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Getting married translate Portuguese

4,441 parallel translation
You're getting married tomorrow.
Vais casar amanhã.
Well, you know I'm getting married tomorrow.
Bem, tu sabes que vou casar amanhã.
You're getting married.
Tu vais casar.
I didn't even know they were getting married.
Nem sequer sabia que se iam casar.
Well, my brother is getting married.
Bem, o meu irmão vai-se casar.
Okay? Trey is getting married.
O Trey vai-se casar.
Hey, I don't know if you heard the news, but Trey is getting married.
Não sei se já sabes as novidades, mas o Trey vai-se casar.
The reason you're so clear-headed about getting married is because I shielded you from these two your whole life, which, by the way, almost didn't happen.
A razão pela qual és tão equilibrado em relação ao casamento é porque eu te protegi destes dois a tua vida toda que, já agora, quase não ia sendo.
I'm an ACOD, I'm never getting married, either.
Sou uma AFDD, também não me quero casar.
I'm not getting married.
Não me vou casar.
I feel good about marriage myself, because I'm getting married in two days.
Eu sinto-me bem com o casamento, porque me vou casar daqui a dois dias.
He's not a date, he's my fiance, and we're getting married on New Year's in Miami, and I would love it if you could make it.
Ele não é meu namorado, é meu noivo. E vamos casar no Ano Novo, em Miami. E adorava que fosses.
I heard a rumor that you were getting married...
Ouvi um rumor que ias casar
You see, Nell and Levi had fallen in love and had dreams of getting married once they were safe and free.
A Nell e o Levi apaixonaram-se e sonhavam em casar quando estivessem em segurança e livres.
But how many times have we talked about getting married?
Mas quantas vezes falamos em casamento?
With Victoria getting married...
- Com o casamento da Victoria...
With Victoria getting married, there's an opening on the anchor desk.
Com o casamento da Victoria, há uma vaga para pivô.
He's getting married soon, and, I mean...
Ele vai-se casar em breve, e, quero dizer...
You're getting married.
Vais casar-te.
Stormy's always joking about running off to Las Vegas and getting married.
A Stormy está sempre a brincar em fugir para Las Vegas e casar
How did you and Mom end up getting married?
Como é que você e a mãe se casaram?
Captain, I'm getting married to Nadya.
Capitão, estou para casar com a Nadya.
Now that I'm getting married, I'm gonna be spending a lot more time with Cassandra.
Agora que me vou casar, passarei muito mais tempo com a Cassandra. Claro.
We're getting married.
Vamos casar.
These two are getting married.
Estes dois vão casar-se.
You don't fancy getting married, do you?
Não lhe agrada casar, pois não?
Getting married.
Vou-me casar.
'Cause I'm getting married.
Porque eu vou me casar.
We talked about getting married, said we were getting a new place and start a family.
Falámos acerca de nos casarmos, dissemos que íamos viver os dois e começar uma família.
Quentin's getting married.
O Quentin vai se casar.
- I'm not getting married.
- Eu não me vou casar.
- Who says I'm getting married?
- Quem disse que me ia casar?
And all the time they, Tom who was getting married.
E o tempo inteiro eles...
Actually, I'm getting married again.
Na verdade, vou casar-me novamente.
We even talked about getting married.
Até falamos em casar.
We're getting married in a month
Vamos casar-nos daqui 1 mês...
Now she wants to stop me getting married.
Agora quer impedir-me de casar.
But why should your mother wish to stop you getting married?
Mas porque deseja a sua mãe impedir que se case?
May and I are getting married at the end of the month.
A May e eu vamos casar no fim do mês.
You know, Zimin is getting married.
Zimin vai casar.
Who are you getting married to?
Com quem vais casar?
We're getting married in September.
Faz dois anos que estamos juntos. Vamos-nos casar em Setembro.
Remember when they were little... And at the end of every cartoon, they'd be like, "They're getting married"...
Lembraste de quando elas eram pequenas e depois de cada desenho animado que viam, elas diziam : "Eles vão casar!"
Guess who's getting married?
Adivinha quem vai casar-se?
I know it's only been seven months, and some of you think that we're crazy for getting married, but... all I know is, from the first moment I saw you,
e alguns de vocês acha que somos malucos por casar, mas... sei que desde o primeiro momento que te vi,
If I'm getting married, why should some African fella get a couple of goats?
Se me vou casar, porque é que um africano recebe umas cabras?
His daughter is getting married to a man from Svealand.
A filha dela vai-se casar com um homem de Svealand.
Rick and I are getting married.
O Rick e eu vamos casar-nos.
Remember Leigh had all these plans about getting married under the arbor?
Lembras-te a Leigh tinha aqueles planos de casar-se sob as árvores?
I thought she was knocked up when she told me they were getting married.
Pensei que ela estava passada quando me disse que se ia casar.
He just moved in with her and they're getting married.
Acaba de se mudar com ela e vão-se casar.

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