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Daily news translate Portuguese

112 parallel translation
Hitchcock, Chicago Daily News.
Hitchcock, "Chicago Daily News".
Men from The Times, The Tribune, Daily News and many others.
Homens do The Times, The Tribune, Daily News e muitos outros.
And now we proudly present the star of our show, the nationally syndicated columnist of the New York Daily News, Ed Sullivan.
E, agora, temos o prazer de apresentar a estrela do espectáculo, o colunista do "New York Daily News", Ed Sullivan.
'Sancho Panza ( Mr Organs ) spoilt an otherwise impeccably choreographed rape scene by his unscheduled appearance and persistent cries of "What's all this then?"'
O Western Daily News disse : " Sancho Pança, ( Mr. Órgãos ) estragou uma cena de violação bem coreografada com o seu aparecimento súbito e gritos persistentes de :
The Daily News, in rather large headlines, still costing 10 cents,
O "Daily News" diz em grandes manchetes, ainda por 10 centavos...
And the whole front page of the Daily News is Howard Beale.
E Howard Beale está em todas as capas de revistas e jornais.
According to the New York Daily News'astrologer :
Segundo o astrólogo do New York Daily News
A photo for the Daily News?
Uma foto para o Daily News? ...
If you don't come in, I'm in the Daily News the next morning.
Se não entrasses, amanhã vinha na primeira página dos jornais.
It was in the "Daily News" today.
Vinha hoje no Daily News.
Don, that was the Daily News.
Don, era do jornal diário.
Yeah, you can. The Village Voice. The New York Times.
Sim, podes. "A Voz da Cidade", "O New York Times", "O Daily News".
- Duckburg Daily News on line one, sir.
- Diário de Patópolis na linha um, senhor.
I should be out there getting myself a Daily News, looking in the "Want Ads" trying to get a job selling spatulas. "
Devia era estar lá fora a ler o Daily News, na secção de anúncios, a tentar procurar emprego a vender espátulas.
Paulie, how many Daily News did you order?
Paulie, quantos "Daily News" encomendaste?
One Daily News for your parents... and one Newsday for you.
Um "Daily News" para os teus pais e um "Newsday" para ti.
When he asked my name, I had just seen your picture in the Daily News.
Quando perguntou o meu nome, tinha acabado de ver a sua fotografia no Daily News.
I like to get the Daily News.
Gosto de comprar o Daily News.
- A Sing Pao Daily News.
- Noticias diarias do Sing Pao.
The Daily News kind of kicked your butt today.
O Daily News parece que te arrasou hoje.
He worked for the Dai / y News. Yes.
Escreve para o Daily News.
No, it's a clipping from the Bangor Daily News.
Não, é um recorte do Bangor Daily News.
Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News?
- Achas que têm o Daily News de ontem? - Porquê?
Daily News!
Do Daily News!
Do you plan to sue Jack Taylor and the Daily News for the apparently false, unsubstantiated charges they've made against you?
Está a pensar processar o Jack Taylor e o Daily News pelas acusações aparentemente falsas e sem substância que fizeram contra si?
I'm Sammy Adler from the Daily News.
Sammy Adler do Daily News.
Oh, Bob Stone, Sammy Adams from the Daily News.
Bob Stone, é o Sammy Adams do Daily News.
So where was that guy from? Daily News?
Aquele tipo era do Daily News?
I've got bodies all over the front page of the Daily News!
Eu tenho estes cadávers espalhados pela página principal do Daily News!
He's a sportswriter for the Daily News.
É um jornalista desportivo do Daily News.
Who was I kidding?
Nós sem sequer conseguimos fazer as palavras cruzadas do Daily News.
I've been buying The Post and The Daily News all week. It would be nice to see some money.
Tenho comprado eu o Post e o Daly News toda a semana, era simpático contribuírem.
Not enough Post or Daily News headlines?
Eles não merecem parangonas?
Daily News columnist Jimmy Breslin received a letter today from the.44 Caliber Killer.
O colunista Jimmy Breslin do Daily News recebeu hoje uma carta do Assassino Calibre 44.
There's a mojo at the Daily News you can use.
Há um "mojo" no Daily News que podes usar.
I never said I didn't buy into astrology. I said I was a little suspect of it. What is this, the Daily News?
Nunca disse isso, só disse que me levanta suspeitas.
Hey, Stu, I didn't know "The Daily News" covered the Super Bowl.
Não sabia que o "The Daily News" fazia a cobertura do Campeonato Nacional.
I'm Dana Bright from the "Bangor Daily News."
Sou a Dana Bright, do Bangor Daily News.
- Dana Bright. Bangor Daily News.
Dana Bright, Bangor Daily News.
Dana Bright, Bangor Daily News.
Dana Bright, Bangor Daily News.
Dana writes for the "Bangor Daily News."
Escreve para a "Bangor Daily News".
You found yourself on page seven of "The Daily News"
E encontraste-te na página sete do The Daily News
In "The Daily News"?
- No The Daily News?
Yeah? Well, I stayed away as long as I could, but the Yale Daily News...
Eu fiquei afastado o máximo possível, mas o Yale Daily News...
"I'll provide the people of this city..." ... with a daily paper that will tell all the news honestly.
"Eu darei ao povo desta cidade... um jornal diário que mostrará as notícias com sinceridade."
Daily News?
Daily News?
Well, every day, five days a week for 15 years... I've been sitting behind that desk, the dispassionate pundit... reporting with seemly detachment... the daily parade of lunacies that constitute the news.
Bem, todos os dias, cinco dias por semana, durante 15 anos, estive sentando àquela secretária, analista imparcial, informando com imparcialidade, as loucuras diárias que constituem o noticiário.
An Australian news report has stated that the banned editor of the Daily Dispatch,
Notícias do meio-dia.
We can't even do the word jumble in the Daily News.
Ok, sabes que mais?
It was a homeless woman with "the daily news" up her butt.
Era uma sem-abrigo com o Daily News enfiado no rabo.
Maybe, but if there is some truth to it, that's front-page news for the Daily Planet.
Talvez, mas se for verdade, é notícia de primeira página para o Daily Planet.

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