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You were late translate Portuguese

698 parallel translation
This time you were late, Owen.
Desta vez atrasaste-te, Owen.
Now you're in for it. He knows you were late.
vai de uma vez, sabe que você chegou tarde.
Maybe you were late yesterday, and he went there without you.
Você pode ter se atrasado, e ele foi sozinho!
- You were late.
- Atrasaste-te.
You were late.
Estás atrasada.
But since you were late, he gave your time to another patient.
Mas como se atrasou, ele atendeu outro paciente.
You were late coming. - And we're wasting time here.
Atrasaste-te e agora estamos a perder tempo.
You were late.
Tu chegaste atrasado.
Darling, you were late.
Querida, você se atrasou.
You were late even on this day.
Até num dia assim te atrasaste.
I did notice you were late again.
- Já percebi, outra vez.
- You were late.
- Chegaste tarde.
You were late again tonight.
Estás outra vez atrasada.
As a lawyer I must consider, that you gave up your inheritance and succession as of 6pm today, even if you were just a second late.
É bom se ele ganhar. Mas esquece isso, seria muito difícil. Então isto era uma armadilha desde o prencipio?
Were relations between you and the late Mrs. De Winter perfectly happy?
A relação entre o senhor e a Sra. de Winter era perfeitamente feliz? A relação entre o senhor e a Sra. de Winter era perfeitamente feliz?
It got so late, I didn't think you were coming in tonight.
É tão tarde que pensei que já não viria, esta noite.
- I thought you were going to be late.
- Pensei que ias chegar atrasado.
Where were you last night? You came home so late.
Onde é que estiveste ontem á noite que vieste para casa tardíssimo?
Why were you so late?
Porque veio tão tarde?
Were relations between you and the late Mrs. de Winter perfectly happy?
A relação entre o senhor e a Sra. de Winter era perfeitamente feliz?
Murphy, I want you to check every rectory in town and find out which priests were out late last night.
Murphy, quero que verifique todas as reitorias da cidade e descubra que padres chegaram tarde, ontem à noite.
- You were a little late getting here, Fin.
- Chegaste atrasado, Fin.
Were you up till late again?
Tarde de novo?
You may deny that you were not the cause of my Lord Hastings'late imprisonment.
Podeis negar que não haveis sido a causa da recente prisão do senhor de Hastings?
In all which time you and your late husband... together with his son Dorset here... were factious for the house of Lancaster - and, Rivers, so were you.
Durante esse longo tempo, vós e o vosso esposo Grey junto com seu filho Dorset, éreis partidários da Casa de Lancaster. E Rivers, vós o haveis sido também.
You were so late! I've got some coffee for you.
Vou está tão atrasado.
You were companion-housekeeper to the late Mrs. Emily French?
Era acompanhante-governanta da falecida Sra. Emily French?
Were you a little angry about his being late?
Estava um tanto zangada devido ao atraso?
When your husband came home late and you had this little spat were you already dressed to go out?
Quando o seu marido regressou tarde e tiveram esta pequena discussão, já estava vestida para sair?
How come you were so late last night?
Porque chegaste täo tarde ontem?
I mean, it's late, and you were sound asleep and everything.
Quer dizer, já é tarde, e estavas a dormir.
I'm afraid you were so late that we started without you.
Temo que tenhas chegado tão tarde que começamos sem ti.
In the first place, you were so late.
Em primeiro lugar, estavas muito atrasada.
Why were you so late coming home from school yesterday afternoon?
Porque chegaste tão tarde da escola ontem à tarde?
If we were at war, and you were to become infatuated with the daughter of a Russian agent, wouldn't you expect me to come to you and object, and beg you to stop the entire thing before it was too late?
Se estivéssemos em guerra e tu te apaixonasses pela filha de um agente russo, não era de esperar que eu fosse ter contigo e me opusesse, e te rogasse que acabasses com isso antes de ser tarde demais?
Where were you out so late? A rest cure!
Onde estiveste até agora, vagabundo?
'" lf I were hours late for dinner Would you bellow?
Se chegasse tarde para jantar Ficaria aborrecido?
I thought you were going to be late for the Gold Cup.
Acho que vai se atrasar para a copa.
To think we were against you in the late war.
Como pudemos ser contra si na última guerra?
You were also too late.
E vocês também chegaram tarde.
How late were you two out?
A que horas voltaram?
My late husband, Ephraim Levi, believed in life, any place you could find it, wherever there were people, all kinds of people.
O meu falecido marido acreditava na vida. Qualquer lugar que pudesse encontrar. Onde quer que que houvesse pessoas, todos os tipos de pessoas.
Pardon me for bothering you so late, but... but while we were talking about the Virgin Mary, I forgot to tell you some very important things.
Peço desculpa de o incomodar tão tarde, mas... quando falámos da santíssima Virgem, há uns minutos, esqueci-me de lhe dizer várias coisas muito importantes.
Always were late, weren't you, Thompson?
Sempre se atrasa, não é, Thompson?
I understand you were five or six minutes late yourself to that match this morning.
Sei que o senhor também chegou cinco ou seis minutos atrasado à partida desta manhã.
You told me that you went to get it fixed, and that's why you were a few minutes late to the chess match.
O senhor disse-me que o foi pôr a arranjar e que foi por isso que se atrasou uns minutos para a partida.
I... I thought... I thought you were working late tonight.
Eu... Eu pensei... Eu pensei que tu ias trabalhar até tarde hoje.
Mr. Steele, why were you 45 minutes late to the press conference?
Sr. Steele, por que chegou 45 minutos atrasado à conferência de imprensa?
When you were in command at Fort Edward... before the late Capt. Hunt and Lt. Morant took over... what did you do with Boer prisoners?
Quando você estava no comando do forte Edward antes do citados capitão Hunt e tenente Morant aparecerem o que fazia com os prisioneiros bôeres?
But, despite what you might have seen on the late show... when you were watching what your parents told you not to... they do not... walk around... Like this.
Mas apesar do que vocês possam ter ter visto na sessão da noite... quando estavam a ver filmes que os vossos pais proibiram... eles não andam por aí... assim!
So you were 45 minutes late.
Então chegou 45 minutos atrasado.

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