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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / He said it

He said it translate Portuguese

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There you go. He said it.
Pronto, já disse.
No, he said it, but did you mean it, 2093, huh?
Lá isso, disse. Mas foi com vontade, 2093? Sim.
He said it.
Ele disse-o.
He said it was his calling.
Ele disse que era a sua vocação.
It's all right, he said it!
- Ele já desembuchou!
He said it'll take less than an hour, and the spikes have a healing...
Vai levar menos de uma hora e os espigões têm...
Oh, he said it was.
Ele disse que estava.
He takes me, right there on the stairs, but he said it didn't count,
Ele levou-me mesmo para baixo das escadas, mas disse-me que não contava,
It was where he said it would be.
Estava onde ele disse que ia estar.
He said it's the baby who's making him feel sick.
Ele disse que é o bebé que está a fazê-lo sentir-se doente.
He said it featured some very special guests.
Ele disse que apareciam uns convidados muito especiais.
"No," he said. " It is your duty.
"Tens de ser tu," disse ele.
It's already started, he said, he'll be a balloon by the morning.
Já tinha começado. E disse que de manhã pareceria um balão.
Hotch also said he was careful to place the bullet so it penetrated the skull at an angle.
Hotch também disse que ele foi cuidadoso ao colocar a bala, para penetrar na crânio a um ângulo.
When we tried to escape, he said if either of us make it out, that ‒ that we'd come back and then bust the rest of the guys out.
Quando tentámos fugir, combinámos que, quem conseguisse, voltaria para nos libertar.
Man, he just said it.
Meu, ele acabou de o dizer.
He said he needed it for protection.
Disse que precisava dela para proteção.
Or it's about to be, I mean, that's what he said.
Ou está prestes, foi o que ele disse.
He said it... it... he said it's closing.
Ele disse que vai fechar.
He nodded and said he owed it to me.
Ele concordou e disse que estava a dever-me.
He said he sold it for $ 30,000.
- Disse que vendeu por 30 mil dólares.
Johanssen said that he and Bonnie had had a child before Gracie, but it didn't survive.
O Johanssen disse que ele e a Bonnie tiveram um filho antes da Gracie, mas não sobreviveu.
Maggie said that he wouldn't have felt anything, that it would have been sudden.
A Maggie disse que ele não sentiu nada, que deve ter sido repentino.
He said i could do it?
Disse que eu podia trazê-lo?
He never said it a bucket list, but that was the idea.
Ele nunca disse que era uma lista de desejos, mas era essa a ideia de qualquer forma
It's not what he did, it's what he said.
Não é bem o que ele fez, mas o que disse.
And he said that when I felt scared, I should say the poem out loud, because it worked like magic and all my fears would disappear.
E ele disse-me... que quando estivesse assustado, devia dizer o poema em voz alta, porque... funcionaria como magia e todos os meus medos despareceriam.
Porter said he'd like it by the end of the day today.
O Porter disse que gostaria que fosse até ao final de dia de hoje.
The way he said it, you know?
A forma como ele o disse.
He said his parents used it to broadcast from.
Ele disse que os pais usaram isto para transmitir.
Niels, he said they found it.
Niels, ele disse que o encontraram.
He said they know how to fix it.
Ele disse que sabem o que devem fazer.
He said he had cut her into little pieces and dropped the pieces in a river, and it was my fault.
Disse que a tinha cortado em pedacinhos e atirado ao rio, e que a culpa era minha.
When I reported that day to Miscavige, I reported it, like, "I mean, he wants to tap her phone." He said, "God damn it, get it done."
Quando contei ao Miscavige, disse-o tipo, o Cruise quer pôr uma escuta no telefone dela e ele : "Trata disso."
"He said," We're gonna play it to'Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. " And he emphasized the line... ♪ Nothing really matters... ♪
Ele disse, vamos jogar ao som da "Bohemian Rhapsody", dos Queen, e enfatizou aquela frase
He said he's sorry and he wouldn't do it again.
Ele desculpou-se e prometeu voltar a fazê-lo.
He said he's gonna do it.
Ele disse que ia fazê-lo.
Apparently he blacks out and gets violent, but she lied and said it was an accident.
Aparentemente, ele tem brancas e fica violento e ela mentiu e disse que tinha sido um acidente.
I got so mad when he said it.
Fiquei tão zangado quando ele o disse que queria matá-lo.
Lucious ain't gonna make it, but he said he's gonna see you tomorrow, baby, at the house when we sign those papers for the IPO.
O Lucious não pode vir, mas vê-te amanhã lá em casa, quando assinarmos os documentos da IPO.
An SVR officer said he was close to launching an operation that would bring America to it's knees.
Um agente da SVR disse que estão a planear uma operação que faria a América ajoelhar-se.
He said it was a turning point.
Disse que era um ponto de viragem.
- Was it a doctor? - He said he went to medical school. But I doubt it.
- Ele disse que estudou Medicina, mas duvido.
And he handed it to his disciples, and he said, " take this... and eat.
Entregou aos seus discípulos, e disse, " tomem isto, e comam.
He took the cup, and he filled it with wine, and he said, " drink this, all of you.
Ele apanhou o cálice, e encheu-o com vinho, e disse : " bebam, todos vós.
Whatever he said to you, it's a lie.
O que quer que ele tenha dito, é mentira.
But he, uh... He said he sent it to a friend.
Mas ele disse que enviou-o a um amigo.
'Cause I once met this guy who said he was a SWAT cop, but then, it turned out that he sold horse feed for a living.
Porque uma vez conheci um tipo que dizia ser SWAT, mas na verdade, vendia ração para cavalos.
You said I didn't think your father was good enough, and it's time for you to know the truth. He wasn't.
Disseste que eu achava que o teu pai não era bom o suficiente e está na hora de saberes a verdade.
Cancer research, he said. But I knew it wasn't.
Pesquisa na área do cancro, disse ele, mas eu sabia que não.
It's like he said. He's gone after our weak flank.
Vai atrás do nosso ponto fraco.

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