And all the while translate Portuguese
748 parallel translation
And all the while, her heart's aching, torn with loneliness and uncertainty. Not knowing whether you're dead or alive.
E o tempo todo de coração partido, a sofrer de solidão e incerteza, sem saber se está vivo ou morto.
And all the while you suspected she was a British agent.
E simultâneamente vocês suspeitam que ela é agente Britânica.
And all the while, Pooh's thoughts kept returning to his honey pots at home.
Enquanto isso, o Pooh só pensava nos potinhos de mel que tinha em casa.
All you have to do is go and talk to those men in the front... while I let Baby out the back.
Aí o tens. Só tens de falar com os homens à frente, que eu solto o Baby cá atrás.
It's been my idea to make a few thousands early in the game and then quit for as long as it lasts and try to find out who I am and what goes on now, while I'm young and feel good all the time.
Tem sido minha ideia ganhar uns milhares cedo no jogo... e depois sair, enquanto durar, e tentar saber quem sou e o que se passa... agora, enquanto sou jovem e me sinto bem a toda a hora.
Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops while a great portion of the world trembles before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men we of America have little time to remember an astounding era in our own recent history an era which will grow more and more incredible with each passing generation until someday people will say it never could've happened at all.
Hoje, enquanto a terra treme sob os pés das tropas que marcham, enquanto uma grande parte do mundo estremece perante a ameaça de homens sedentos de poder, nós, Americanos, temos pouco tempo para recordar uma era estarrecedora na nossa própria História recente, que se tornará mais impressionante com o passar das gerações, até que, um dia, as pessoas digam que é impossível ter acontecido.
Will you all leave while Dr. Burgher and I make out the death certificates?
Podem sair todos enquanto o Dr. Burgher e eu preenchemos as certidões de óbito?
All the better. Give you a chance to get chummy... and keep her out of this mess while we batter away at papa.
Dá-lhe a oportunidade de ser um pouco íntimo... e mantê-la afastada desta confusão enquanto tratamos do papá.
Oh, I guess it really wasn't much but after a while he put his head back on my shoulder and looked at all the men waiting their turns and said :
Não foi nada de especial mas, a certa altura, encostou a cabeca ao meu ombro. Olhou para os homens que esperavam e disse,
Listen to this. Dawn follows Dawn, and Nights grow old And all the while this curious cat
" À aurora segue-se a aurora e envelhece o ocaso
And we'll cuddle all the while
And we'll cuddle all the while
And I have 50 lobbyists pounding on my door while a hundred different meat producers political action committees poured money into my opponent's campaign and my switchboard was lit up all day with calls from senators and representatives and governors of all the meat-producing states. But O.K., Sonia, just for you, let's say I take all that on.
Sim, e eu teria 50 lobbies me massacrando... enquanto os frigoríficos ajudariam a campanha do meu oponente... e políticos de Estados produtores de carne me ligariam o dia todo... mas tudo bem, só por você eu enfrento tudo isso.
While she was talking, all I could think of was a little girl in brown pigtails and dirty overalls, flying at the boys when they pushed her too far.
Enquanto ela falava, eu só conseguia pensar numa menina... de rabo-de-cavalo num macacão sujo... lutando com os miúdos que a provocavam.
Jeannie, you're gonna be a good girl, aren't you and take care of all the strays while I'm gone, hmm?
Jeannie, vai ser uma boa garota, não vai... e cuide de todas desgarradas enquanto eu vou, hum?
I'll tell you what. While I'm digging the grave, you get your things together, all the things you want to carry, and then we can clear out of here in a hurry.
Enquanto cavo a sepultura, pegue suas coisas.
Fancy your building the fire and all while I slept.
Imagine você ateando fogo, e eu dormindo.
Looks like this old river got tired of all the running and jumping she did and decided to lay down and rest for a while.
Olha como o rio velho ficou cansado de agitar a correnteza... e decidiu descansar durante algum tempo.
But... for a little while, I can forget my cancer, and all the other painful things.
Mas... por enquanto, eu posso esquecer o meu cancro... e todas as outras coisas dolorosas.
For a while, I thought the Luftwaffe had shot him down reindeer, sleigh and all.
Por uns tempos, julguei que a Luftwaffe alemã o tivesse abatido, com renas, trenó e tudo.
And my father, he kept screaming he'd sooner die than be a cripple all his life... While they kept digging the bullets out of his legs.
E o meu pai, só gritava que preferia morrer a passar a vida aleijado, enquanto lhe tiravam as balas das pernas.
We ran into a bunch of kids and we all drove out to the lake for a while.
Encontrámo-nos com a malta e fomos todos um bocado até ao lago.
Of all the people who've been born and have died, while the trees went on living.
Em todas as pessoas que nasceram e morreram enquanto as árvores cresciam.
No, I'm not, but this is my place, and while you're in the Rathcullen Arms, you'll sit quietly, or I'll have Father Murphy forbid you to come here at all.
Não, mas este lugar aqui é meu, e enquanto estiver aqui no Rathcullen Arms, fica sentado e bonzinho, senão peço ao Padre Murphy para te proibir de vir aqui de uma vez.
And I looked and saw the sand all alive, all alive as the new-hatched sea turtles dashed to the sea while the birds hovered and swooped to attack and hovered and swooped to attack.
Olhei e vi a areia viva, viva... ... enquanto os pássaros pairavam e atacavam pairavam e atacavam.
See, last night, while I was making the scene at le drug store, I was tearing an expresso with a couple of local citizens when, erm, all of a sudden this New Wave - looking stud comes in and says his name is Roger Roussin and, like, he's making a film about Bastille Day.
Ontem á noite, enquanto filmava a cena na la drogaria, estava a mamar um cafézinho com dois cidadaos locais quando, num repente, aparece-me este meu, tipo Nova Vaga, que diz chamar-se Roger Roussin e, morde bem,
Now, ladies and gentlemen, while our mariachis are recuperating from their activities, the Tea House presents that young man whose songs have electrified colleges and enraged campuses all over the nation.
E agora, senhoras e senhores, enquanto os "mariachis" se recompõem das actividades, a Casa de Chá apresenta o jovem cujas canções electrizaram faculdades e enraiveceram universidades em todo o país.
Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites that scour the outward part of a cup and dish while all within is running with avarice and incontinence.
Ai de vós! Escribas e fariseus! Pois limpais por fora o copo e o prato e por dentro... estais cheios de roubo e de intemperança!
I know you all, and will a while uphold the unyoked humor of your idleness.
Conheço todos vocês, por algum tempo vos segui... em vossas loucuras e pilhagens.
" Tis but a little while and all the Earth shall be turned into a fruitful field.
Em pouco tempo... toda a terra se transformará em um campo fértil.
While you were all unconscious and I was expecting the ship to crash head-on, the force suddenly stopped and we set down gently. And then... You all went crazy.
Enquando vocês estavam desmaiados e eu esperava que a nave... se despenhasse, a força parou de repente e aterramos suavemente.
We'll make a stand and hold them... while you take all the cattle and grain into Khartoum.
Vamos aguentá-los enquanto vocês levam o gado e o trigo até Khartum.
While you're at it, blink all the statues and the paintings and everything here to the Tangiers villa.
Enquanto faz isto, poderia levar as pinturas... e tudo aqui para a vila em Tanger.
If we blow up the road, they'll have to go all the way around the town to get to the harbor, which gives me time to nip back here... and blow up the bridge while you're gettin'on the boat.
Matthew, o que achou da comida que lhe trouxe na prisão na outra noite? Foi a melhor refeição que eu já tive na minha vida.
and since he's lying in wait though totally unjustified he protests all the while and becomes exasperated He stands up and, almost crazy, gives rein to his bad temper. "
E sua perene vigilância realmente injustificada faz com que ele proteste por qualquer coisa até que já exasperado se alça e transtornado da passo a sua postura selvagem.
While beaming down from the Enterprise to inspect facilities on Gamma II, the normal transporter sequence has been interrupted and we find ourselves on a strange and hostile planet, surrounded by creatures belonging to races scattered all through the galaxy.
Ao descermos da Enterprise para inspeccionar Gamma II, a sequência normal do transportador foi interrompida. Demos por nós num planeta estranho e hostil, rodeados de criaturas de raças de todos os pontos da galáxia.
And while Hachita, Besh, and Monkey were carrying'on as though they were a whole raiding'party all the rest were gonna take off a different way.
E enquanto o Hachita, o Besh e o Monkey fingiam... ser o bando que os perseguia, todos os outros iam noutra direcção.
And so I had my moment of glory, that brief, fleeting glory, which, of itself, cannot last, but while it does, is the best game of all.
E assim tive o meu momento de glória, a glória breve e efémera, que, por si só, não pode durar, mas, enquanto dura, traz a melhor sensação de todas.
And, in his mantle muffling up his face, even at the base of Pompey's statua, which all the while ran blood, great Caesar fell.
César caiu na base da estátua de Pompeu... com o corpo vertendo sangue.
Here I am in these bloody marshes, fighting malaria and Germans... while he's taking Palermo and getting all the glory.
Eu aqui, nestes malditos brejos, a combater a malária e os alemães, enquanto ele toma Palermo e fica com todos os louros.
While I stood rapt in the wonder of it, came missives from the king, who all-hailed me, Thane of Cawdor by which title, before, these weird sisters saluted me and referred me to the coming on of time with :
Estava eu ainda abismado com a cena, quando chegaram mensageiros do rei, que me saudaram como Cavaleiro de Cawdor título com que me tinham saudado anteriormente as estranhas irmãs e referiram-se a mim com :
"We drove all the way up to the corner, and while we were still waving, the car broke down."
"dirigimo-nos todo o caminho até ao canto, e enquanto estávamos acenando, o carro avariou."
More than one hundred a thousand nipo-Americans they had been interned in mass, over all of the coast the occidental person, while 600 a thousand Germans and Italians they had been treated individually.
Mais de 100 mil nipo-americanos foram internados em massa, sobretudo os da costa ocidental, enquanto 600 mil alemães e italianos foram tratados individualmente.
If, while building a house, a carpenter stri kes a nail it proves faulty by bending does the carpenter lose faith in all nails and stop building his house?
Se, ao construir uma casa, um carpinteiro bate um prego isso prova defeituosa dobrando... não... o carpinteiro perder a fé em todas as unhas e parar de construir sua casa?
the crusher to be able German, its implacable speed, e over all the chaos in the Allied rear, while the inexperienced soldiers e confused ran away for local insurance, obstructing the roads and hindering the reinforcements to be arrived at the front.
o esmagador poder alemão, a sua velocidade implacável, e sobretudo o caos na retaguarda Aliada, enquanto os soldados inexperientes e confusos fugiam para local seguro, obstruindo as estradas e impedindo os reforços de chegarem à frente.
And I also need his advice all the while.
Sim. e preciso sempre dos seus conselhos.
And did you know of it all the while?
E tu sempre soubeste disto?
And while we work, will you teach me, All the things you know?
E enquanto trabalhamos, ensinar-me-á tudo o que sabe?
If you're like me, all that hustling and bustling makes you want... to let the world go by while you enjoy a Goo Goo candy cluster.
Se for como eu, toda essa agitação te faz desejar... deixar tudo e desfrutar de uns caramelos Goo Goo.
With Tommy and all the others gone, it's best we go away for a while.
Com a morte do Tommy e dos outros todos, é melhor nós irmos para fora, por uns tempos.
It's gotta be one of the two of us, and I'll tell you one thing. You had all the fun on that train while I baby-sat these savages.
Tem que ser um de nós... e lhe digo, você teve toda a diversão naquele comboio... enquanto eu tive de aguentar aqueles selvagens.
For Johann Sebastian, seeing Gundula,... falling madly in love, walking all night in despair, along the shores of the Moldau, spending two days, drunk, in a tavern and a week composing the sonata No. 2 of the opus 1 7 while thinking about her... was all a matter of an instant.
Para Johann Sebastian, ver a Gundula,... enamorar-se perdidamente, caminhar toda noite desesperado as margens do Moldava, passar dois días bebado em uma taverna, e compôr durante uma semana a sonata Nº2 do opus 1 7 pensando nela... foi tudo questão de um instante.
and all the time 27
and all 124
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and all this time 50
and all of you 28
and all that 128
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all of this 18
and all 124
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and all this time 50
and all of you 28
and all that 128
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all of this 18
and all this 26
all the while 44
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
all the while 44
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and as you can see 106
and at the end 28
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and actually 119
and also 645
and as for you 86
and afterwards 122
and as usual 32
and as you can see 106
and at the end 28
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and actually 119
and also 645
and as for you 86
and afterwards 122
and as usual 32