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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / She didn't have to

She didn't have to translate Portuguese

685 parallel translation
Well, if she didn't go to the mountains, Mohammed would have to come here.
Bem, se ela não fosse à montanha Maomé tinha de vir até aqui...
She didn't want anybody else to have him.
Não quer que nenhuma outra o tenha.
Why didn't she? I'm afraid you'll have to ask Ms. Damien about that.
- Pergunte á senhora Damien.
Didn't she ask you up to spend the day and have dinner?
Sim, mas por que?
She didn't have to.
Não precisava.
I didn't think she ought to have been out of bed, sir.
Achei que ela não devia ter saído da cama.
She didn't have time to put them on.
Ela não tinha tempo para os pôr.
But she knew I didn't have a copy and that he wouldn't lift a finger to help me.
Mas ela sabia que eu não tinha uma cópia e que ele não levantaria um dedo para me ajudar.
You didn't even have the decency to take her after she left me.
Tu nem sequer tens a decência de ficar com ela, depois dela me deixar.
I mean, she didn't have to go to work or anything like that. He left her a little money.
Ela não teve de trabalhar, ele deixou-lhe algum dinheiro.
I'd like it if she didn't have to see these.
Preferia se ela não tivesse de ver isto.
Well, she didn't have to.
Bem, não precisava.
I was tryin'to explain to that darn lady teacher... why he didn't have no money for his lunch, and she got sore at me!
Eu estava a tentar explicar àquela maldita professora... por que é que ele não tinha dinheiro para o almoço, e ela zangou-se comigo!
Looks like she- - she didn't have nobody to help her.
Parecia que ela- - que não tinha ninguém que a ajudasse.
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
Didn't have time to arrange her will, did she?
Nem teve tempo de redigir o testamento.
She didn't seem to have any doubts.
Ela não parece ter qualquer dúvida.
She belonged to have pretty words spoke over her, and I didn't do it.
Não foi o suficiente. Ela merecia um discurso bonito, e eu não o fiz.
She didn't have much, but we'd be pleased, and I'm sure she'd want you to have anything of hers that you liked,
Ela não tinha grande coisa, mas teríamos todo o prazer... e creio que ela também teria em que ficasse com alguma coisa dela de que gostasse.
- Não conseguiu.
But she didn't have to tell you about that, now did she?
Mas ela não tinha que lhe contar isso, não é?
Did she? She didn't have to tell you at all.
Não tinha que fazê-lo.
But she didn't have to fight the duel.
No entanto, ela não teve que travar o duelo.
She didn't have to say yes.
Ela nao precisava aceitar.
She didn't have to.
Não precisou contar.
She didn't have to tell me.
- Não foi preciso dizer-me.
She didn't know how to read and she certainly didn't have a radio.
Ela não sabia ler. E ela certamente não tinha um rádio.
He / she dries off at night and a morning you wake up without grain. To my me dió allergy, what didn't know they have left me double grains.
Para nos livrar das borbulhas, inventaram uma espécie de creme, chamado "Clearasil", que as seca durante a noite, e quando acordamos, em princípio, não temos mais borbulhas.
I didn't expect to have signs telling me where she is.
Não esperava ver cartazes a indicar onde ela está.
She's sick and destitute... and Constance didn't have the heart to turn her out.
Está doente e necessitada... ... e Constance não teve coração para a mandar embora.
She didn't have to pay anybody.
Näo precisava de pagar.
She almost didn't have to, because it was so disgusting, I almost couldn't.
Quase não foi preciso, porque era tão nojento, que eu quase nem era capaz...
Your mother couldn't go to sleep tonight Because she didn't have that old orange blanket.
a tua mãe não conseguia adormecer hoje porque não tinha aquele cobertor cor de laranja antigo.
She just didn't have time to be specific.
Não teve tempo de especificar.
You mean you doted on Margaret so much that she didn't have to get out of the bed for you to make it?
O que eu quis dizer, acho que foi, acho... Senta-te... Relaxa...
It's just something I'd prefer she didn't have to know about.
Isto é uma coisa que eu preferia que ela não soubesse.
When I was a kid, my mother wanted me to play in the yard but she didn't have to worry about my neighbor sticking a shiv in my thigh.
Em miúdo a minha mãe queria que eu brincasse no pátio, mas claro que não tinha de se preocupar com o meu vizinho, o Tommy, a espetar-me um pau na coxa.
What if she didn't have anything to do with this?
E se ela não tem nada a ver com isto?
I came downstairs, and Mr. von Bulow said that Madame had a very sore throat, and I didn't have to do any work, and she was in bed all day.
Eu desci e o Sr. Bulow disse que a Madame tinha a garganta inflamada, e eu não tinha que trabalhar, ela ia passar o dia na cama.
She didn't have to die.
Ela não tinha de morrer.
You didn't have to. " She chooses he who must choose her.
Não precisas de o fazer. "Ela escolhe aquele que é forçado a escolhê-la"
She would have left. I didn't want to befriend her.
Ela ia embora.
And she didn't have to do jack shit.
Sem fazer nada, ainda por cima.
I didn't know whether to believe her. She's been delusional and she certainly couldn't have testified against the esteemed doctor.
Não sabia se podia acreditar nela, tinha tido ilusões, e não podia testemunhar contra o querido médico.
She didn't even have the decency to do it behind Ellis's back.
Nem tinha a decência de o fazer às escondidas do Ellis.
Unfortunately, when she gave you yours, you didn't give her hers. She'd give them to me because she has mine. Then I wouldn't have to ask you for hers so that I could get mine.
É só pena que quando ela te deu as dela, não lhe tenhas dado as tuas, pois ela ter-mas-ia entregado, porque tem as minhas, pelo que nunca teria de te pedir as dela, para conseguir as minhas.
She didn't have to say anything. I could hear it in her voice.
- Não precisou dizer, bastou ouvi-la!
And you didn't have to look into her eyes when she was falling!
E tu não tiveste de olhá-la nos olhos quando morreu.
[Jack Narrating] I kept wondering what Mom would say if she saw Dad... cleaning up the house and trying to make things great for Dylan's homecoming... but I didn't have much faith in what he could do anymore.
Perguntei-me o que faria a mãe se visse o pai... a limpar a casa e a tentar arranjar as coisas para a vinda do Dylan... Mas não tinha muita fé no que ele ainda podia fazer.
She didn't by any chance have the package delivered, did she? Barbara wanted to eat her breakfast before lunch, but kids working for tips, not in much of a hurry. No.
Ela por acaso não pediu entrega ao domicílio, pois não?
She didn't say but I do have several more days of logs to watch.
Poderia ser, não disse, mas ainda ficam diários por repassar.

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