I know you didn't translate Portuguese
12,418 parallel translation
If I didn't know better, I might mistake you for a serial killer.
Se não o conhecesse melhor, poderia confundi-lo com um assassino.
You know, Hannah, I didn't wanna have to do this to you, but you've been a naughty girl.
Sabes, Hannah, não te queria fazer isto, mas tens sido uma menina mal comportada.
I didn't know what you were talking about.
Eu não sabia o que estavas a falas.
I didn't know you were ready to play in the bigs, man.
Não sabia que estavas pronto para a liga principal.
If I didn't know better, I would say you're threatening me.
Até parece que estás a ameaçar-me.
I know you didn't, but, babe, I got to step up or I'm gonna look less of a man. And I wouldn't be worthy of marrying you.
Não, mas eu tenho de estar à altura ou parecerei menos homem e não seria digno de casar contigo.
You know I came by the hospital to visit you, but your dad didn't let me in.
Fui ao hospital para te visitar, mas o teu pai barrou-me a entrada.
Hey, I didn't know you would make it.
Olá, não sabia que poderias aparecer.
I didn't know you meant alone.
Não sabia que querias dizer, sozinho.
I know why you didn't give her a name.
Sei porque é que não lhe deste um nome.
You know I didn't mean that literally, right?
Sabes que não queria dizer literalmente, certo?
I know you hate small talk, Shaw, but why didn't you hear the guy out first?
Sei que detestas conversa fiada, mas porque não ouviste o tipo primeiro?
I didn't know you spoke Japanese, bro!
Não sabia que falavas japonês, mano!
You know, I get that somebody didn't want these people to talk, but how the hell did they...
Entendo que alguém não queira que estas pessoas falem, mas como sabiam que vínhamos?
I didn't know you had a thing planned.
Não sabia que planeavas algo.
- I bet you didn't know that.
- Aposto que não sabias disso.
I didn't know you painted so much.
Eu não sabia que pintavas tanto.
I'm a very good listener, in case you didn't already know.
Eu sou um bom ouvinte, caso ainda não saibas.
I didn't know you cared.
Não sabia que te importavas.
You know, I didn't even want the garlic chicken.
Eu nem queria a galinha com alho.
I know. And just so you know, like, I didn't invite that woman, okay?
Para que saibas, eu não a convidei a vir cá, está bem?
I didn't know we were at fucking Sunday school, you old fucking prune.
Não sabia que estávamos na catequese, sua velha idiota!
I didn't even know you could do that.
Eu nem sabia que se podia fazer isso.
( Thessaly Thacker ) I didn't know you two were friends.
Eu não sabia que vocês dois, eram amigos.
I didn't know that bothered you.
- Não sabia que isso te incomodava.
Good, I hope you didn't catch any sores from her filthy... you know... vagina.
Óptimo, espero que não tenhas apanhado doenças daquela tu sabes vagina nojenta.
Hey, Professor! I didn't know you worked here at the plant.
Ei, Professor, não sabia que trabalhava aqui na central.
Do you think you'd be here if I didn't know that you know what this is?
Achas que ia estar aqui se eu não soubesse, que sabes o que é isso?
You know I didn't drive all the way up here to Westport to give out "attaboys."
Sabe que não vim aqui dar-lhe o meu apoio...
I didn't know that they were on you for sure. I didn't want to alarm you.
Não sabia se te andavam a vigiar, não te queria alarmar.
You know, I didn't let him get his driver's license.
Sabe. Eu não o deixei tirar a carta de condução.
And he kept insisting I go to this club with him, where I knew he was gonna make his big move, but, if I didn't go, then, you know, I could blow my whole cover.
E estava sempre a insistir para ir ao seu clube com ele, onde eu sabia que ele iria fazer a sua grande jogada, mas se eu não fosse, sabes, podia dar cabo de todo o meu disfarce.
Sir. I didn't know you'd be here.
Senhor, não sabia que estaria aqui.
I didn't know you had a brother.
Não sabia que tinhas um irmão.
I didn't know if you would.
Nunca pensei que viesses.
I-I didn't know you were finished.
Não sabia que já tinha terminado.
- You didn't know I was gay?
- Não sabias que era gay? - Não!
I didn't even know you guys existed until yesterday!
Só ontem é que descobri que vocês existiam!
And that I didn't like you or respect you, which is what he needed to hear, and that I would have sex with you to keep you, you know...
E que não gostava de ti ou te respeitava, o que é aquilo que ele precisava ouvir, e que eu fazia sexo contigo para te manter... tu sabes...
I bet you didn't know I could samba like that.
Aposto que não sabias que conseguia sambar assim.
Kids? I didn't know you guys had kids.
Não sabia que tinham filhos.
- Do you know how many bags of smack I've found that I didn't shoot up?
- Sabes quantos sacos evitei?
- Look, I didn't know you guys were- -
- Eu não sabia...
Look... I didn't even know about the fight until you told me.
Nem sequer sabia da discussão até me teres contado.
I didn't know you were home.
Eu não sabia que você estava em casa.
I didn't know you were coming.
Não sabia que vinhas.
You know, I couldn't get that question out of my head for days, so that was the start of a journey that didn't end until I found the answer.
E eu não consegui tirar essa pergunta da minha cabeça. E essa foi a jornada que não terminou até eu encontrar a resposta.
I mean, in my classroom, I didn't talk about Jesus as my Lord and Savior. You know, all I did was comment on quotations attributed to Jesus, the man, and I did it in A.P. History.
Eu não falava de Jesus como meu Senhor e Salvador, só comentei sobre situações atribuídas ao homem Jesus, e fiz isso numa aula de história.
Now, you gotta understand, I didn't know that Aston Reynolds - was relocating the rockets... - Okay.
Vocês tem que entender que eu não sabia que Aston Reynolds estava recolocar os foguetes.
Hey, um, I didn't wanna say anything in front of the others but I know that you left the hotel the night Charlotte was killed.
Não quis dizer nada à frente das outras, mas... eu sei que saíste do hotel na noite em que a Charlotte foi assassinada.
I didn't know your husband well... but you could tell he was kind.
Não conhecia bem o teu marido, mas via-se que ele era boa pessoa.
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know you don't like me 31
i know that 3661
i know who you are 1036
i know you can 181
i know you don't know me 17
i know you 1720
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know you don't like me 31
i know that 3661
i know who you are 1036
i know you can 181
i know you don't know me 17
i know you 1720
i know how you feel 379
i know it 1515
i know you're tired 50
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know that's right 19
i know her 343
i know what i saw 201
i know it 1515
i know you're tired 50
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know that's right 19
i know her 343
i know what i saw 201