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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ E ] / Eight thousand

Eight thousand translate Portuguese

196 parallel translation
Eight thousand.
2.400 metros. 2.400 metros.
- Eight thousand dollars.
- 8 mil dólares.
Eight thousand.
Oito mil.
Twenty-eight thousand.
28 mil.
Thirty-eight thousand.
38 mil.
Eight thousand square miles ofwater over two miles above sea level...
Oito mil milhas quadradas de água a mais de duas milhas acima do nível do mar...
Eight thousand dollars.
Oito mil dólares.
I've got to raise eight thousand dollars immediately.
Tenho que arranjar oito mil dólares imediatamente.
I've just misplaced eight thousand dollars.
Eu perdi há pouco oito mil dólares.
You misplaced eight thousand dollars?
Perdeu oito mil dólares?
And you ask me to lend you eight thousand.
E pede-me para lhe emprestar oito mil.
Why don't you go to the riff-raff you love so much ask them to let you have eight thousand?
Por que não vai para o refugo que gosta tanto e lhes pede oito mil dólares?
- Eight thousand dollars.
- Sim, eu sei.
Y-You don't happen to have eight thousand bucks on you?
Por acaso não tens aí oito mil doláres? Não.
You haven't a care in the world. No worries, no obligations, no eight thousand dollars to get, no Potter looking for you with the sheriff.
Nenhuma preocupação, nenhuma obrigação, nenhuns oito mil dólares para arranjar, nenhum Potter a procurar-te com o xerife.
Mopu is eight thousand feet up.
Mopu fica a 2500 metros de altura.
- Eight thousand.
- Oito mil?
Eight thousand more and we get our tent.
- Muito bom. Mais oito mil e nós teremos a nossa tenda.
Thirty-eight thousand and closing.
38.000 e a reduzir...
Thirty-eight thousand and closing.
38.000 e a aproximar-se.
About eight thousand feet.
Cerca de 2.500 metros de altura.
Tacking seven or eight thousand.
Entre sete e oito mil RPM...
Eight thousand fucking dollars.
Oito mil dólares, porra!
Seven, eight thousand degrees?
Sete, oito mil graus?
Eight thousand miles from home, my cameraman's mind has gone to mush... on some whacked-out water diet!
A 12 mil km de casa, o cérebro do meu cinegrafista... vira purê por causa de uma dieta de água.
Let's say eight thousand.
Oito mil, é preciso ver.
Forty-eight thousand dollars.
Quarenta e oito mil dólares.
Added to these, of knights, esquires and gallant gentlemen, eight thousand and four hundred... of the which five hundred... were but yesterday dubbed knights.
Cavaleiros, escudeiros e nobres senhores... oito mil e quatrocentos... dos quais quinhentos receberam o título de cavaleiro ontem.
It weighs eight thousand tons.
Pesa oito mil toneladas.
- So, what did we get? - Eight thousand dollars.
- Que nos ofereceram, então?
Eight thousand of these terror weapons had been launched and rained destruction upon England.
Tinham sido lançadas 8.000 destas armas terríficas, semeando a destruiçao na Inglaterra.
Eight thousand square feet, with pool, sauna, and Jacuzzi.
Tenho também uma piscina, sauna e banheira de hidromassagem.
One million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight.
Um milhão, 999 mil, 938.
In that case, ma'am, you'll be delighted to know that you're only one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three miles away from him.
Nesse caso, ficará feliz em saber que está apenas a... dois mil novecentos e... noventa e seis quilómetros dele.
Eight thousand degrees centigrade.
É verdade, Excelência.
Not counting mortars, machine guns, rifles... pistols, telescopes, belt buckles, GI socks. One thousand, eight hundred men.
Sem contar com morteiros, metralhadoras, espingardas, pistolas, telescópios, fivelas de cintos, peúgas... 1800 homens.
Fifty.... Fifty thousand, thirty-eight dollars, and fifty-three cents.
50... 50.038 dólares e 53 cêntimos.
It's ten thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight feet up, over, down.
Tem dez mil seissentos e setenta e oito pés acima ou abaixo.
In the year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, five trader warships left the Dutch city of Rotterdam as the first expeditionary force ever sent to ravage and plunder Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the recently discovered New World.
No ano de Nosso Senhor de mil quinhentos e noventa e oito, cinco navios mercantes armados partiram da cidade de Roterdão, formando a primeira expedição de sempre com o objectivo de atacar interesses portugueses e espanhóis no recém-descoberto Novo Mundo.
One thousand and eight!
Mil e oito!
One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, four five one-thousand, six one-thousand, seven one-thousand eight one-thousand, nine one-thousand, 10 one-thousand.
Mil e um, mil e dois, mil e três... quatro mil, cinco mil, seis mil, sete mil... oito mil, nove mil, dez mil.
" That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward and forever free and the executive government of the United States including the military and Naval authorities thereof will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.
" Ao primeiro dia de Janeiro, do ano de Nosso Senhor, de 1 863, todos os escravos de todos os estados, ou designados como parte de um estado, que se oponha aos Estados Unidos, serão a partir de agora e para sempre, livres e o governo executivo dos Estados Unidos, incluindo as autoridades militares e navais, reconhecerá e defenderá a liberdade de tais pessoas.
... one hundred sixty-eight thousand
Ele vendeu-me os selos... por 168,000 zlotis.
Since nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, the second was defined as the equivalent of nine billion, one hundred and ninety two million, six hundred and thirty one thousand, seven hundred and fifty eight radiation cycles of the caesium atom.
Desde 1958, o segundo foi definido como o equivalente a 9 biliões, 192 milhões, 631 mil, 770 ciclos radiactivos de um átomo de césio.
Eight hundred and sixty-three thousand, four hundred and thirty-four.
Foram 863.434
I attended his funeral at Arlington through eight-power binoculars... from a thousand yards away.
Assisti ao funeral em Arlington através de binóculos.
One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand, four-one thousand, five-one thousand, six-one thousand, seven-one thousand, eight-one thousand, nine-one thousand, ten-one thousand.
Mil, Dois mil, três mil, quatro mil, cinco mil, seis mil, sete mil, oito mil, nove mil, dez mil.
You bet the hard eight for a thousand and pressed it for two.
Apostou 1000 no "Duplo 4" e subiu para 2 mil.
Two thousand-dollar hard eight.
$ 2000 no duplo quatro.
Two thousand-dollar hard eight's the bet.
$ 2000 no duplo quatro é a aposta.
Two thousand on the hard eight.
2000 no duplo quatro.

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