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As you were translate Portuguese

10,889 parallel translation
As you were, pike.
- Fique onde estava, Pike.
As you were, men.
Fiquem onde estavam, homens.
As you were, Captain York.
Posição de descanso, Capitã York.
May Euron, your servant, be born again from the sea as you were.
Que Euron, vosso servo, renasça do mar, como o senhor renasceu.
You were able to get the gymnastics team reinstated, and now you're competing at the Ivy league throwdown. Which you actually have a chance of winning.
Conseguiste criar a equipa de ginástica, estão a competir contra as Ivy League e, se calhar, até conseguem ganhar?
Listen, those personnel changes that you were referring to...
Ouve, as mudanças de pessoal a que te estavas a referir...
I thought you were going to knock people over, trying to get off that gangway.
Pensei que ias derrubar as pessoas, ao tentares desembarcar.
You know, we were going places as a band.
Nós estávamos a evoluir enquanto banda.
I took the measurements while you were sleeping.
Tirei-te as medidas enquanto estavas a dormir.
We were on the road in Spain, and I noticed that the people there pronounce the letter S with, like, a T-H "th" sound, so instead of saying Spain, they say Thpain, you know, and it's like the whole country has a crazy speech impediment, so I wrote a thong about that.
Estávamos em digressão em Espanha e reparei que as pessoas lá pronunciam a letra S com um som T-H "th", assim, em vez de dizerem Espanha, dizem Ethpanha e parece que o país todo tem um defeito de fala louco,
I did the math, and it turns out you were three months pregnant when the fairies brought you back to Daddy.
Fiz as contas e ao que parece estavas grávida de três meses quando as "fadas" te trouxeram de volta para o papá.
Tactically, if there were more, as a show of force you would've brought them out.
Tacticamente, se fossem mais, como uma demonstração de força, tê-los-ia feito sair.
You know, me and Semi, when our hands were small enough, we used to reach into these machines, grab the chips that got caught in the chute.
Sabes, eu e o Semi, quando tínhamos mãos suficientemente pequenas, costumávamos mexer nestas máquinas, apanhar as fichas que ficavam presas na rampa.
"Maybe you aren't as good as you thought you were."
Se calhar não és tão bom como achavas.
Stop clutching yourself as if you were on display in a slave market.
Para de te encolher como se estivesses a ser exibida num mercado de escravos.
When I heard that you were going to Champery to meet Rhea.. .. I thought I could mend things with you.
Quando ouvi dizer que ia para Champery ver Rhea pensei que podia consertar as coisas consigo.
- -whatever the fuck you were, with this freakish paranoia, marching in the streets about the government spying on people.
O que quer que fosses, com aberrações paranóicas, marchando nas ruas por causa do Governo expiar as pessoas.
"Alex could have been in those towers." I read all the lists and I didn't see your name, so I just assumed you were okay.
"O Alex poderia estar nas torres". Li todas as listas e não vi lá o teu nome, então presumi que estavas bem.
It's filthy, the food was disgusting. Even the kids were dying to get back, so, you know.
Sujo, a comida era nojenta, até as crianças queriam vir-se embora.
I wish you were here.
as she said it was. Quem me dera que estivesses aqui.
Buddy's laying over here and what's left of the 1st Streeters, which, as you know, up until last night were the most vicious, violent gang in the city, responsible for more rapes and murders than your average Third World army.
Este tipo aqui e os outros é o que resta dos First Streeters, que como sabe, até esta noite, era o gangue mais brutal e perigoso da cidade. Culpados por mais violações e homicídios que exércitos de países de Terceiro Mundo.
I don't care whose standards you were using, not all the victims were bad guys.
Não quero saber que padrões usem, nem todas as vítimas eram pessoas más.
As you may know, our family were rulers in this region for nearly 700 years.
- Como sabe, a nossa família eram governantes nesta região durante quase 700 anos.
That's because while you were listening to Father Douglas ramble on about Saint Francis or whatever I was under the pews looking up the girls'skirts.
Isso é porque enquanto ouvias o Padre Douglas a divagar sobre São Francisco ou lá o que é, eu andava debaixo dos bancos da igreja a espreitar as saias das raparigas.
I was genuinely, as a friend, sincerely asking if her family was ever in danger and if their lives were at stake and you happened to be there to save them.
Eu estava, genuinamente, como amigo, sinceramente a perguntar se a sua família estava em perigo e apareceste para os salvar.
So wait, what were the two ideas you had that were really good?
Então, espera, quais eram as duas ideias que tinhas que eram mesmo boas?
And, you know, people were fighting for tickets outside.
E, sabes, as pessoas estavam a lutar por bilhetes lá fora.
Are you sure the diapers were for a baby?
Tem a certeza que as fraldas eram mesmo para um bébé?
If you are convicted, which you likely will be, you will spend the rest of your life in a cage, waking up every morning wishing you were dead, unless...
Se for condenado, o que é provável que venha a ser, vai passar o resto da sua vida numa cela, a acordar todas as manhãs com a vontade de morrer, a não ser que,
Of course, of course, you thought things were moving
Achaste que as coisas estavam
I thought you were going to France. No, love.
Vai encaixar-se bem com as minhas rondas.
If we're giving up, we simply have to bite the bullet. "We?" I thought YOU were giving up?
Sempre que pensares em fumar, ocupa as mãos com outra coisa.
'And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing'when you look at the sky at night.
Numa delas, estarei a rir. " Então será como se todas as estrelas rissem
- You say that as if it were past. - It was never meant for me.
Ele foi levar incenso à igreja.
Brother, if you were half as popular as you believe yerself to be, then there would be more men here today in this army of yours.
Irmão, se tivesses metade da popularidade que julgas ter, haveria aqui mais homens, hoje, neste vosso exército.
Were you at the same shootout as I was?
Estavas no mesmo tiroteio que eu?
As I explained to you before, the living arrangements I was given were intolerable.
Como eu expliquei antes, as minhas condições domiciliares eram intoleráveis.
One way or the other, you're gonna testify about the drugs, the money, and, while we're at it, where you were later that night.
De uma forma ou de outra, vais testemunhar sobre as drogas, o dinheiro e onde estiveste naquela noite.
The Elfstones were guiding you to me.
As Elfstones estão a guiar-te para mim.
What were the last words you heard from O.J.? Oh.
Quais foram as últimas palavras que ouviu do OJ?
What I saw you do on that field that day, somehow, as I was watching, it became as if you were running for me.
O que te vi fazer no campo aquele dia... E enquanto eu via, parecia que estavas a correr por mim.
And why were you keeping notes about other jurors'conjugal visits?
Porque mantém anotações sobre as visitas íntimas dos outros jurados?
Do you remember the way you smirked at me when my grandson and granddaughter were dragged off to their cells?
Lembrai-vos do vosso sorrisinho quando o meu neto e a minha neta eram arrastados para as suas celas?
You talk about war as if you're an expert, but the one battle I remember you fighting, you were captured by Robb Stark, the Young Wolf.
Falas sobre a guerra como se fosses um perito, mas na única batalha que recordo teres lutado, foste capturado por Robb Stark, o Jovem Lobo.
The Elfstones were guiding you to me.
As Pedras Élficas estavam a guiar-te até mim.
Maybe if you dropped the whole lying, cheating, and stealing act, you'd find people were a little more hospitable.
Se parasses com mentiras, traições e roubos, as pessoas eram mais hospitaleiras.
Things were happening without my participation, You were preoccupied with each other.
As coisas aconteciam sem a minha participação, sucedendo-se umas às outras.
But I couldn't with my heart and soul, But you were as strong as an oak.
Não podia com a minha alma, mas tu estavas forte como um carvalho.
I wanted to live in a place where there were none of your fingerprints, Nothing reminded me of you.
Queria viver num lugar que não tivesse as tuas impressões digitais, que nada me fizesse recordar de ti.
You were brought up with the same freedom as my parents raised me.
Eduquei-te com a mesma liberdade que os meus pais me educaram.
And despite my silence, I ended up infecting you as if it were a virus.
E apesar do meu silêncio, acabei por contagiar-te como se fosse um vírus.

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