She didn't mean that translate Russian
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Why didn't she die? "Does that mean something else?"
" Почему она не обращается?
What do you mean? She didn't show you papers, deed of sale, nothing like that?
Она не показала тебе никаких бумаг, вообще ничего?
She didn't mean it that way.
Она не это имела в виду.
She didn't mean that, madam.
Она не имеет намерение сделать это, мадам.
I mean, she didn't have to go to work or anything like that. He left her a little money.
То есть, ей не надо было работать, он оставил ей немного денег.
She didn't mean to throw that on you.
Не сердись на неё, Джулия, она не хотела.
I said later I knew she didn't mean that.
Позже я сказал, что знал, что она не имела это ввиду.
She didn't mean anything by that.
Дон, она ничего такого не хотела сказать.
- She didn't mean to call you that.
Она не всерьёз назвала тебя так...
She said... that it didn't mean anything. It was just a plain old spot.
Что это ни о чем не говорит, что это просто пятно.
- She didn't mean that, gals.
- Она не это имела в виду, девушки.
I'm sure she didn't mean that, Niles.
Уверен, она не то имела в виду, Найлс.
But that doesn't mean she didn't. I get off at 11 : 00. Ask the night guy.
- Уехал из Болгарии в 1988.
I mean, I knew that, but I didn't think she'd betray me.
Я имею в виду, я знал это, но я не думал, что она предаст меня.
I mean, how did the people who she was connected with... how could they open up so easily to a foreigner... somebody that they didn't know... and somebody who was supposed to be a... you know, who comes, as you were saying before... a white person coming to learn about the culture of the black people?
То есть, как люди, с которыми она общалась,.. как они так просто открылись иностранке,.. кому-то абсолютно им незнакомому... кому-то, кого обычно "встречают по одёжке", как... ну, вы знаете, вы об этом говорили уже,..
You have no actual or constructive knowledge do you, sir, in this court of law, that my client as she took her vows, I mean at the time she took them contemporaneously with the ceremony do you know that my client at that particular juncture didn't want children?
У вас нет неопровержимых данных перед этим залом суда, что моя клиентка когда она произносила свою клятву, я имею в виду, в тот момент, когда она давала ее во время свадебной церемонии знали ли вы, что моя клиентка в этот определенный момент не хотела иметь детей?
And even though she didn't mean to and want to high up in that castle, the girl just built herself another cave hoping that he would save her again.
И даже хотя она это не намеревалась делать высоко в том замке девочка просто построила себе другую пещеру... Надеясь, что он снова ее спасет.
But that wouldn't necessarily mean she didn't kill her patient, Judge.
Но это не обязательно должно означать, что она не убивала своего пациента, судья.
You mean, she didn't tell you about that either?
Она тебе об том тоже не рассказывала?
No, no, no, I didn't mean... remind her that she gets to rehearse in our garage'cause I think I'm losing points here.
Нет, нет, я не имела в виду... Напомни ей, что она собирается репетировать в нашем гараже, потому что, похоже, я теряю очки.
No, Dean, I mean, it was weird that she didn't attack me.
Нет, Дин, странно то, что она не нападала на меня.
I apologize She didn't mean that
Простите, она не хотела, просто...
I mean, you said that you wondered if maybe she was punishing you for something? I'll bet you had something pretty specific in mind, didn't you?
Когда вы сказали мне, что задаете себе вопрос, а не в наказание ли вам все это, вы думали о вполне определенном событии.
I mean, nobody got hurt. - But she didn't see it that way?
- Но она так не думала?
If Penny didn't know that Leslie had turned me down, then it would unambiguously mean that she, Penny, thought I should ask her, Leslie, out, indicating that she had no interest in me asking her, Penny, out.
Если Пенни не знала, что Лесли отказала мне, тогда это определенно означает, что она, Пенни, думала, что я должен предложить ей, Лесли, выражая то, что она не заинтересована в том, чтобы я предложил ей, Пенни, встречаться.
I mean, it'd be weird if she didn't feel that way, right?
Как ещё она должна относиться? Не знаю.
Gee, I didn't realize working at the store meant that much to her. You know, it would mean the world to her if she could get her job back.
Бросок к второй базе, и, опять, мяч пролетает мимо ЛаГранжа в правое поле.
I didn't mean that she passed away
Нет, я не в том смысле, что она умерла.
My father tried to explain to me that her brain was literally shrinking, that she didn't mean it.
Папа пытался мне объяснить, что её мозг буквально уменьшался, что она это делает не со зла.
She... No, she didn't mean that.
Она не то хотела сказать.
As she told me about this big new world, names that didn't mean a thing to me,
И она рассказала мне об этом новом мире. Об именах, которые ничего для меня не значили.
I mean, we would never force her to be anything that she didn't wanna be.
Понимаешь, мы не хотели бы... ее к чему-то принуждать, никогда.
Kenley has been replaced with an infant on roller skates named arizona who didn't have sense enough to change her name to something other than arizona, which shows poor judgment, as does her diagnosis of a patient that I've been working with for three years. She's completely changing kenley's treatment protocol based on, like, half an hour of experience with the child. I mean, we just took out most of his bowel, and instead of trying to salvage what he has left, she just wants to throw up her hands and pray for a transplant.
Кинли заменили инфантильной роллершей по-имени Аризона у которой даже не хватило ума сменить имя, она выносит сомнительные решения при диагностике пациента, с которым я работала 3 года она совершенно изменила программу лечения Кинли посмотрев на ребенка полчаса мы вытащили большую часть кишки, и не пытались спасти оставшееся
You know she didn't mean that.
- Ты ведь знаешь, что она несерьезно.
I know we sound harsh, but she never would've wanted a bunch of flowery tributes that people didn't mean.
Знаю, это звучит грубо, но она не хотела бы получать цветочные венки от людей, не желающих этого.
Oh, that's okay. And if she didn't mean it then, she certainly meant it 19 minutes later.
И если она даже не имела ввиду это тогда, она точно так думала через 19 минут.
She didn't mean that.
Она не хотела так говорить.
I mean, she lived for a few more years after this, but... we didn't take any picture because she didn't want us to remember her that way.
Он после этого прожила еще несколько лет. Но больше мы ее не фотографировали. Она не хотела, чтобы мы ее такой запомнили.
That's what I'm saying, she didn't go in the tunnels, I mean...
ауто соу кеы. дем лпгйе стис сгяаццес.
Look, I didn't mean to kill her, but we just wanted to show The whole world that she was a big fake.
Слушайте, я не хотел убивать ее, мы просто хотели показать всему миру, что это грандиозная подделка.
I am sure she didn't mean that. She meant it.
Я уверена, что она не имела в виду именно это.
I mean, I'm glad that William finally told her about his A.L.S., but I didn't know she was gonna run off to Switzerland to be with him.
Я имею в виду, что я рад, что Вильям всё-таки сказал ей о своей болезни, но я не думал, что она уедет в Швейцарию, чтобы быть с ним.
I mean, he and Adrian did something they shouldn't have, and things went wrong, and she thought she was pregnant, and her mom was getting married last week, so she didn't want to bother her, and that's what I was talking to her about all last week.
Всмысле, они с Эдриан сделали кое-что, чего не должны были делать, и что-то пошло не так... и... она думала, что забеременела, а ее мама вышла замуж на прошлой неделе, так что она не хотела ее беспокоить... и именно об этом мы говорили с ней всю прошлую неделю.
I mean, she didn't even tell us that Stacy Garrett was a client.
Она даже не сказала нам, что Стейси Гаррет была ее клиенткой.
Listen, I-I hope you know That I didn't mean any disresct When elana asked me what she should do.
Послушай, ты ведь понимаешь, я не хотела тебя задеть, когда Илана спросила, что ей делать.
She didn't mean that.
Она не в буквальном смысле.
She didn't mean that I should change locations...
Она говорила не про то, что мне стоит переехать...
Yeah, but even if Sarah decided that she was gonna get back together with Vince, it doesn't mean that she didn't have doubts.
Yeah, but even if Sarah decided That she was gonna get back together with Vince, It doesn't mean that she didn't have doubts.
But that doesn't mean she didn't pull every string She had on my behalf.
Но это не означает, что она не дергала за каждую ниточку действуя от моего имени.
No, I mean, she didn't say that at all.
Я имею ввиду, что он не говорила, что...
I guess she just didn't mean that much to you.
Наверное она для тебя немного значила.
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't say that 38
she didn't have to 49
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't care 26
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't say that 38
she didn't have to 49
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't care 26
she didn't say 130
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
she did 1380
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she died last year 19
she died 453
she doesn't 359
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
she did 1380
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she died last year 19
she died 453
she doesn't 359