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You were fine translate Portuguese

484 parallel translation
He dropped you when you were fine. You think he will want a cripple?
Se te deixou e estavas boa, achas que te vai querer aleijada?
It's all right, you were fine.
Pronto, estiveste óptima.
I thought you were fine just now.
Acho que falou muito bem.
Yes, you were fine.
Muito bem.
- You said you were fine.
- Disseste que estavas bem.
You were fine.
Você se saiu bem.
You were fine. No, really. Mr. Paris, this was a very, very big moment.
A sério, Sr. Paris, foi um grande momento para mim.
Till yesterday you were fine.
Até ontem estavas bem.
You were fine, Relcos :
Foste admirável, Relcos.
- You were fine.
- Saíste-te bem.
- You were fine.
- Foste muito bem!
- What! ? I said I knew it all along, that you were fine.
Diz que sempre soube que estava bem.
You were fine this morning.
- Piggy! De manhã estava bem.
Oh, you were fine.
- Estavas lindamente...
You were fine.
Esteve bem.
Judah, you were fine till you got home from work today.
Verdade, estava bem até voltar do trabalho hoje.
You remember, in my last book, there were some very fine examples, especially the young nobleman.
Dr. Fosdick, lembra-se que dei exemplos pertinentes no meu último livro. Em especial, o do jovem aristocrata.
Suppose you were living in a small town, getting along fine, and suddenly somebody dropped $ 20 million in your lap.
Imagine que vivia tranquilamente numa terra pequena e, de repente, lhe punham vinte milhões de dólares à frente.
You were riding a horse called Caesar, which my father sold you... because, fine horseman though he was, he could never hold him himself.
Estava a usar um cavalo chamado César, que o meu pai lhe vendeu, porque não o tinha conseguido dominar.
- Fine. I thought you were in Brazil.
Pensei que estivesses no Brasil.
They feel fine, but I feel as if I were walking downhill, you know?
Sinto-os bem nos pés, mas parece que estou a caminhar por um monte abaixo.
Suppose that... instead of locking you in prisons cells, we were to take you to the shops here in Ourém and buy you fine new clothes, pretty ribbons and wonderful toys, all the sweets you can eat, and plenty to take home with you.
Suponham que, em vez de trancarmo-vos na prisão levamo-vos a lojas aqui em Ourém e compramo-vos roupas novas, fitas e brinquedos maravilhosos todos os doces que quiserdes, e mais para levardes para casa.
You realised, with all your fine breeding, you were a failure.
Você percebeu que, com a boa educação que teve, é um fracasso.
You were doing fine work there, doctor.
Estava a fazer um excelente trabalho lá, doutor.
All the time you were telling us your fine speech.
Todo esse tempo ficou conosco, com as suas belas palavras.
Fine. Were you worried about her credit?
- Queria saber se ela tinha crédito?
Those were two fine fish you took yesterday.
Você pegou dois belos peixes ontem. |
That fine mansion where you were raised. The servants you had, the beautiful horses.
Da bela mansão onde foste criada, dos criados que tinhas, dos belos cavalos.
The waiter said you were getting along fine with this Thornhill.
O empregado disse que estava a ter uma longa conversa com Thornhill.
But what? I thought you were the one who had the fine ideas about going to college.
Pensei que tinhas projectos de ir para a faculdade.
Everything was just fine and only when we were passing the Cape ofNo Hope, it used to be called the Cape ofNo Hope, you see, and today it's the Cape of Good Hope, everything is getting better.
Tudo ia muito bem... até passarmos no Cabo dos Sem Esperança. Antigamente era Cabo dos Sem Esperança, mas hoje é Cabo da Boa Esperança, estava tudo calmo...
- It would fit you fine if it were square, like your fat head.
Só queria dizer com isto que o chapéu é mal empregado nessa cabeça de melancia!
He said he had seen you in San Francisco, and you were just fine.
Ele disse que tinha te visto em San Francisco, e que você estavas bem.
She told me what fine men you were, never forgetting her, sending her money, helping her send Bud through school.
Disse-me que eram uns homens impecáveis. Nunca se esqueciam da mãe, mandavam-lhe sempre dinheiro. Ajudavam-na a pagar a faculdade do Bud.
Everything's fine. We were waiting for you.
Sim, estávamos à vossa espera.
When you went off to war, they said you were fine and intelligent But now you're mad, because because you sing like the birds, you chase after butterflies and...
Quando foste para a guerra, diziam que eras bom e inteligente.
You were doing just fine by yourself. And now?
Estava defendendo sua terra e agora?
You were fine.
- Não, esteve muito bem.
You were doing fine.
Ias muito bem.
You were her bodyguard! That was a fine way of guarding her!
Foste o guarda-costas dela!
You said they were doing fine.
Disseste que estavam a sair-se bem.
Everything was going fine, we were having a nice leisurely lunch and over a little chat, and then you had to go mention the Beatles and make me choke on my goddamn food!
Tudo estava indo tão bem, estávamos comendo tranquilamente e tendo uma pequena conversa, e então você tinha que mencionar os Beatles e me fazer engasgar com a droga da minha comida!
And I was wondering- - if we were to pay you the fine right now, do you think you could take care of it for us?
E eu estava querendo saber.. se poderíamos pagar a multa agora mesmo, Você poderia cuidar disso pra gente?
We were fine until you came along.
Estávamos bem até que você chegar.
You were a damn fine officer.
- Stanley é o marido dela. E ela não tem seguro.
- The rest of it was fine. - You were there. Rib cages and eyes are the real thing, eh?
Esteve lá, as costelas e os olhos eram reais, não?
He said you were very fine in the storm scene.
Disse que foi muito bem na cena da tempestade, Geoffrey.
If you're so fine, why were you found half unconscious... babbling something about your car driving off by itself?
Se está tão bem, porque o encontramos meio inconsciente... balbuciando sobre um carro que se dirige sózinho?
You know, when Diane told me you were a critic for Fine Art Magazine... I was a little surprised.
Quando soube que era crítico fiquei um pouco surpreendido.
She told me that she thought you were real, real, real fine.
Ela disse-me que te acha muito, muito, muito fixe.
The Dean of the School of Fine Arts thought you were already Rodin's pupil.
O director da Academia das Artes julgou que ele te dava liçöes!

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