And at the time translate Portuguese
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I'm sure a lot of kids would call her a "retard" and some just "slow." And at the time and still to this day, I would call her "quiet and illiterate," but not retarded.
Muitos lhe chamariam atrasada, outros lerda mas, na altura, e até hoje, diria que era sossegada e analfabeta, mas nunca atrasada.
I think it's important to learn that we can both remember and move on at the same time.
Penso que é importante aprender que todos podemos lembrar-nos e seguir em frente ao mesmo tempo.
If Rebecca left the fraternity at 12 : 30 and was headed to Lila's sorority, then she would've crossed paths with the basketball player on spruce around the time he told the police.
Se a Rebecca saiu de lá 0h30 e foi até a da Lila, ela teria se cruzado com o jogador de basquetebol na hora que ele disse.
You can't teach and record at the same time.
Não dá para ensinar e gravar ao mesmo tempo.
The next time you choose to put our lives and the lives of the people that we love at risk we'll expect a heads-up.
Da próxima vez que puser em risco as nossas vidas e as vidas das pessoas que amamos, espero um aviso prévio.
But she did take this man's car without his consent, and at the same time, she kidnapped his mother.
Mas ela demorou carro deste homem sem o seu consentimento, E, ao mesmo tempo, Ela seqüestrado sua mãe.
I feel isolated, and exposed at the same time.
Me sinto isolada e exposta ao mesmo tempo.
And it felt good at the time.
Na altura soube-me bem.
He said he's at the office all day, and you'll have to catch up another time.
Ele está ocupado no escritório, e tens que o ver noutra altura.
I remember going into the house, And I literally couldn't be in the house. For 10 seconds at a time.
Lembro-me de entrar na casa e de não conseguir estar lá dentro mais do que dez segundos de cada vez porque o gás lacrimogéneo era tão forte, que não conseguia respirar.
Became sticky and had this really nice chewy texture, A little crispy at the same time.
Tinha esta textura agradável a mastigar, e estaladiça ao mesmo tempo.
And between my time in Congress and now at the White House, I have more experience than both of my opponents combined.
E, entre o meu tempo no Congresso e, agora, na Casa Branca, tenho mais experiência que as minhas duas adversárias juntas.
And the Earth's axis tilted that day, though neither they, nor we, knew it at the time.
E o eixo da Terra inclinou-se naquele dia, apesar deles não saberem disso na época, nem nós.
And the next morning, Evan ends up at Carla's Cafe at the exact same time as the evil twin router.
E na manhã seguinte, o Evan está no Café Carla na mesma altura do router gémeo do mal.
What evidence do you have to prove that Mr Miller was using his phone at the time the calls and messages were sent?
Que evidências tem para provar que era o Sr. Miller que tinha este telefone quando as chamadas eram feitas e as mensagens enviadas?
That's what I thought at the time and it turns out not to have been true.
Foi o que pensei na altura, mas parece que não era verdade.
People were looking for rebellion, and I happened to be at the fight place at the right time with the right state of mind.
As pessoas precisavam de rebelião eu estava no sítio certo à hora certa com o estado de espírito certo.
And certainly there were things that I could've done differently, had I known better at the time.
Podia ter feito as coisas de outra forma, se soubesse como.
Well, the prison assholes claimed it was suicide, but... there was a lot of dixie mafia muscle inside at that time, and those guys know how to fix a murder to look like suicide easy as baking a pie.
Os idiotas da prisão afirmaram que foi suicídio, mas... Havia muito músculo da máfia sulista presa naquela altura e eles sabiam como "fabricar" facilmente um suicídio.
'ln order, so to speak, to show my iron fist to the Allies and also to tell them at the same time it is not going to change anything even if you destroyed the lines of communication to the Reich and bombed them to pieces, we will still march.
De forma, por assim dizer, a mostrar o minha mão de ferro aos Aliados, e também ao mesmo tempo dizer-lhes, que nada irá mudar, mesmo se destruírem as linhas de comunicações com o Reich e as bombardearem em pedaços, ainda assim vamos marchar.
My family's been at the front of every battle, each and every time.
A minha família esteve na frente de todas as batalhas!
Should put us right in time for the event tomorrow at Plowman headquarters. And get this :
Devemos chegar mesmo a tempo para o evento na quinta dos Plowman.
I did not understand my mental and emotional shortcomings at the time and only knew that I found this rock to be immensely attractive.
Não entendia a minha mente e as minhas emoções na época apenas sabia que pensava que a pedra era muito atraente.
Very popular at the time and never ever placed on the floor.
Muito popular naquela época, e nunca era colocado no chão.
He's home-grown, right in Birmingham, and he can break the long run almost anywhere at any time.
É natural de Birmingham. E consegue marcar
She's being pulled back to Moscow in three days and the operation against us could come at any time.
Ela regressará a Moscovo daqui a três dias, e a operação contra nós poderá acontecer a qualquer instante.
We look at all the cases we've heard, then we make this map, and every time another school called or whatever, we put a dot on the map.
Olhamos para todos os casos de que soubemos e fazemos um mapa. Sempre que outra escola liga, pomos um ponto no mapa.
My father created Markridge as a place to defy the order of things, to ignore the rules, to laugh at Mother Nature and spit in the face of Father Time.
O meu pai criou a Markridge para desafiar a ordem das coisas, para ignorar as regras, para rir da Mãe Natureza, e para cuspir na cara do Pai Tempo.
And to frame Terence Lawson at the same time.
E incriminar o Terence Lawson.
And still there isn't time to come to prayers at the mosque, huh?
E mesmo assim não há tempo para ir rezar à mesquita?
I wasn't involved directly at the time, but I studied the case quite a bit, and I know the persons who worked on it : I am still in touch with them.
Eu não estava envolvido directamente na época, mas estudei o caso a fundo, e conheço as pessoas que trabalharam nele, continuo em contacto com eles.
Since y'all find this so amusing, how about you come on out here and give me ten jumping jacks, all y'all at the same time?
Se é assim tão engraçado, porque não fazem dez saltos, agora todos juntos?
The damage that I caused was real, and I knew it at the time.
Os danos que causei foram reais... e eu sabia disso.
Of any and all who demand blind allegiance whilst at the same time claiming the name of God as license to destroy.
De todos que exigem lealdade cega enquanto ao mesmo tempo usam o nome de Deus como licença para destruir.
Unit 17, all they'll say at this time is that the teeth are about an inch long, and sharper than shit. Over.
Unidade 17, neste momento, só sabemos que medem cerca de 2,5 cm e que são afiados como o raio.
It was gross and awesome at the same time.
A Lizzie Cooper vomitou a meio da soletração. Foi nojento e espectacular ao mesmo tempo.
And it kind of blew my mind at the time,'cause it never occurred to me to judge someone by their family.
Na altura fiquei espantado, porque nunca me ocorreu julgar uma pessoa pela sua família.
Oh, every time I light up, I have the surgeon general harping on about bloody lung cancer, and look at me... fit as a fiddle.
Sempre que vou ao médico... ele avisa-me do cancro do pulmão... e olha só para mim? - Bom como novo.
Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, Liftoff Wireless'Wi-Fi service is available at a charge of $ 9.99 for the duration of the flight.
Senhoras e senhores, neste momento, o serviço Wi-Fi da Liftoff Wireless está disponível pelo preço de 9.99, durante a duração do voo.
Kurt was nine at the time, and everybody was talking about it.
O Kurt tinha 9 anos, na altura. E todos comentavam o divórcio.
And so he was working at the time as a janitor, but he'd always have to, like, do some kind of art, you know, usually defacing something.
Na altura, trabalhava como empregado de limpeza, mas tinha sempre de praticar algum tipo de arte, normalmente a distorcer algo.
This is not your fault. And yet, at the same time, it is.
Ainda assim, ao mesmo tempo, é.
Cell phones weren't prevalent 16 years ago, and he wasn't gonna overnight the football, so... the most popular area codes in L.A. at the time were
Os telemóveis não eram comuns há 16 anos, e ele ia pernoitar com a Futebol, logo...
Because time, as you well know, is of the essence, and millions still continue to live at risk.
Porque o tempo, como você bem sabe, é da essência, e milhões ainda continuam a viver em situação de risco.
We're going into mediation, and... I'm doing everything I can to create a situation where you can live with me, at least part of the time.
Vamos tentar chegar a acordo, e estou a fazer tudo o que posso para criar uma situação em que possas viver comigo, pelo menos parte do tempo.
And, um... the whole time I was at the hospital, I was thinking about you and what you went through.
E enquanto estive no hospital, pensei em ti e em tudo o que passaste.
It was always talked about, the people who were OT could read your mind, and they could move objects at will, and they could... they were cause over matter, energy, space, and time,
Diziam sempre que quem era TO conseguia ler a mente, conseguia mover objetos com a mente e podiam...
People, at that particular time and space, were walking around in clothes which looked very remarkably like the clothes they wear in this very minute.
A população dessa altura em particular vestia-se com roupas muito semelhantes às roupas que vestimos hoje em dia.
I didn't know it at the time, but a depression set in that was with me for years, and the worst thing was that LRH kept ordering me to more auditing.
Eu não sabia na altura, mas estava com uma depressão há anos. E o pior é que o LRH insistia em mandar-me fazer mais auditorias.
And I had a young child at that time, who was 10 months old when I went to the RPF.
E eu tinha um bebé na altura com dez meses, quando fui para a FPR.
We were facing a tax bill of over a billion dollars, and the total assets, liquid and material, and property of the church was about a quarter of that at the time, in the'80s.
Tínhamos uma multa fiscal de mais de mil milhão de dólares e todos os ativos, líquidos e materiais, e propriedades da Igreja eram cerca de um quarto disso naquela altura, nos anos 80.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
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the times 79
the time is now 61
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the time will come 16
and at that moment 25
and at 97
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at the time 529
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the times 79
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the time 110
the time masters 23
the time is 69
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
the time masters 23
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and a half 160
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and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
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and as you can see 106
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and above all 105
and also 645
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
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and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
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and above all 105
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and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24