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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You were just

You were just translate Portuguese

10,086 parallel translation
You were just lonely.
Estava apenas solitária.
Damn, I thought you were just going to whip something up. I am.
- Achei que ias improvisar algo.
You know, it's one day at a time, and I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about that, and, uh... it was very bad behavior and I know you were just trying to do your job.
Vivo um dia de cada vez e queria que soubesse que lamento imenso o sucedido. E... Tive um mau comportamento.
We both know I found you guys capital... when you were just a couple kids with a laptop and a dream.
Ambos sabemos que eu vos arranjei o capital quando vocês eram apenas dois putos com um portátil e um sonho.
You were just stupid kids, right?
Eram apenas miúdos estúpidos, certo?
We met when you were just a tiny, little baby. Hey.
Nós conhecemo-nos quando eras um pequenino.
You were just singing the theme song.
Estavas agora mesmo a cantar a música da entrada.
I looked over at you and you were just crying the whole time.
Sempre que olhava para ti, estavas a chorar!
Only that you were just unfaithful to him, and he doesn't know or you wouldn't be throwing me out and being defensive.
Apenas que lhe foste infiel e que ele não sabe. Ou não me estarias a expulsar e a ser tão defensiva.
You were just fucking me- -
Estavas a foder-me...
No, actually, you were just holding your hand up.
Estavas só com a mão no ar.
- Huh? I thought you were just gonna be looking through the files
Pensei que ias tratar dos papéis
My brother and I were just wondering if you could explain the procedure a little bit more...
Eu e o meu irmão queríamos saber se nos pode explicar melhor a operação... Eu não queria saber.
No, I just got the plates, I thought you were gonna get the van.
Eu só arranjei as matrículas. Eu pensei que ias tu buscar a van.
So I just said, "you know what? Let's do a press conference " and looking to see if there were any more victims out there. "
Eu disse-lhe : "Sabe, vamos fazer uma conferência de imprensa e ver se há mais vítimas por aí."
There, I just saved you the money you were going to give to the shrink,
Aí tens, acabei de te poupar o dinheiro que ias gastar no psiquiatra,
"Life is just a short space of time in which you were alive."
"A vida é o curto espaço de tempo no qual estamos vivos."
Life is just a short space of time in which you were alive.
A vida é o curto espaço de tempo no qual estamos vivos.
Was this just some kind of game you were playing with me, the two of you?
Estavam só a jogar um jogo comigo?
- So you just were looking at my computer?
- Viste o meu computador?
A lot of them were American, which felt strange but you just keep reminding yourself I could stop a dirty bomb attack and save thousands of lives.
Muitos deles eram americanos, o que pareceu estranho, mas fica a lembrar de que podia impedir um atentado com bombas e salvar milhares de vidas.
Just admit you were off knocking boots with somebody's husband.
Admita que esteve a dar umas cambalhotas com o marido de alguém.
Were you just inside?
Estavam lá dentro?
Were you in the Big Brother program, and Vigilante just walks in and says, "I'll take the black one"?
Estavas no Big Brother, e o Vigilante entra e diz : "Quero esse negro?"
If I find out you were involved in it, I will come back and smash your neck just like this.
Se eu descobrir que estás envolvida nisso, vou voltar e esmaga-te pescoço assim.
And when you were little, it was just... it was a lot easier because if you fell, you know, I knew how to fix it.
Quando eras pequena, era muito mais fácil. Porque se caísses, eu sabia o que devia fazer.
Yeah, I was just thinking. You and Emily are the same age Mom and Dad were when they...
Tu e a Emily são da idade que a mãe e o pai tinham quando...
I called right away, you guys were just the first ones to get back to me.
Eu liguei logo, vocês foram os primeiros a vir ter comigo.
My colleagues and I were just talking about you.
Eu e os meus colegas estávamos mesmo a falar de si.
Own up to the fact that you fucked someone else while you were married to Daddy, just like a million other bored housewives.
Confessa que fizeste sexo com outro homem enquanto eras casada com o papá, tal como muitas outras donas de casa aborrecidas.
And those 18 rules, some of'em were stupid rules just for me to try to give fluff to say, "Oh, you can't do this."
E dessas 18, algumas eram estúpidas só para eu poder dizer "Não podes fazer isso."
O-oh? A last-minute slot has opened up in our program, but I just wanted to check if you were still interested.
Abriu uma vaga de última hora no programa mas queria certificar-me de que continua interessado.
Milford High needs a new science teacher, and your teaching certificate is endorsed in chemistry, but I just wanted to check that you were still available.
A Secundária de Milford precisa dum professor de ciências e segundo o seu certificado, especializou-se em química. Mas queria certificar-me de que continua disponível. Claro!
Okay. You were the one who was just complaining about the two heads in the sky, that's all I'm saying.
Ok, tu és o que se estava a queixar acerca das duas cabeças no ar, é só o que estou a dizer.
"Alex could have been in those towers." I read all the lists and I didn't see your name, so I just assumed you were okay.
"O Alex poderia estar nas torres". Li todas as listas e não vi lá o teu nome, então presumi que estavas bem.
You were probably just looking for happiness.
Provavelmente estavas à procura de felicidade.
He fell just like you were told. And he broke his neck.
Ele caiu, como te disseram, e partiu o pescoço.
While you were talking to them, you know who was listening in, which he can do legally, just not with me and you?
Sabes quem estava à escuta? E pode fazê-lo legalmente se não formos nós.
You just said we were there.
Acabaste de dizer que era aqui.
I just figured you were... one of his.
Achei que era uma das dele.
I just said you were in a band.
Eu apenas disse que estavsa numa banda.
You think were just gonna go down there and that'll be that?
Acha que é só ir até lá?
I'm just saying, I think you were right about camping in the open.
Tinhas razão sobre acampar em lugar aberto.
But you were chosen just like me.
Mas foste escolhida, tal como eu.
You didn't think we were going to just let you go, did you?
- O quê? Não pensaste que íamos deixar-te ir, pois não?
You were never just a girl.
Nunca foste só uma criança.
I just wish you were here, so I could talk to you, see you, find out what I should do.
Gostava que estivesses aqui... para eu poder falar contigo, ver-te e descobrir o que devo fazer.
Back when you just told stories, before you went on this great adventure, you were still very much a hero.
Quando contavas histórias, antes de partires nesta grande aventura, já eras um grande herói.
Ian, that is just spectacular, you know, if we were doing a Fourth of July celebration or a really rousing Oktoberfest.
Ian, isso seria espetacular, se estivéssemos festejando o 4 de Julho ou a festa de Outubro.
I thought we were fine, though, just me and you.
Mas acho que estávamos bem. Só tu e eu.
I thought you just were a dick.
Pensava que pensasses como uma. "

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