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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / She was right there

She was right there translate Portuguese

206 parallel translation
She was there, she was right there!
Estava ali, estava mesmo ali!
She was right there.
Ela estava bem ali.
She was right there with me.
Ela estava mesmo ao meu lado.
If Johnny Weissmuller were in the soup wearing a 200-pound diving rig he couldn't swim to fuck Esther Williams if she was right there naked.
Se Johnny weissmuller estivesse com uma roupa de mergulho de 90kg não nadaria até Esther williams mesmo que ela estivesse nua.
She was right there.
Ela estava mesmo ali.
You know, I think it happened when she was right there.
Acho que aconteceu quando ela estava aí mesmo.
She was there. She was right there.
Ela esteve lá.
She was right there, Mom!
Ela estava mesmo aqui, mãe.
She was right there and then she was just gone.
Ela estava ali e de repente desapareceu.
She was right there for you.
Ela estava lá para ti.
She was there. She was right there.
Ela estava ali.
She was right there.
Ela estava mesmo aqui.
- She was right there!
- Ela estava mesmo ali!
In the first place, a little old lady disappears. Everyone that saw her promptly insists that she was never there at all. - Right?
Uma velhota desaparece, todos os que a viram insistem em que ela nunca lá esteve, certo?
I opened my eyes and there she was, sitting right on the edge of the bed.
Eu abri os meus olhos e lá estava ela, sentada na borda da minha cama.
I was coming out of school... and there she was, waiting for me right where she always is.
Eu estava saindo da escola... e lá estava ela, esperando por mim como de costume.
She was standing right over there.
Ela estava li.
She was crying and I was crying... and I thought any minute now we're gonna be right up there on the moon.
Ela estava chorando... e eu estava chorando... e pensei que a qualquer instante, íamos estar lá em cima na lua.
She kept after me kept telling me there was another thief once dying on a cross right next to Christ.
Ela passava a vida... a dizer que uma vez houve um outro ladrão... que morreu numa cruz... ao lado de Jesus Cristo.
This is the right house, and she was here. Whether you believe the rest of my story or not, there are two things that haven't disappeared... the ring and the map.
E mesmo que não acredites no resto da história, há duas coisas que não desapareceram, o anel e o mapa, os dois são reais.
Now she was up there tonight, right?
Ela esteve aqui esta noite, certo?
One time, she was right here and there was her shoes about 10 feet back, stuck in the mud.
De repente... já estava lá. E a pobre não tinha sapatos. Tinha perdido.
She was buck naked right there.
Ela estava toda nua.
And then there was love, yeah, yeah she was in love all right
E depois, havia o amor.
She was stuffing an envelope into the top right-hand drawer of her bureau in which I couldn't help noticing there seemed to be a large number of similar letters.
Escondia um envelope... na gaveta direita da escrivaninha, onde não pude evitar reparar... que havia várias cartas semelhantes.
She called me right away, but there was nothing we could do.
Naquela aflição, chamou-me, mas já não havia nada a fazer.
Oh, that's right, I was setting out some lettuces, those lettuces over there. When my little girl, Patience, she comes running up.
Sim, estava a plantar umas alfaces, aquelas alfaces que ali estão, quando a minha filha Patience veio ter comigo a correr.
There was a girl sitting across from me. She was wearing this dress that was buttoned... clear up right to here.
Ela tinha um vestido abotoado até aqui.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
The crow led her to a young man working his acres and my great-grandmother, she knew in her heart that she was supposed to stop right there.
O corvo a levou até um jovem que trabalhava na terra... e minha bisavó sentiu em seu coração... que devia ficar parada bem ali.
You thought she was good-looking, right? See, there you go again.
Achava-la bonita ou não?
She was running right there beside me... whoever she is.
Ela estava a correr ali ao meu lado, quem quer que ela seja.
Right smack in the middle of all that, there she was.
Mesmo no meio de tudo aquilo, lá estava ela.
I swear to God, she was right over there... in the pyjamas her grandma gave her... saying something to me.
Juro por Deus, ela estava mesmo ali, com o pijama que a avó lhe deu, a dizer-me qualquer coisa.
She was lying right there.
Estava mesmo ali.
Bonny said they would go unnoticed there, and she was right.
Bonny disse que aí passariam despercebidos e tinha razão.
She was buried right out there with the crystals.
Ela foi enterrada lá fora com os cristais.
By the way right there, back when she said, "See you"... -... that was a sign.
A propósito há pouco, quando ela disse "Até à vista" era um sinal.
And there she was again. Telling me, I was right.
E lá estava ela novamente, a dizer-me que estava certo.
So you drove out there... to bring her back to bring her back to everything... she was running away from, right?
Então conduziu até lá para ir buscá-la. Para a trazer de volta para todas as coisas de que ela queria fugir.
Don't ask me to explain it, but she was... she was sitting right there.
Não me peça que lhe explique mas ela estava estava sentada aqui.
Well, she was pushy, like you were right there.
Bem, ela era mandona, tal como tu há bocado.
- She was just right there.
- Ela estava mesmo ali.
There she was, right in front of me.
Mas ela estava, mesmo à minha frente.
- Okay after you told me she was passed out in our room I went in there to make sure she was all right.
- Certo depois de me dizeres que estava desmaiada, no nosso quarto fui lá para ver se ela estava bem.
She was gonna clear the floor and do you right there.
Fazia-o mesmo ali se quisesses.
Where was she? Right there.
Onde estava ela?
There was this skinhead that was harassing her and she just walked right up to him and said :
Um skinhead estava a chateá-la e ela foi ter com ele e disse-lhe :
There were women in exotic costumes and men in turbans Even in her sleep she hated with a passion any idea of allowing that her father might be right But it was a harem!
havia mulheres em trajes exóticos e homens com turbantes mesmo no seu sono ela recusava a idéia de aceitar que seu pai estaria certo mas era um harém
I don't know who she was. She just showed up right after I got there.
Não sei quem ela era, chegou mesmo depois de mim.
- That's right, we met in Times Square and she was the prettiest girl there so I kissed her.
- Conhecemo-nos na Times Square. Ela era a rapariga mais bonita que lá estava, e eu beijei-a.

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