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Who were they translate French

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Who were they after?
Qui veulent-ils?
- Who were they?
- Qui? - Deux salauds.
- Who were they?
- Qui étaient ces gens?
Well, who were they?
- Qui sont ces gens?
The men that condemned Father, who were they?
Ceux qui ont condamné mon père, qui était-ce?
Who were they?
Qui étaient-ils?
They were ridiculously good! Who are you?
Ils étaient scandaleusement bons!
You know when they found you after so many years there were many in my kingdom who were trepidatious.
Quand ils vous ont retrouvée après tant d'années, beaucoup dans mon royaume trépignaient.
Were you the only one who didn't know they were drug pushers?
T'étais le seul à pas savoir qu'ils dealaient.
These men were worth a lot and knew who they were.
Ces hommes valaient quelque chose et savaient qui ils étaient.
These eyes have seen the last breaths ebb from a hundred chests. And these feet... have stood over a hundred fools... who thought they were gonna kill me.
Ces yeux ont vu le dernier soupir s'échapper de cent poitrines, et ces pieds ont maintenu au sol cent imbéciles prêts à me tuer.
Well, a long time ago, two kids who were, I don't know, maybe in middle school, they trick-or-treated at that house on Halloween night.
Il y a longtemps, deux enfants qui étaient, je ne sais pas, au collège, frappaient aux portes pour des bonbons le soir d'Halloween.
As if they'd forgotten who they were.
Comme si elles avaient oublié qui elles étaient.
Even though I met a bunch of people who felt they were heading in the same direction I was, I also met lots of people who thought they weren't.
Même si j'ai rencontrà © des tas de gens qui avaient conscience des risques, j'en ai aussi rencontrà © beaucoup qui ne voyaient pas le problà ¨ me.
They were a damn good band, and compare very favourably with any of the bands that I had who had bigger hits, like The Who and The Kinks and Manfred Mann.
"On veut les Vickers!" Ça n'a pas plu à Roger Daltrey. C'était un sacré bon groupe.
They were about as big in the north as The Kinks were in the south.
Ils pouvaient rivaliser avec les meilleurs groupes comme les Who, les Kinks ou Manfred Mann.
They had no idea who they were dealing with.
Ils ignorent vraiment à qui ils ont affaire.
You know, I've already apologized in The Crimson to the ABHW, to Fuerza Latina, and to any women at Harvard who may have been insulted, as I take it that they were.
J'ai présenté mes excuses, dans le Crimson, aux Femmes Noires, à Fuerza Latina et à toutes les femmes de Harvard qui semblent s'être senties insultées.
Poor souls just trying to help out, who didn't realize what they were dealing with.
Les pauvres âmes qui voulaient aider, qui ignoraient à qui elles avaient à faire.
Regardless, of who are they were may, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will.
En tout cas, peu importe qui ça peut être si nous ne les stoppons pas, les Volturi le feront.
Like many others who they were in captivity, was prepresiran, expelled from the Party. And only a'57. year, won the title "Hero of the Soviet Union."
Comme bon nombre d'anciens prisonniers, il fut victime de répressions, exclu du parti, et en 1957 seulement, on lui décerna le titre de héros de l'Union soviétique.
They were French officials who had handed me over.
Ce sont les fonctionnaires français qui m'ont livré.
But if I tell them that you were doing bad things with me, then who do you think they will believe?
Mais si je dis J'ai fait des choses mauvaises, puis, qui pensez-vous va croire?
The teachers thought they were administering shocks to the learner but the learner was actually an actor who was never really harmed.
Les instructeurs ont pensé qu'ils administraient des chocs à l'élève mais l'élève était en fait un acteur qui ne souffrait en rien.
The guys who attacked us said they were hired by Bordas.
- Nos agresseurs.
These people say I'm better off dead. Which is surprising, considering they were the ones who saved my life.
Ces gens me préféreraient mort, ce qui est surprenant, vu que ce sont eux qui m'ont sauvé la vie.
- Did you know of the 39 men who signed our declaration of independence, 32 of'em were standing when they did it.
- Saviez-vous que sur les 39 hommes qui ont signé notre Déclaration d'indépendance, 32 l'ont signée debout?
Brad Pitt and Christian Slater also came in to read for the role and I had no idea who they were.
Brad Pitt et Christian Slater est également venu à la lecture de rôle et je n'avais aucune idée de qui ils étaient.
The most interesting part was... that, even though no one particularly liked you, they all said you were a person who could be trusted. I still am.
Le plus intéressant, c'est que, même si personne t'adorait, tu étais digne de confiance.
In England... the executioners who were working the guillotine even though their faces were shrouded in a black cloth they would run home.
En Angleterre... Les bourreaux qui actionnaient la guillotine, malgré leur visage dissimulé sous une capuche noire, se réfugiaient chez eux, et restaient terrés en se barricadant.
I always thought they were nut jobs, people who told those stories.
J'ai toujours pensé que c'était des affabulations de cinglés.
They realized the pulse would allow them to look beyond their deformities and see each other for who they really were.
Pour eux, l'impulsion permettait de voir par-delà leur difformité et de s'apprécier mutuellement pour ce qu'ils sont.
Who knows what they were cooking.
Va savoir ce qu'ils cuisinaient.
He's the guy who had the job before you when they were dating.
Il avait ton job et ils sortaient ensemble.
They were carved by the pre-Columbian shepherds who passed through here.
Ils ont été gravés par les caravaniers précolombiens qui passaient par ici.
Yeah, you did, but the ones who chained up that barn thought they were killing traitors.
- Oui, mais ceux qui ont fait le coup pensaient tuer des traîtres.
The employees were busy locking up. But they did mention That they do farm out work to tailors who work from home.
Mais ils ont dit... qu'ils sous-traitent leur boulot à des couturiers qui bossent chez eux.
That's what bosses like her do- - Take somebody who's exceptional at something, give them an identity, give them a purpose... use it to manipulate them, and they pervert what they were good at.
Les chefs comme elle font ça, prennent le meilleur dans un domaine, lui donnent une identité, lui donnent un but...
What if they were mobsters who slept with the fishes?
Et s'il y a des gangsters qui ont couché avec des poissons?
If I got mad at everyone who thought they were better than me, I wouldn't have any time to do stuff.
Si je me mettais en colère contre tous ceux qui se sentent supérieurs à moi, je n'aurais le temps de rien faire.
Most up-to-date list we have... Everyone who was at o.P. P. Before the storm hit, Where they were sent...
c'est la liste la plus à jour qu'on ait... tous ceux qui étaient enfermés avant que la tempête ne frappe, où ils ont été envoyés... dans quel comté, si ils sont encore incacérés ou s'ils ont été relâchés.
You were paid by your procurers, who thought that they were bribing Mr. Florrick for your services, and you were also paid by Mr. Florrick, who didn't know that you were being paid by others.
Payée par votre proxénète, qui pensait soudoyer M. Florrick par votre biais, et vous étiez aussi payée par M. Florrick, qui ne savait pas que d'autres vous payaient.
I didn't - I really didn't know who they were.
Je ne savais pas qui ils étaient.
You've grown up, you've taken care of yourself. I mean, I know you always wondered who they were, and now you know.
T'as grandi et tu as pris soin de toi. maintenant tu le sais.
And besides, { \ pos ( 192,240 ) } who doesn't tell their girlfriend that they were engaged to someone { \ pos ( 192,240 ) } who works four feet away from them?
En plus, qui ne dit pas à sa copine qu'il a été fiancé à quelqu'un qui bosse à 1 mètre d'elle?
They were words of truth, from a woman who had lost her darling daughter.
Ce sont des mots de vérité, de la bouche d'une femme qui a perdu sa petite fille chérie.
Someone who would do as they were told.
Quelqu'un qui ferait ce qu'on lui dirait.
I told them I wasn't driving, and they were all, "Who was it?"
J'ai dit que je conduisais pas, alors ils ont demandé qui c'était. Tu m'as trahi?
Ava... was just as terrified as I was, and she had no idea this was gonna happen or who they were.
Ava était aussi terrifiée que moi... et elle ne savait pas que ça allait arriver ou qui ils étaient.
They were among the people who founded science-fiction fandom.
Ils étaient dans un club de fans de science-fiction.
Not all these characters were invented when there was thought going into who they are behind the mask and powers.
Scénariste, directeur, DC Entertainment Pas tous les personnages ont été inventés sans qu'on pense à qui était derrière le masque.

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