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His phone translate Portuguese

3,662 parallel translation
And now... Now he's not answering his phone.
E agora... agora ele não atende o telemóvel.
It could work, but how are you gonna get his phone?
Pode funcionar, mas como vais apanhar o telemóvel? Tenho uma ideia.
Your number was found on his phone.
O seu número foi encontrado no telemóvel dele.
I'm doing it. It'll be on his phone n two minutes.
Estará pronto daqui a 2 minutos.
I passed him just outside talking on his phone.
Eu vi-o a falar no telemóvel.
Yeah, but I just got his phone records from his wireless carrier, and dude didn't talk much except to this one number right here.
Sim, mas acabo de receber os registos telefónicos da operadora dele e ele não ligava muito, excepto para este número aqui.
We're serving search warrants on his car, his house, his business, his phone, and his computer.
Estamos a aguardar mandados de busca para o seu carro, a sua casa, o negócio, o telefone e o computador.
I need you to find someone by Googling his phone.
Preciso que localizes uma pessoa pelo telemóvel ou assim.
Oh, his phone number's on the back.
O número dele está no verso.
- Toby, what about Richter? - I'm getting a bead on his phone, too.
- Estou a tentar rastreá-lo, também.
Why do you have his phone?
Porque tens o telefone dele?
I keep trying to call him, but he won't answer his phone. Okay.
Estou a tentar contactá-lo, mas ele não atende.
I tried to reach him, but I can't, his phone's off.
Não consigo falar-lhe. O telemóvel está desligado.
Okay. Hey, he dumped his phone.
Ele atirou fora o telemóvel.
He's not picking up his phone.
Ele não está a atender o telemóvel.
So, we've run his phone records.
Então, fomos recuperar as chamadas que ele fez.
Jimmy hasn't answered his phone.
- O Jimmy não atende o telemóvel.
His phone rings, we can give away his location.
Se o telefone tocar, vamos dar a localização dele.
Try and get as close to Labeaux so we can clone his phone.
Fica próxima do Labeaux para clonarmos o telemóvel.
I've been through all of Jeff Lasky's e-mails, his phone records, his texts, his Web history. I can't find any evidence that he's working with Ballard.
Analisei todos os e-mails do Jeff Lasky, registos telefónicos, mensagens, histórico de navegação, não encontrei nenhuma prova de que ele trabalhou com o Ballard.
But I did get a hit on that local number in his phone.
Mas consegui uma pista daquele número no telefone dele.
- Apparently, he's not answering his phone.
- Não atende o telemóvel.
When you have the chance, take this phone, press it against his for 30 seconds. Technology will do the rest.
Quando tiveres oportunidade, pegas neste telemóvel e pressionas contra o dele durante 30 segundos, a tecnologia fará o resto.
He turned his phone off about an hour ago.
Desligou o telemóvel há cerca de 1 hora atrás.
Mattias killed that guy and dumped his body, knowing we would track his phone.
O Mattias matou o tipo, largou o corpo, sabendo - que íamos atrás dele.
Phone calls, credit cards- - all his movements for the last week leading up to the murder.
Chamadas, cartões de crédito... todos os seus movimentos na última semana até antes do assassinato.
I think he lost his nerve because he stopped returning my phone calls.
Acho que perdeu a coragem porque parou de responder as minhas ligações.
Somehow, I don't think it's his meth dealer's cell phone.
O telemóvel do seu traficante que não é.
[Phone dings] He knew exactly what he wanted out of his life and how he was gonna get it.
Sabia exactamente o que queria da vida e como alcançá-lo.
And say hello to the triangulation of his cell phone.
E diga "olá" à triangulação do telemóvel dele.
His laptop and phone were both password protected.
O computador portátil e o telemóvel estão protegidos por senha.
For weeks, there were phone calls going back and forth between the two of them, and then three days before his death, right when he got that suit to function, there were only incoming calls from her.
Durante semanas, houve telefonemas nos dois sentidos entre eles. Mas, 3 dias antes da morte dele, assim que conseguiu colocar o fato a funcionar, eram apenas as chamadas dela.
Detective Sanchez is back from his search and he's found what's left of officer Sherman's phone.
O Detective Sanchez já voltou da busca e encontrou o que sobrou do telefone da agente Sherman.
His cell phone was in the seat.
O telemóvel dele estava no banco.
Why the hell isn't he answering his cell phone?
Porque diabos é que ele não atende o telefone.
Phone's in his pocket.
O telemóvel está no bolso.
A secret phone, keys to Mendoza's love nest, lying to his wife.
Um telemóvel secreto, chaves do ninho de amor com a Mendoza, mentir à esposa.
His fiancée said he was arguing with someone on the phone.
A noiva disse que ele estava a discutir com alguém ao telemóvel.
Dr. Hufcutt just turned his cell phone on for a minute.
O Dr. Hufcutt ligou o telefone por um momento.
And he said you cleared the call log from his cell phone.
E ele disse que apagastes o registo de chamadas do telemóvel dele.
Lincoln's debit card, ID, cell phone, picture of his daughter.
Cartão bancário do Lincoln, RG, telemóvel e uma fotografia da filha.
Which is why you used your cell phone to video Hutch in his S and M gear.
Por isso filmaste o Hutch com os apetrechos de SM.
That's when you struck him in the face with your cell phone, causing Hutch to drown in his own blood.
Foi quando lhe bateste na cara com o telemóvel, fazendo o Hutch afogar-se no próprio sangue.
He only took his cell phone with him.
Só levou o telemóvel com ele.
I can't get POTUS to return my phone call, which only means that Russell's gotten into his head, and they're... holed up somewhere deciding who's gonna replace me.
O Presidente não responde às minhas chamadas, o que significa que o Russell conseguiu fazer-lhe a cabeça, e eles estão nalgum lugar a decidir quem me vai substituir.
Look, I, um, I found his cell phone.
Olha, eu encontrei o telemóvel dele.
Do we have a rundown yet of all the emails and phone calls made to the copilot and his family?
Será que já temos um resumo dos e-mails e chamadas feitas pelo co-piloto e a sua família?
I can track his cell phone's position.
Posso rastrear o telemóvel dele com isto.
Mattias could have slipped the phone in his pocket to throw us off the trail.
Mattias pôs-lhe o telemóvel no bolso para nos despistar.
When Wallace didn't show, the president called his cell phone.
Quando o Wallace não apareceu, ele ligou.
No phone, but there's something in his mouth.
Nenhum telemóvel, mas há algo na boca dele.

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