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Fresh meat translate Portuguese

252 parallel translation
There's plenty of buffalo sign out here, so I'll be riding out to pick up fresh meat.
Vi búfalos naquela direção. - Iréi caçar um pouco de carne fresca.
It's alive, all right but they're fresh meat anyway.
Está mesmo viva mas säo carne fresca.
Now we'll have fresh meat.
Assim já temos carne fresca.
- Dare we invest a bullet in some fresh meat? - l have exactly three shots left.
Vamos matá-lo para ter carne fresca.
Fresh meat!
Carne fresca!
We're going out to see if we can find some fresh meat.
Vou sair em busca de carne fresca.
- Nice fresh meat they got.
Têm uma boa carne fresca.
" Then why don't you try fresh meat?
" por que não experimenta lhe dar carne fresca?
There'll be the pigs to Mark, fresh meat to shoot. And mainly, there's the corn patch.
Deve marcar os porcos, ir caçar... e sobretudo cuidar da plantação de milho.
Come on and eat tomorrow, fresh meat.
meu amigo, e amanhã comer carne fresca.
Fresh meat, look
Carne doce, olhe
Fresh meat, look Fresh and prepared
Carne doce, olhe Fresca e preparada
If I had my gun, we'd have fresh meat for dinner.
Se tivesse a minha arma, tínhamos carne fresca ao jantar.
You know, I was just thinkin we could use some fresh meat.
Eu estava a pensar que precisamos de carne fresca.
I wish he'd bring us some fresh meat.
Oxalá nos trouxesse carne fresca.
- Good, fresh meat.
- Coma a melhor carne do deserto.
- lt looks like fresh meat.
- Parece carne fresca.
They fed them the fresh meat.
Davam-lhes carne fresca.
You would be the only fresh meat around there,
Você será a única carne fresca por aqueles lados.
Look guys, fresh meat.
Olhem, carne fresca.
All right, now listen to me. Listen. Because of the deteriorating situation on the highways, we have no fresh meat or produce again today.
Devido à situação precária das auto-estradas hoje não temos carne.
- Crocs don't like fresh meat.
Os crocodilos não gostam de carne fresca.
You got the fresh meat, buddy.
Ficaste com a carne fresca, camarada.
How sweet! Fresh meat.
Que delícia, carninha fresca!
We'd always have fresh meat on the table and season tickets to the Cubs.
Ele vive bem. Teríamos sempre carne fresca à mesa e bilhetes para os jogos dos Cubs.
Now, it's your job tomorrow to get fresh meat, fresh cheese, and fresh charcoal. Watch those chips.
A vossa missão amanhã é comprarem-me carne fresca, queijo fresco, carvão fresco e atenção às batatas.
I miss the fresh meat! You know, because in Brasil we are predominantely carnivores.
Eu sinto muita falta da comida, sinto falta da carne fresca,
And we like fresh meat!
A gente gosta de carne.
Once it starts, I'm afraid I'll have to hunt and kill fresh meat to replace my enzymes.
Oh, não. Eu grunhi? Está a acontecer-me.
We can't very well call the police and tell them there's a three-foot alien driving around in an'82 Ford looking for fresh meat.
Por acaso encontrou alguma coisa estranha nele? Creio que sabe...
The new management is bringing in fresh meat.
- O quê? Lamento.
I got some fresh meat lined up. I'm not gonna let you spoil it this time.
Tenho carne fresca em vista, e tu não me vais impedir.
It's been so long since we've had fresh meat.
Já lá vai tanto tempo desde que tivemos carne fresca...
Some fresh meat just come in, carnal.
Carne fresca acabada de chegar, carnal.
Fresh meat, fresh meat, fresh meat.
Carne fresca, carne fresca, carne fresca...
- Fresh meat on the market. - Thank you.
- Carne fresca no mercado.
It's only fair to warn you, he hasn't eaten for two days and he's particularly fond of fresh meat.
Será justo avisar que já não come há dois dias e que aprecia particularmente alguma carne fresca.
Fresh meat.
- Carne fresca.
Ah! Fresh meat!
Carne fresca!
Fresh meat for the grinder, eh?
Carne fresca para triturar, não?
And the meat was still fresh?
- E a carne ainda estava fresca?
" Cy's Pet Shop will deliver fresh, red, juicy horse meat...
" A loja do Cy distribui carne de cavalo fresca, suculenta...
Least this meat is fresh.
- Pelo menos esta carne é fresca.
I don't think this meat is fresh.
Não acho, que a carne seja fresca.
- This is the news in brief. The United Meatworks Federation still sees no end in sight to the marathon strike, which has left most of West Australia without fresh supplies of meat.
A Federação dos Trabalhadores da Carne não vê fim à vista para a greve que está a deixar as regiöes ocidentais sem carne.
I'd want meat fresh vegetables, eggs beer.
Precisaria de carne, legumes frescos, ovos, cerveja.
Just before we leave tomorrow... we'll have a little party dinner with fresh local meat.
Antes de partirmos amanhã... vamos fazer um jantar com carne fresca.
This one wanted to pick while the meat was fresh.
Este quer agarrar a carne enquanto está fresca.
"Nothing I like better than fresh raw meat."
"Nada me agrada mais do que carne fresca."
You live in fresh air and eat lean meat.
Vive ao ar livre e come carne vermelha.
"Salinger's : for a fresh food treat complete with meat."
"Salinger's : Um mimo de comida fresca acompanhada de carne."

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