Put him down translate Portuguese
985 parallel translation
Put him down.
Come on. Put him down here on the trunk.
Pousa-o aqui na mala.
Put him down in that chair.
Ponha-o nessa cadeira.
Put him down, I say!
Ponham-no no chão!
If I'd have put him down, I'd have had a title shot.
Se o tivesse arrumado, podia ter ganho o título.
We don't need your assistance now, son. Just put him down.
Não precisamos de si, rapaz.
He fell asleep almost as soon as I put him down.
Adormeceu assim que o deitei.
We could put him down in the basement.
Podíamos levá-lo para a cave.
You can put him down now.
- Já pode largá-lo.
Put him down! Kuala, listen to me.
Kuala, ouça-me.
Put him down there.
Deitem-no ai.
Well, we took him to the graveyard and put him down.
Fomos até ao cemitério e sepultámo-lo.
Put him down there.
Ponha-o aí.
Ele disse para tentarmos regatear o preço para 12 dólares.
Put him down. Put him down!
Deita-o para o chão!
Put him down, like that...
Baixa-o, assim...
Wait, I said. Put him down.
- Esperem, baixem-no.
- Hold your tongue, boy. - Put him down in the cellar.
Leve-o para a cave, para aprender.
You... you put him down! - Helen : Really, you're crazy!
Baixa-o, estás louco?
- Herc! Will you put him down!
Ouve, Herc.
Please, Mr. Hercules. Please put him down.
Por favor, Sr. Hercules.
Put him down on his feet! Put him down!
Podes pô-lo no chão?
Put him down!
- Baixa-o.
- Put him down!
OK, Me Lay, put him down in here.
OK, Me Lay, deita-o aqui.
- Let's put him down on the steps.
- Sim, senhora. Vamos pousá-lo nos degraus.
All you've got to do is give the bugger a box of this stuff put him down the hole, up to the rock-face and there's your zinc. Sixty-five cents a ton.
Tudo o que tens de fazer é dar ao otário uma caixa destes... colocá-lo dentro de um buraco no centro da pedra,... e lá está o teu zinco. a 65 centavos a tonelada.
Put him down in it.
enterre-o agora.
Put him down'.
If he should put Ann down and they fly close to pick him without her...
- Aviões. Se ele largar a Ann e eles conseguirem aproximar-se - para o apanhar sem a ferir...
Now take him down to the old dungeon and put him in chains.
Agora levem-no para o velho calabouço e acorrentem-no.
And you're the one who would help him put it down, Maris.
E você vai ser um dos que o ajudarão a sufocar, mas...
Just yell up to him and tell him to put his gun away and come down.
Ihe diga que atire sua arma e que desça.
So, we all took him down to Panama and put him in the lock and gave him a decent Christian burial.
Levámo-lo lá abaixo ao Panamá e pusemo-lo na comporta. Teve um enterro cristão, como deve de ser.
Well, I think I'd get Phillip to help me carry him out of the room, down the back stairs, and the two of us would put him in the car.
Pedia ao Phillip para me ajudar a levá-lo pelas escadas traseiras e punha-o no carro.
When he's dug deep enough... they tell him to put the shovel down, smoke a cigarette and say his prayers.
Quando escavar que chegue, dizem-lhe para pousar a pá, fumar um cigarro e dizer as orações.
Make him put me down, Klaus.
Obriga-a a pôr-me no chão, Klaus.
Charlie Webb tried to shoot me down. Ike Hanley put him up to it.
Charlie Webb tentou me matar.
Then when I come home, I'll walk right up to him, I'll put my hand out for a shake, and when he looks down...
Assim quando eu voltar a casa, vou direito a ele, estico a mão e cumprimento-o, e quando ele olhar para baixo...
Put him down for beef.
Não podemos enviar uma criatura dessas para uma novillada!
Put him down?
- Largá-lo?
Tell him to put you down.
Diga que te solte.
Put him down.
No chão!
Why don't you put the tailgate down and let him climb in?
Que tal baixares a porta da caixa e o deixares entrar?
- Now, no harm has been done, and Young Ben here is one of the nicest boys in the territory, - so just put down that shotgun. - I'll teach him to fool with my...
- Não aconteceu nada de mal, e o jovem Ben é um dos melhores rapazes do território, por isso, largue essa caçadeira...
I was saying to the wife, we did the right thing having him put down like that. - What?
Estava a dizer à mulher, fizemos bem em ter acabado com ele assim.
Tell him to put Mr. Nelson down.
Diga-lhe que o baixe!
One man couldn't have done that alone... and then dried him off with that wet towel I found, then put him in a sweat suit, let alone carry him down the stairs.
Um homem não poderia ter feito isso sozinho. Além de secá-lo com a toalha molhada que eu encontrei e vestir-lhe o fato de treino. Quanto mais carregá-lo nas escadas.
If I was you, Emperor... Some day they could take you down... and put him up there. I wouldn't be so calm on that horse.
Se eu fosse a ti, imperador, não estaria tão tranquilo nesse cavalo.
They put him back down the hold.
Eles colocaram-no de novo no porão.
He is talking about that time... they put you down out of that villa he doesn't own and... put him into prison.
Ele está a falar sobre o tempo em que eles o expulsam daquela casa que não lhe pertence e o colocam na prisão.
put him through 93
put him on 122
put him out of his misery 17
put him in 16
put him here 16
put him on the phone 24
put him on speaker 19
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
put him on 122
put him out of his misery 17
put him in 16
put him here 16
put him on the phone 24
put him on speaker 19
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down here 450
down to business 31
down on the ground 130
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down here 450
down to business 31
down on the ground 130