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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / That said

That said translate Portuguese

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So, I was at a clearance sale for the Sharper Image and there were all these signs that said "Everything must go."
Bem, eu estava na liquidação da Sharper Image e havia muitas placas que diziam : "Tem de ir tudo."
With that said, if I ever get fired'cause somebody gets me on video for one of the million things they come after us for, now, I'll be the first one in line to get an implication.
Dito isto, se alguma vez for despedido porque alguém apanhou-me em vídeo por uma coisa num milhão eles vão ver atrás de nós, agora, serei o primeiro da fila para conseguir uma implicação. - Sim.
He said that. He said Rodgers.
- Ele disse Rodgers.
It's Gary Rodgers. You said that, right?
Foi o que disseste?
I never said that.
- Nunca disse isso.
She thinks I said that to the dogs, but I didn't.
- Ela pensa que eu disse isso aos cães.
I said that already?
Já tinha dito?
Sandy, um, my dad wanted to make sure that I said hi to you.
Sandy, o meu pai manda-te cumprimentos.
The lady at Chili's said they'll keep it open till 10 : 30 for us, so that's good.
A senhora do Chili's disse que manteriam as portas abertas até às 22h30 para nós.
You think he said that or he said that?
- Achas ou falou mesmo?
I don't know why I said that.
Não sei porque falei nisso.
No, I said it was weird that we couldn't copyright it.
Não, disse que era estranho não podermos pedir direitos de autor.
Uh, and he's also sorry that he said your face looks like a toilet and your balls smell funny.
E também pede desculpa por ter dito que a tua cara parece uma sanita e os teus tomates cheiram mal.
So, I had to say to her, I said, " Look, ma'am, you can't bring that on here.
Tive de lhe dizer que não podia trazer as garrafas.
! - She said that to you?
- Ela disse-te isso?
I thought you said, as soon as you got your insurance card, you were gonna get the surgery, so that you could, and I quote :
Pensava que tinhas dito que, assim que recebesses o cartão do seguro, ias fazer a cirurgia para, e passo a citar :
I said that you are a devout Christian.
E que és uma cristã devota.
Whew. God, I haven't said that out loud yet.
Ainda não tinha dito isso em voz alta.
That's a pretty adult thing you just said.
Acabaste de dizer uma coisa adulta.
You said that you didn't want any.
Disseste que não querias.
Of course that's why I said yes.
Claro que foi por isso que aceitei.
Okay, which one of you said that?
- Pronto. Quem disse isso? - Ela.
I was just coming to tell you- - No, I specifically said that I can't be seen to be involved in this thing.
Disse-te que não podia haver sinal de mim nisto!
So you always said that if I'm in a knife fight and I'm losing, to pick up a gun. And Pearson Specter Litt is a goddamn gun.
A Pearson Specter Litt é uma arma.
- You remember that thing that we took care of for Rachel that you said might be worth doing?
Sabes o que fizemos pela Rachel? Que valia a pena?
Gretchen said that Louis had some special assignment for us.
A Gretchen disse que o Louis tinha uma missão especial.
But I thought that you said- - I don't care what you thought.
Achei... - Não me interessa.
And like Louis said, we need to show her that we don't only understand her company, we understand her.
Como o Louis disse, entendemos a empresa e a ela.
Louis, what happened? Rachel said that it went great.
A Rachel disse que correu bem, não?
I thought it did, too, but then she called me and said that the next time she asks for a meeting with me and Harvey, she better get a goddamn meeting with me and Harvey instead of two nobodies.
Também achei, mas telefonou e disse que quando pede reunião é bom que o Harvey e eu estejamos lá e não duas Zé Ninguém.
I can't do that and I wasn't lying to him when I said I'm not going back to my old firm.
- Não posso. Não menti ao dizer que não regressaria e que a vida destas pessoas interessava.
She never said anything like that to me, though.
- Sim, mas ela... Ela nunca me disse nada disso.
Fuck! That's what I should've said.
Merda, era isso que devia ter dito.
I think maybe Erin should run a DNA test on you. You know? I'm going to say something that I probably haven't said in 30 years.
Vou dizer uma coisa que provavelmente não disse há 30 anos.
- Somebody said that to me, that my desk had turned into a coffee klatch.
- Alguém disse-me, que a minha secretária virou um café.
She said that she knew I screwed one of the residents, man.
Ela disse que sabia que eu estava enrolado com uma das residentes, homem.
Is that what Ellie said?
Foi isso que a Ellie disse?
That's not what your lover said!
Não foi isso que sua amante disse
Do you remember what you said to me that night?
Lembrai-vos do que me dissestes nessa noite?
And then taking that money back to Billy because he said so?
30? Depois dar esse dinheiro ao Billy porque ele mandou?
You all said that it couldn't be done, but it appears as if Sir Richard the Not-Short hath now slain the slimy troll.
Vocês disseram que era impossível mas parece que Sir Richard, o Não-Baixo, deu cabo do trol nojento.
Well, you said that you used "Cancion de Amores"
Disse-me que usou a "Canción de Amores" para processar músicos.
- You said that... when you were eight.
- Foste tu que o disseste com oito anos.
They said that she died of the flu...
Dizem que morreu com gripe...
Coulson said that if I wanted to know where you went today, I should ask, and he's right.
O Coulson disse que se eu quisesse saber onde é que tu foste hoje devia perguntar-te e ele tem razão.
You shouldn't. Forget I said that. Some of it is a little on the steamier side.
Algumas delas são demasiado picantes.
You said you wanted to destroy the Inhumans and the thing that brought them upon us.
Disse que queria destruir os não-humanos e a coisa que os trouxe até nós.
- Bingo. You said you wanted to destroy the Inhumans and the thing that brought them upon us.
- Disse que queria destruir os não-humanos e a "coisa" que os trouxe até nós.
You said you wanted to show the world what S.H.I.E.L.D. stands for. Well, I was hoping to do that by solving this thing.
Disse que queria mostrar ao mundo aquilo que S.H.I.E.L.D. representa.
- We can see that. Davis said Agent Simmons was the only one in here with him.
- O Davis disse que a Agente Simmons estava a sós com ele.
That being said, Ward vouched for you, so I'm happy to provide you sanctuary.
Dito isto, o Ward deu garantias por vocês, então... - fico contente por vos fornecer santuário.

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