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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / Six of them

Six of them translate Portuguese

422 parallel translation
Now understand, it took six of them to throw me out.
Entende, necessitaram-se seis tipos para me tirar.
I think the musicians we have will be enough Six of them placed near the microphone will make more noise than sixty ten kilometres away
Na minha opinião, já estamos bem servidos com estes músicos, visto que 6 deles, que colocaremos perto do microfone, farão bastante mais barulho do que 60 a colocados a 10 km.
- Yeah, and there's six of them, too.
$ 1 cada um. - E são seis.
In the morning, six of them lay dead.
Pela manhã, seis estavam mortos.
- All six of them?
- Todos os seis deles?
You are wounded and there's six of them.
Você está ferido e eles são seis.
Six of them. The Tumbling Piccolos. An acrobatic act with some circus.
Os Piccolos Saltadores, um número acrobático num circo.
That's exactly what I said, six of them.
Foi exatamente o que eu disse, seis deles.
There are six of them.
Säo seis.
I took out six of them to convert to explosive tips.
Tirei seis... para transformar em pontas explosivas.
Six of them were pallbearers.
Seis deles carregaram-lhe o caixão.
Six of them for Dwan.
Seis deles pela Dwan.
They's six of them, Martha.
Há seis deles, Martha.
There's six of them out there for us.
Estão ali fora seis para nos levarem.
- Six of them.
- São seis.
There are six of them, at least four of whom are veterans, either Special Forces or crack troops at any rate.
São uns seis. Quatro são veteranos, forças especiais ou de assalto.
- Six of them died of influenza.
- Seis morreram de gripe.
Conan, there are six of them against her.
Conan, são seis contra ela.
Ever since the Duchess of Kent got married, every girl that gets spliced has been dragging around six feet of lace with a tulle overlay behind them.
Desde que a Duquesa de Kent casou, todas as raparigas que se casaram teem andado às voltas, a arrastar dois metros de rendas, com uma sobreposição de tule por trás.
Look at them now : six big lusty sons, a score or so of prize pigs... and the most beautiful rose garden in the whole of Antrim.
E olhe agora : seis filhos, uma vintena de porcos... e as melhores rosas de Antrim.
After six months one of them's lucky. One out of the thousand.
Após seis meses, um deles tem sorte.
You offer them a fortune for a few coconuts and they refuse to work yet they go out and kill themselves for six pieces of stone.
Você oferece-lhe uma fortuna por uns cocos e eles se recusam a trabalhar e saem para se matar por meia dúzia de pedras.
Not that I placed any evil construction on it then... but now I find myself quite unable... to continue thinking of them as two young music lovers... listening steadily to the phonograph for something like six weeks.
Não que tivesse visto nada de mal nisso então... mas senti-me incapaz... de continuar a pensar neles como dois adolescentes amantes de música... a ouvirem continuamente uns discos quaisqueres durante umas seis semanas.
They were paroles, and we fought for six years to earn them, those of us who were still around for the graduation.
Foram liberdades condicionais e lutámos seis anos para as merecer. Aqueles de nós que ainda estávamos vivos.
Three of our students, the largest graduation class in the history of our school, have today completed their first six years of their education. Their parents have sacrificed much to send them to school through these six years.
Três dos nossos alunos, a primeira turma a graduar-se na história da nossa escola, que hoje completa os primeiros 6 anos de educação.
Think you're good enough to take them against six of us?
Vai enfrentar-nos aos seis?
I got six clocks, and none of them work.
Os meus marcam 6 da tarde, mas nenhum deles funciona.
We'll take all the extra supplies and make six parcels out of them. Each one big enough to last us a week.
Separaremos as provisões de sobra em seis fardos iguais, suficientemente grandes como para durar uma semana.
Six of them.
There are six of them and only two of us.
Espere um momento.
Todas as seis.
Chief, if I were surrounded by six or eight of these things, would I stand a chance with them?
Se eu fosse cercado por seis ou oito deles, teria alguma hipótese? - Não há grande problema.
Some of them took six and seven minutes.
Alguns deles levaram seis e sete minutos.
You ain't the kind of man that'd go lusting after another man's wife, especially with them six bawds arriving in town.
Não és homem que cobice a esposa de outro, sobretudo tendo as seis galdérias chegado à vila.
For six years they cleaned up a packet. The day I got whiff of them through a squealer
Durante seis anos, conseguiram dar-nos a volta.
Six or seven of them, right?
Seis ou sete?
No, we rape the shit out of them at the Number Six dance later on!
Não, violamo-las mais tarde na dança Nº 6!
They got six or seven of them in there and a couple of chicks.
Há uns 6 ou 7 deles lá, e algumas garotas!
After that, I'll just turn the six levels of starving passengers beneath you loose and let you take your chances with them.
Depois, limito-me a deixar à solta os seis níveis de passageiros com fome... e deixo-o à mercê deles.
So, all these cops came in, six or eight of them.
Eram uns seis ou oito.
Starfleet reports our last six crew members are ready to beam up... but one of them is refusing to step into the transporter.
A Frota informa que os últimos seis membros da tripulação estão prontos para teleportar... mas um deles está se recusando a entrar no transportador.
And get five or six subjects and go back to square one with them and step up the doses of the drug in a graduated fashion and check them against Eddie's values!
E conseguir cinco ou seis indivíduos começar do zero com eles... aumentar as doses da droga... de forma gradual e conferir com os resultados do Eddie!
Six, seven of them.
Eram seis, não, sete.
Not one of them under five-foot-six.
Nenhum tem menos de 1 metro e 70.
No, actually, Mr. Conroy, I've been in six or eight of them.
Não, Sr. Conroy, na verdade, já estive nuns seis ou oito.
Four- - Four of my clients in the last six months, all of them you've made good on.
Quatro clientes meus nos últimos seis meses.
Five of them will be water mixed with a tiny amount of a chemical compound which we call "Lot Six."
As outras 5 serão água misturada com uma pequena quantidade de um composto químico a que nós chamamos... "lote 6".
Unconfirmed reports say the Khmer Rouge are demanding that any officials of the defeated Lon Nol government especially the so-called Six Traitors of the Cabinet be handed over to them.
Diz-se que os Kmers Vermelhos exigem que os oficiais derrotados, especialmente os "seis traidores", lhes sejam entregues.
Se passarmos por eles, não suspeitaram de seis... apanhadores de cogumelos e uma manada de vacas.
We're fielding all their strokes, running all of them out and pretty consistently knocking them for six.
Temos a moral muito mais alta que eles. Devolvemos todos os seus golpes, tiramos muitos de circulação.
Among all the plaster casts drying that day, he made for the batch of six that had been ear marked for Morse Hudson and the base of one of them was still soft.
Entre os moldes que estavam a secar, dirigiu-se para um grupo de seis, que estavam destinados para Morse Hudson. A base dum deles ainda estava mole.

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