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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ C ] / Chief talley

Chief talley translate Turkish

12 parallel translation
This is Chief Talley of the Bristo Camino Police Department.
Ben Bristo Camino Karakolu'ndan Şef Talley.
Chief Talley?
Şef Talley?
Tommy, you're talking to Chief Talley.
Tommy, ben Şef Talley.
- Chief Talley?
- Şef Talley?
Chief Talley.
Şef Talley?
Where's Chief Talley?
Şef Talley nerede?
Chief Talley is no longer in command here.
Şef Talley'in artık burada yetkisi yok.
- Chief Talley?
- Şef Talley!
- Chief Talley!
- Şef Talley!
"Jeff Talley, Chief of Police".
"Jeff Talley, Polis Şefi."

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