu'étant un de nos amis, vous seriez chez nous?
- I thought you were this scumbag reporter who's been calling. I'm sorry. How are you doing?
Je t'ai pris pour... cette ordure de journaliste qui vient de m'appeler. ça va?
Who's that calling me? Were you the one who took the salami?
- Aurais-tu pris le saucisson?
- l didn't know that's who you were calling.
- C'est elle que vous aviez en ligne?
You don't know who you were calling?
Tu sais pas qui tu appelles?
I'm the one who should be sorry for not calling you when you were sick.
C'est plutôt à moi de m'excuser de ne pas t'avoir appelé quand tu étais malade.
Who was the person you were calling from your bachelorette party? I was drunk.
Qui tu as appelée à l'enterrement de ta vie de jeune fille?
As you all know, without the recipient's call sign, there's no way of determining who they were calling.
Comme vous le savez, sans le code du destinataire, il n'y a aucun moyen pour déterminer qui ils appelaient.
Who were you really calling this morning, me or her?
Tu appelais qui ce matin, elle ou moi?
Who were you calling?
Qui appelez-vous?
If you knew a certain gesture, like, say, calling... would be considered "needy", and therefore a turnoff... but you wanted to call, and you felt... this call could be welcomed this one time... if you were the one person who took a chance to do something different... maybe even some would call it romantic... like calling for another date... a date that... if someone were counting, could be numbered above five... say six... do you think that would be considered manly?
Imagine que le fait de téléphoner à une personne risque de te couvrir de ridicule et de te rendre pathétique. Mais tu as quand même envie d'appeler parce que tu crois que ça peut être bien reçu. Surtout si tu es le seul à avoir tenté quelque chose de différent.
"My name's not Lisa, it's Jennifer," or whatever, and I'll do a big apology and I'll say, "I thought you were the Lisa who was mad at me for not calling."
"Je m'appelle Jennifer" ou autre. Je m'excuserai platement. Je dirai : "Je t'ai prise pour une Lisa que je devais rappeler".
Who were you fucking calling?
Qui tu appelais?
I never asked you who those weirdos were, why they kept calling you Night Falcon or even what was in those darts that they were blowing at us.
Je ne t'ai jamais demandé qui étaient ces mecs chelous, pourquoi ils arrêtent pas de t'appeler Faucon de Nuit ou même ce qu'il y a dans ses fléchettes qui nous éblouiras.
You were the one who started calling me that and then it kind of caught on.
Tu as lancé le truc et c'est resté.
Tell me you who were calling!
- Maintenant, dis-moi à qui tu téléphonais.
And now you gotta keep cozying up to this skank? - Whoa, who are you calling "skank"? - We were supposed
Puis-je t'aider dans ta libération conditionnelle anticipée?
The other part of it is, when we were calling The Wheel looking for an officer who spoke Serbian, you were the only one in the entire department who fit the age and physical profile.
Et aussi parce qu'on a demandé au central un officier parlant le serbe, et que tu es la seule du département à correspondre avec l'âge et le physique.
Now, we don't think you were calling the shots, but you know who does.
On sait que vous ne dirigiez pas, mais vous savez qui le fait.
Who was Tamika Weaver to you, and why were you calling each other?
Que représentait Tamika Weaver pour vous, et pourquoi vous appeliez-vous?
You were just asking who Elmslie could be calling with a number that can't be traced.
Vous venez de demander qui Elmslie pourrait appeler avec un nombre qui ne peut être tracée.

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