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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You were awesome

You were awesome translate Portuguese

153 parallel translation
- You were awesome!
- Tens estado extraordinário!
- You were awesome.
- Vocês foram ótimos.
Teresa, you were awesome behind the furnace.
Teresa, você foi fantástica atrás da fornalha.
You were awesome!
Foi assombroso.
Dad, you were awesome.
Pai, foste o máximo.
You were awesome, Dad.
Foste fantástico, pai.
As a villain, you were awesome.
Como vilã, eras formidável.
Dad, you were awesome.
- Pai, foste um espanto!
You were awesome.
- A avó foi um espanto!
You were awesome.
Foste espectacular.
You were awesome in all the school plays.
Tu eras espectacular nas peças do liceu.
You were awesome out there hanging upside down from that tree and shit
Foste espectacular pendurada de cabeça para baixo na árvore.
- You were awesome last night.
- Foste um espectáculo a noite passada.
Matt gave me that slot because he didn't wanna blow his cover by giving it to you. You were awesome.
Ambos sabemos que a verdadeira razão para o Matt me ter escolhido foi para eu não estragar o esquema dele.
- You were awesome.
- Foste fantástico.
You were awesome.
- É fantástica.
Tru, you were awesome!
Tru, foste fantástica! Conseguiste!
Oh, baby, you were awesome.
Querida, tu foste terrível.
- You were awesome. - I am so happy that it's over.
Foste fenomenal!
You were awesome out there.
Tu eras incrível na pista.
- You were awesome!
- Foste óptimo.
You... you were awesome.
Tu... estiveste impressionante.
Mm! Oh, baby, you were awesome.
Querida, tu foste terrível.
Dude, you were awesome, Kyle.
Tu és incrível, Kyle.
Hammy, you were awesome, my man!
Hami, foste formidável, meu!
You were awesome!
Foste espectacular!
- Dude, you were awesome.
- Meu, foste incrível!
- Dude, you were awesome.
- Fogo, foste incrível.
You were awesome!
- Foste incrível!
You were awesome.
Foste fantástica.
You were awesome, dude.
- Agathor. Foste genial, meu.
You were awesome last night.
Estiveste fantástico ontem à noite.
You were awesome Tiger!
Você foi impressionante'Tigre'.
You were so awesome.
Foste mesmo o máximo!
You were awesome.
Foste mesmo, o máximo!
No wonder you were so awesome.
Assim já compreendo de onde vem essa tua força
There's, ike, this big homecoming dance at Bayside and I was wondering if you had, like, any dresses that, ike, weren't ame, but that were, like, totally awesome.
Olá. Vai haver, tipo, o baile de finalistas, em Bayside, e eu queria saber se tinha, tipo, algum vestido que não fosse, tipo, vulgar, mas que fosse, tipo, superespectacular.
I don't know what you were talking about last night. That was awesome.
Não sei de que diabo falavas tu ontem à noite.
/ Awesome The last time I saw you were....
- Fantásticas, a última vez que te vi foi...
I knew you were gonna burp, but the vomit thing was awesome!
Sabia que ias arrotar, mas a treta do vómito foi de mais!
You were awesome!
- Conseguimos.
You guys were awesome.
Vocês são espantosos.
I heard you were smart, but I had no idea you were such an awesome teacher.
Ouvi dizer que eras esperta, mas não sabia que eras tão boa professora.
- You were so awesome!
- Foste espantosa!
'Cause you were all awesome.
Foram todos impressionantes.
Ted, think about it this way, if you knew that you were gonna lose your leg tomorrow, would you sit on the couch and cry about it, or would you run and jump... and do some awesome air kicks while you still could?
Se fosses perder a perna amanhã, ficavas sentado no sofá a chorar ou ias correr e saltar e dar altos pontapés no ar enquanto ainda pudesses?
- I admit you were fucking awesome.
- Confesso que foste extraordinário!
You were awesome!
Foste o máximo!
You missed some of the best band shells and some awesome rotundas when you were on all those dates.
tu perdeste os melhores abrigos e algumas rotundas incríveis enquanto estava nesses encontros.
Well, that's because you were born a loser, Hickey, and we were born awesome.
Isso é porque o senhor já nasceu falhado, mas nós nascemos incríveis.
- Why don't we play that alphabet game that you were talking about? - I mean her body is awesome. - Okay, I will start.
Queres saber, porque não jogamos aquele jogo do alfabeto de que falaste?

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