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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / It should've been me

It should've been me translate Portuguese

76 parallel translation
I have been a burden which I don't know why you've endured. I should shoot myself and end it all.
Um canalha Não sei o que fazer devia me dar um tiro e acabar com isso.
The Enterprise should've been mine. You kept me from it.
A Enterprise devia ter sido minha.
- It should've been made through me.
- Devia ser por meu intermédio.
Take it from me, man, I've been married three and a half times. I should know. Who should know if I should know, huh?
Fui casado 3 vezes e meia, se eu não sei, quem sabe?
I want you to tell her that... Tell her it took me a while to figure out what ajerk I've been but, um... that... that when things started to pan out for her I should have been more supportive.
Quero que lhe digas... que demorei muito tempo a perceber... que tenho sido um idiota... mas... que... que quando as coisas começaram a acontecer para ela... eu devia ter-lhe dado mais apoio.
I should have taken something, but it isn't in me to violate the trust of a person I've been stupid enough to love.
Devia ter tirado alguma coisa, mas para mim não é natural violar a confiança de alguém por quem fui estúpida de me apaixonar.
Sometimes when I think about it I don't know if I should've been happy or sad.
Às vezes, quando penso nisso... não sei se deveria sentir-me feliz ou triste.
Yeah, see, the thing is, Rabbi, it should've been me. You know?
A questão, Rabino é que devia ser eu!
It should've been me.
Devia ter sido eu.
You've not told me they're pleased, and if they had been, I should have had some sign of it.
Não me disseste que estão contentes, e se estivessem, demonstravam-no.
It should've been me that died.
Devia ter sido eu a morrer.
If anyone should have died on this world, it should've been me.
Se alguém tinha de morrer neste mundo deveria ter sido eu.
It should've been me instead of you.
Devia ter sido eu em vez de ti.
I've been trying to decide whether or not I should risk it again.
Eu tenho andado a tentar decidir... se devo ou não arriscar-me novamente.
It should've been me in there playing.
Devia ter estado lá eu a jogar.
Now you got me feeling like I'm some kind of shit heel. Like I should've given you the video back there like it would've been the gentlemanly thing to do.
Agora, fez-me sentir mesmo mal, como se ceder-lhe o filme fosse a atitude de um cavalheiro.
I'm sorry about the poster. It was racially insensitive. I should've been aware of your feelings.
Ei Turk, desculpa lá aquela coisa toda do poster, fui racialmente insensível e devia aperceber-me dos teus sentimentos antes de ir em frente e falar contigo.
It should've been me!
Devia ter sido eu!
The odd thing is, I should've been more repulsed by it.
E o mais estranho, é que eu devia sentir-me repugnada.
It should've been me.
Devia ser eu.
If it had been your son whose skull was smashed in with a hammer, you'd be asking me where I was when I should've been protecting him.
Se tivesse sido o seu filho a ter a cabeça esmagada por um martelo, estaria a perguntar-me onde estava quando o devia estar a proteger.
Dr. Santiago, as a professional... it should've been obvious when I came on to you... I was acting out because of trouble in my marriage.
Dra. Santiago, enquanto profissional, deveria ter sido óbvio que me fiz a si... por causa dos problemas no meu casamento.
It should've been me.
- Deveria ter sido eu.
It should've been me who chewed through that extension cord!
Devia ter sido eu a roer aquela extensão.
It should've been me, that's not fair, Crosbie.
Devia ter sido eu. Não é justo, Crosbie.
"It should've been me on that plane!"
"eu é que devia estar naquele avião!"
Even though it should've been me thanking her.
Mesmo devendo ser eu a agradecer-lhe.
- It should've been me.
- Devia ter sido eu.
It should've been me.
devia ter sido eu.
If you wanted to shut me up, it should've been higher. - Danny, come here.
Se me querias calar, deverias ter acertado mais acima.
I've been thinking and I know it's crazy, especially for me but maybe when we get back we should move in together.
Tenho estado a pensar, e sei que é uma loucura, especialmente para mim, mas quando voltarmos, talvez possamos viver juntos.
It should've been me... not Lenny.
Deveria ter sido eu... não o Lenny.
But I've been reading on the message boards and it seems like something you should avoid if you're trying to have a well pregnancy.
Mas tenho estado a ler no quadro de mensagens e parece-me algo que tu devias evitar fazer se queres ter uma boa gravidez.
I believe that you should give me the hair, because I've been scrapbooking the most disgusting things that I can think of, and I want to put it on the page in between my decayed molars and my snug, which is a snail-slug hybrid that I was able to splice together in my garage unsuccessfully.
Creio que me deve dar o pêlo, porque faço álbuns das coisas mais repugnantes que eu posso imaginar e quero pô-lo na página entre os meus molares cariados e o meu caraclesma, que é um híbrido caracol-lesma que tentei unir sem êxito na minha garagem.
It should've been me that went prison.
Eu é que devia ter ido para a prisão.
"It should've been me."
Podia ter sido eu.
It should've been me.
Deveria ter sido eu.
It should've been me on that table.
Devia ser eu naquela mesa.
It should've been me on that plane.
Deveria ter sido eu naquele avião.
And I've been told it tastes like chicken, so I should just eat it and think,
Já me disseram que sabe a galinha, por isso devo come-lo e pensar,
I've been asked, didn't I think it odd that I should be around to witness the death of everything?
Perguntaram-me, se não acho estranho que esteja por aqui para testemunhar a morte de tudo?
It should've been me visiting you.
Que deveria ter sido me visitar você.
It should've been me anyway.
- Devia ter sido eu mesmo.
It should've been me who died, not you.
Devia ter sido eu a morrer, não tu.
It should've been me. No.
- Tinha que ter sido eu.
Even though this poor girl had just turned 18, and her blood was all over me, I should've been used to it by now.
Esta pobre miúda que acabou de fazer 18 anos, e o sangue dela estava sob mim, agora já devia estar habituada.
Just it occurred to me we've never actually been on a date, like a proper one, and I thought that maybe we should.
Lembrei-me que nunca tivemos um encontro, e acho que talvez devêssemos ter.
Well, she still should've told me about it, and then it could've been up to you and me what kind of relationship we wanted to have.
Ela devia ter-me contado. E nós depois decidíamos a relação que gostaríamos de ter.
I should actually thank you, it's been many years, that I've been clowning about, to make up for your absence, but now I can retire
Na verdade eu deveria agradecer a você porque, durante muitos anos Eu sempre fui o palhaço para compensar a sua ausência mas agora posso me aposentar
It should've been me on that plane.
Devia estar no avião.
It should've been me out there with her.
Devia ser eu ali com ela.

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