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Crowd groans translate Portuguese

11 parallel translation
- Immediately. - [Crowd groans]
( crowd groans ) Well, I was in a very vulnerable state, and...
Bem, eu estava a entrar num estado muito vulnerável e...
Yeah, yeah, Tom, yeah- [Crowd Groans ] - [ Fanelli] Aww. Yeah, Tom. Yeah, Tom.
Sim, Tommy.
- [Grunts ] - [ Crowd Groans] - Like we say in my county, "Hasta la vista, baby."
Como dizemos no meu país, "Hasta la vista, baby".
[Crowd Groans]
[Crowd Groans]
- And we pick Peace! - [Crowd groans]
E escolhemos Peace.
[Crowd Groans] It burned like hell, but at least Randy was gonna be able to step in and be the hero.
Queimava como o inferno, mas ao menos o Randy ia poder avançar e ser o herói.
[Crowd Groans ] [ Earl Narrating] And in return for his sacrifice... Randy got to marry the woman he loved.
E em troca do seu sacrifício, o Randy casou com a mulher que amava.
( crowd groans ) Back up!
Para trás!
- [crowd groans ] - [ woman] What? You condone the behavior?
- [Grunts ] - [ Crowd Groans] Okay, that's it.

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