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We bought it translate Portuguese

345 parallel translation
But it's a brand-new team and wagon. We bought it- -
Mas são animais e carroça novíssimos Comprámos...
- We bought it.
- Comprámo-lo.
We bought it from the innkeeper.
- Comprámo-lo ao estalajadeiro.
Since we bought it.
Que querem? - Desde quando? Desde que a comprámos.
They bought it. I mean, we bought it.
Eles caíram, nós comprámos.
They bought it. I mean, we bought it. They fell for it.
Eles caíram. lsto é, nós comprámos.
This is our lamp. We bought it.
- É nossa lâmpada, a compramos.
Actually, we considered adding on to our house when we bought it, But we'd need you to sign a variance to give us permission to build that close to the property line and it seemed like an imposition.
Pensávamos fazer o mesmo quando comprámos a casa, mas precisávamos que vocês assinassem e dessem permissão para construirmos e isso pareceu-nos uma imposição.
We bought it in 1953... the year after Harold became a judge.
Comprámo-la em 1953 um ano após o Harold ser juiz.
We bought it, cheap.
Comprámo-la barata.
The government sold us a bill of goods and we bought it.
O governo enfiou-nos o barrete.
Wanted to sell his story but we bought it and hushed him up.
Quis vender a história dele, mas comprámo-lo e mandámo-lo embora.
The guy we bought it from said it was at least 1 00 years old.
O tipo a quem o comprámos disse que devia ter uns 100 anos!
We bought it.
Nós comprámo-la.
We bought it downtown somewhere. Somewhere in the village.
Comprámo-lo algures na Baixa, em Greenwich Village.
- We bought it between us.
- Comprámos os dois.
I just bought the horses, Jack, it's not like we had some bond.
Eu acabei de comprar os cavalos, Jack, nao e como se tivessemos algum vinculo.
Yeah, we almost bought 6 feet of it apiece.
Sim, quase ficávamos enterrados nele.
If we bought all the insurance they can think up... we'd stay broke paying for it, wouldn't we, honey?
Se comprássemos todos os seguros que nos propõem, íamos à falência.
You can have the dough we get from selling the car but you're not going to keep me a prisoner. It's a good thing I bought the paper.
Ficaste com o dinheiro, e podes vender o carro, mas não vais manter-me preso.
The kids knew we bought a house in Jersey, but this was the first time they'd seen it.
Foi a primeira vez que os miúdos viram a casa em Jersey.
And the carriage is all bought and waiting... and it won't be any time at all... before we'll be... taking him for walks together in the park... all the places that we used to go and know.
E o carrinho foi comprado e à espera.... e não faltará muito tempo... até que estejamos... a levá-lo para passeios juntos no parque... a todos os sítios onde costumávamos ir e que conhecemos.
Look, I don't mean to offend you but we're both alone, would it be all right if I bought you a drink?
Olhe, não pretendo ofendê-la, mas estamos os dois sozinhos, importa-se se lhe oferecer uma bebida?
It was during the cocktail hour, and he mistook a small herd of them for the striped awning that we just bought from Abercrombie's.
A sério? Sim. Foi durante o coquetel, e ele confundiu um pequeno rebanho delas com o toldo listado que nós acabáramos de comprar, ao partir da Abercrombie.
But as I was saying I'm from the Clybourne Park Improvement Association and we had it brought to our attention at the last meeting that you people, or at least your mother has bought a piece of residential property at 4...
Como dizia sou da Associaçäo Clybourne Park. Ficamos sabendo, na última reuniäo que vocês... que a sua mäe...
We bought us a'27 Chevy. Kept it tied together with bailing wire, hit every honky-tonk in the country.
Comprámos um Chevy velho, segurámos a chapa com arame e corremos os bares todos da região.
I bought it. Did it ever occur to you we could use this thing to find out what's happening?
Não Ihe ocorreu... que poderíamos usar isto para averiguar o que passa?
That bought us the time we needed to destroy it.
Vou, Odona, tenho de ficar.
A group of concerned neighbors has got together... And we're gonna take up a collection... To buy that house back from them people who bought it from bowman.
Um grupo de vizinhos preocupados juntaram-se... e vamos fazer uma coleta... para comprar aquela casa de volta dessa gente que a comprou do Bowman.
They bought it away from us, we're gonna buy it back.
- Roubaram-nos isso... e nós faremos o mesmo.
Need I remind you, it was just last year that we bought 10 new Bunsen burners for that lab.
Preciso lembrá-lo que só no ano passado, comprámos 10 novos bicos de Bunsen para o laboratório?
- We bought him all out of it.
- Comprámos tudo o que tinham.
- We just bought it.
- Acabámos de a comprar.
Was it like that when we bought the place?
Isto estava assim quando compramos isto?
We set him up with false information about the code and he bought it.
Demos-lhe falsas informações sobre o código e o computador e desta vez conseguimos prendê-lo.
Maybe we should run a make on it. This car I gave my son Jack last year when I bought my new one. It should.
Talvez devêssemos dar uma olhada.
We had just parachuted about 50 kilometers behind the North Korean lines, and the three guys I jumped with, my buddies, they all bought it, pow, pow, pow, just like that.
Tínhamos saltado de pára-quedas a 50 Km da fronteira da Coreia do Norte. Os três tipos com quem tinha saltado é que pagaram... Pimba!
Your father bought the drawing room furniture, and we must put up with it.
Mas o teu pai comprou a mobilía da salinha, e nós temos que a desfrutar.
- We had a fight over who bought it.
- Discutimos sobre quem o comprou.
- Well, it's the Roy Rogers restaurants... we bought into, and I sold off the Tucson property.
O que é? É dos Restaurantes Roy Rogers em que investimos. Eu vendi o terreno de Tucson.
We've bought it.
Eu comprei-a.
We bought a picture of a two-headed lizard and had to use it somewhere.
500 dólares!
Annie was just in grammar school when we bought it.
A Annie estava na Preparatória quando a comprámos.
Six of us have bought it already this year. All we can do is buzz them back.
6 de nós ja morreram este ano e nós só apanhamos eles.
Al, as much as I applaud you exposing yourself to water, don't you think it's time we marched into the'50s and bought an air conditioner?
Al, por muito que louve estares em contacto com água, não achas que é tempo de nos actualizarmos e comprarmos o ar condicionado?
We're checking the company's records, see who bought it.
Estamos a verificar os registos das companhias. Ver quem a comprou.
It's just that that's not why we bought the ticket.
É só que não pagamos o bilhete para isso.
We all bought the guy cutting me up tonight. Even I believed it.
Todos acreditamos no cara me esfaqueando.
What no one told me was that when we bought the skag some lucky punter would have to try it out.
O que ninguém me disse é que algum felizardo ia ter de experimentar o cavalo.
I mean, it's not like we have to pay for anything he bought, so all we have do is just go in there and make our statement- -
Não temos de pagar o que comprámos. Só temos de dar o nosso depoimento...
We've been in some pretty hairy situations, and I thought for sure we'd bought it and then, bang!
Já estive em situações complicadas, e tinha a certeza de que nos íamos tramar e então, bang!

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