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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Who wants to start

Who wants to start translate French

73 parallel translation
- Who wants to start?
- Qui veut commencer?
Who wants to start?
Qui commence?
Now, who wants to start?
Alors, qui veut commencer?
Who wants to start?
Qui veut commencer?
"Who wants to start?" Start what?
"Qui veut commencer?" Commencer quoi?
So we have this invulnerable guy running around with a sword who wants to start a war?
Un type invulnérable qui se balade avec une épée en vue d'une guerre.
Who wants to start us out?
Qui veut donner?
Now, who wants to start? M'kay, Clyde.
Qui veut commencer?
Who wants to start the year off right and get saved?
Qui veut bien commencer l'année en se sauvant?
Who wants to start the bidding?
Qui ouvre les enchères?
- Okay, so who wants to start?
- Alors, qui veut commencer?
Who wants to start round two?
Qui veut passer au deuxième round?
Who wants to start round three?
Qui veut attaquer le troisième round?
And we're dedicated to promoting an open approach to helping anybody who wants to start a family but can't.
Nous nous attachons à aider tous ceux qui veulent fonder une famille, mais n'y parviennent pas.
- Who wants to start?
- Je commence par qui?
Who wants to start?
Je commence par qui?
So let's have a testimonial. Who wants to start?
Qui veut témoigner en premier?
So who wants to start the bidding?
Qui veut lancer les enchères?
A guy who wants to start his own little war.
Un gars qui veut commencer sa propre petite guerre.
Who, uh, who wants to start?
Qui veut commencer?
- Who wants to start?
Qui veut commencer?
All right, who wants to start us off?
Bon, qui veut commencer?
Who wants to start drinking?
Qui vient picoler?
Who wants to start the ruckus?
Qui veut commencer le grabuge?
Who wants to start the ruckus?
( des hommes scandent ) Qui veut commencer le grabuge?
Who wants to start the ruckus?
Qui veut commencer la grabuge?
Who wants to start an arcade fire?
Qui veut mettre le feu ce soir?
So, who wants to start off the night?
Qui veut prendre la parole ce soir?
I don't want to waste any more of your session time, so let's do this right here. - Who wants to start?
Je ne veux pas vous faire perdre votre temps, nous allons donc le faire ici.
So, who wants to start?
Alors, qui veut commencer?
If they don't, then I'm the guy who handed over the big red button..... to Christ knows which brand of lunatic who wants to start the next nuclear war.
S'ils n'y arrivent pas, alors je suis le type qui as remis le gros bouton rouge à dieu seul sait quelle bande de fous qui veut lancer la prochaine guerre nucléaire.
So who wants to start us off with a country song?
Alors, qui veut commencer avec une musique country?
But it's you ; you're the one who always calls me back and wants to start all over again.
Mais c'est toi qui me rappelle toujours pour reprendre tout à zéro.
- [Cheering] Now, who wants to be the first to start the ball rollin'... and drop the first campaign dollar in the Aubrey Hale Clayton war chest?
Qui veut donner le coup d'envoi et apporter le premier dollar au trésor de guerre d'Aubrey Hale Clayton.
And let's just get our hands right into it. Who wants to start us off?
- Qui veut commencer?
Just figure out who wants to get on the phone and start working with us.
Décidez lequel d'entre vous parlera et nous pourrons négocier.
Who wants to start?
PEUR Qui veut commencer?
Enough to know that SD-6 could sell this vaccine to a radical leader who wants to protect his own people and start an all-out biological war.
Le SD-6 pourrait vendre ce vaccin à un dirigeant radical qui veut protéger son peuple et entamer une guerre biologique.
Anyone who wants to sleep tonight needs to start typing his ass off right now.
Si vous voulez dormir cette nuit, commencez à taper les mandats.
Who wants to start?
Who wants to start cooking?
- Moi.
Who wants to play "Let's start shooting people"?
Qui veut jouer à "On tire dans le tas"?
I don't know who wants to invest in a start-up with an out-of-touch CFO.
Qui investirait dans une start-up avec un PDG qui ne connaît rien à rien?
She wants to start digging, I want to go question the psychic who sent us here.
Très bien. Bones veut creuser, je veux interroger la médium.
Who wants to start?
Qui se lance?
But once you start, who wants to stop, right?
Mais une fois que c'est commencé qui veut s'arrêter, n'est-ce pas?
So stop acting like a husband and start acting like a boss who wants to catch a killer as much as I do!
Arrête d'agir comme un mari et commence à agir en patron qui veut attraper un tueur autant que moi!
I'm someone who's trying to start over, and then suddenly, you and Enzo show up, and now I have hunters on my trail and a brand-new vampire who wants to kill me and everyone else in her path,
Quelqu'un qui essayait de tout recommencer, et puis soudain, toi et Enzo êtes apparus, et maintenant j'ai des chasseurs à mes trousses et un nouveau vampire qui veut me tuer et n'importe qui d'autre sur son chemin,
Real relationship can't start till you stop being who you think the other person wants you to be and just be yourself, come what may.
Mais vous savez que c'est différent pour moi.
Who wants to start today?
Simbad rigole. Qui commence, aujourd'hui?
~ She wants to kill every Spaniard she can lay her hands on. Who better to start with than Perales?
Qui de mieux pour commencer que Perales?

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