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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / They didn't tell me

They didn't tell me translate Portuguese

267 parallel translation
Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
Jim, não sabia que estavas aqui.
" Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, não sabia que estavas aqui.
Why, Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
Mas, Jim, não sabia que estavas aqui.
- You didn't tell me they called you up.
Você não me falou da ligação.
When I think of the things they didn't tell me in Vermont.
Quando penso nas coisas que não me disseram em Vermont!
They didn't tell me about it.
Näo me informaram. Levem-no.
They didn't tell me about the snipers and the booby traps and the infiltration.
Não me disseram dos franco-atiradores e as armadilhas explosivas e a infiltração.
Why didn't you tell me? The lab said they didn't know if they could develop it or not.
- Não sabia se poderiam revelá-la.
They didn't tell me at Marionettes Inc. That I was getting such a difficult specimen.
Não me disseram, na Marionetes, S. A., que iria ter este tipo de dificuldades.
- What's the charge? - That's what they didn't tell me.
- Qual é a acusação?
tania Maybe they didn't let you in on all of it, but, whatever you do know, tell me.
Talvez não lhe tenham dito tudo, mas, pelo menos, diga o que sabe.
- They didn't tell me you were hurt.
Não me disseram que estavas ferido.
They didn't tell me we weren't allowed to drive across Paris.
Não me disseram que estávamos proibidos de conduzir em Paris. vou acabar convosco!
Jenny, will you tell the ladies for me that I didn't mean that they had to get out right this minute.
Jenny, diz às garotas por mim... que não quis dizer que se devem ir agora
So this is what they didn't tell me, huh?
Então era isto que ele não me disse, huh?
Tell him I know Roth misled him. That he didn't know they would try to kill me.
Diz-lhe que está tudo bem, diz-lhe que sei o Roth o enganou, que ele não sabia que eles iam tentar matar-me.
Why didn't you tell me, you half-wit? Why didn't they tell me?
Porque não me disseste, imbecil, ou eles?
You mean to tell me they didn't have any corned beef?
Estás a dizer-me que não tinham bifes?
Cooter Davenport, don't you tell me they didn't come back!
Cooter Davenport, não me digas que eles não voltaram!
They didn't tell me all the details :
Eles não me contaram todos os detalhes.
And don't tell me, "It's because they didn't have anybody who looked good in a tux."
Não me diga que foi porque não tinham ninguém que ficasse bem de smoking.
They didn't tell me that when I called.
Não me disseram quando liguei.
They didn't tell me.
- Não me disseram. Só disseram...
Michael, they asked me where you were going... but when I didn't tell them, one of them hit me.
Michael, eles perguntaram-me para onde estava a ir mas como não lhes disse, um deles bateu-me.
My sources tell me they didn't, either.
As minhas fontes dizem-me que também não foram eles.
You didn't tell me they'd be using guided missiles.
Não me disseste que usariam mísseis guiados!
- You didn't tell me they called you up.
Você não me falou da ligação. Não?
- You didn't tell me they called.
Não me disseste que eles ligaram!
Well, what I didn't tell Steve is that they... sort of gave me a little reward.
O que eu não disse ao Steve é que eles me deram uma recompensa. Quanto?
Unless they rewrote the Constitution and didn't tell me, I still have rights!
A menos que tenham reescrito a Constituição e não me tenham dito, ainda tenho os meus direitos!
You didn't tell me they were divorced!
Não me disse que meus pais eram divorciados.
Why didn't they tell me Goddard Bolt owned the other half?
Porque é que ninguém me disse que Goddard Bolt era dono da outra metade?
They told me to carry a window, but they didn't tell the paint was wet. Right?
Tive de trtazer uma janela, mas não me tinham avisado, que a tinta de ela era ainda fresca.
They didn't tell you? Tell me what?
Não te disseram?
They didn't tell me.
Não me disseram.
They didn't tell me about me!
Nem sequer falaram de mim, achas que íam falar da fusão?
They be watchin'me all the time, but I didn't tell'em nothin'.
Estão sempre a observar-me, mas não lhes disse nada.
You didn't tell me they were coming for the weekend. My sister and her husband, they didn't tell me, either.
- Não me disseste que eles vinham.
They did this to him, didn't they? Tell me everything!
Foram eles, não foram?
Hmm. If it is, they didn't tell me.
Se for isso, não me disseram a mim.
You didn't tell me they were Mexicans,
Não me disseste que eram mexicanos.
- Why didn't they tell us?
- Por que não me disseram?
They didn't tell you they were coming in because they want me dead.
Não lhe disseram que iam avançar, porque me querem matar.
- They didn't tell me they were gonna kill somebody. - Who?
- Não me disseram que havia mortes.
They would come and tell stories... and I remember, very often... we didn't believe them.
- Traziam com eles as suas histórias. Lembro-me que, muitas vezes, não acreditávamos neles.
- Why didn't you tell me they were involved?
Porque é que não me disseste que eles estavam envolvidos?
Did the man I bought them from tell me they didn't work?
O homem a quem os comprei disse-me que não funcionavam?
They didn't tell me I would have to do things like this.
Detesto o exército. Não me disseram que tinha que fazer coisas como estas. Quer dizer, Eu nem sei porque estamos em guerra.
Não me disseram nada.
Olá, Lindsay.
He tried to tell me they didn't have a room ready.
Tentou dizer-me que não tinham uma sala pronta.

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