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Asïk translate English

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- Kadïnlar senin gibi adama asïk olur.
- Dames fall for a guy like you.
Niye Japon oglana asïk olup yakamdan düsmüyorsun?
Why don't you fall in love with the Jap kid and get off my back?
Ona asik olmadin, degil mi Helen Yoksa oldun mu
You haven't fallen in love with him, have you? Have you, helen?
Cünkü ona aşik.
She's in love with him.
Bastan kurduklari yeni Truva sehri, bu yüzden saglam duvarlarla korunmus, güzellige asik, mutlu insanlar için zapt edilemez bir siginak olmustu.
That is why new Troy, their rebuilt city was guarded by mighty walls, an impregnable shelter for a happy people in love with beauty.
Birbirlerine asik iki insan.
Two people in love.
- Asik oldugun kiz mi?
- The girl you fell in love with?
Haftalar geçtikçe, Bayan Pendrake'e daha da asik oluyordum, , manevi olarak, tabi ki,
As the weeks went by, I fell more and more in love with Mrs Pendrake spiritually, of course.
Filmin konusu bir İngiliz kadın kayınbabasına aşik oluyor.
Meet Pamela is the story of a British girl who falls in love with her husband's father.
Ben sana asik olamam.
I can't love you.
Carl Yastremski Cheers'a gelip bizim Asikız'ı isteyecek mi?
Will Carl Yastremski please call Cheers and ask for the Spitfire?
Bana asik olmaman senin suçun degil.
It's not your fault if you don't love me.
Tabii sana asik olmak da benim suçum degil.
And it's not my fault if I love you.
- Çünkü sana asik oldugunu söylüyor.
She's in love with you.
Pablo asik bence.
- Pablo is in love.
Sen öyle sanabilirsin ama ben sana asik degilim.
You may think so, but I'm not in love with you.
Ama bana asik olmani tavsiye etmem.
But don't fall in love with me.
Bu çocuk sana çok asik gibi.
He seems very much in love with you.
ismini duydum, ve korkarim ki oglum ona asik olmali.
I've heard the name. I fear my son might be in love with her.
Asik degilken birisi nasil sex yapar?
How can someone make love without being in love?
Bir insan asik olursa kalbi askin icinde sabun gibi erir...
When a person falls in love his heart soars like a dove...
KEDER BENIM HAYATIM RUYADAN IBARETTI sans eseri tan \'fdstigim bir kadina asik oldugundan bahsetmeyi de unuttu.
WOE IS ME MY LIFE HAS BEEN BUT A DREAM he was in love with the woman I'd met at the paper, by chance.
Titresen killar sinir yoluyla beyine bir sinyal gönderiyor ve böylece asik olmanin biyokimyasal sürecinden sorumlu endojen kimyasallarin ruh halini degistiren bir karisimini üretiyordu.
The vibration sends a signal to the brain, which, in turn, produces a combination of mood-altering endogenous chemicals responsible for the biochemical process of feeling in love.
Ben de baskasina asik olan birine asik olan herkesin yapacagini yaptim.
I did what everybody does when they're in love with somebody who's in love with somebody else...
Sonsuza dek Diane'e asik olacagimi hissederken bir daha herhangi birine asik olup olamayacagimi düsünür olmustum.
I went from feeling I'd be in love with Diane forever to wondering if I'd ever fall in love with anyone again.
4 saat uzaklas bakalim hala asik misin? Bunu yapar misin? Tek istedigim bu.
Go away for four hours and see if you're still in love with him.
Sana asik olduguna kesinlikle emin misin?
Are you absolutely sure she was in love with you?
ikiniz de bu iksiri alirsaniz ve sen ona gerçekten asikken o sana hiç asik olmamissa, onu hayatin boyunca seversin. O da hayati boyunca senden nefret eder.
If you both take this potion and you were in love with her but she really never was in love with you, you will love her for the rest of your life, and she will hate you for the rest of hers.
Rüzgarin sarkisini duyacaksin. " Yani asik olmaya istekliysen, büyük öpüsmeden bes dakika sonra rüzgarin müzigini duyacaksin ve birden sonsuza dek asik olacaksin.
So if you're willing to fall in love, and five minutes after the big smooch, you'll hear this wind musical thing, and whoosh, you're in love forever. If your heart is stubborn like the heart of a fool, you will taste the sweat of a mule.
Diane'le bu iksiri alirsam, onu öpecegim ve bes dakika sonra hala asik oldugunu varsayarsak, 9 numara 8 numaraya üstün gelecek.
So if I take this potion with Diane, I kiss her, five minutes later... assuming that she's still in love with me... number nine will override number eight, no matter how much Gary takes number eight.
Tabi ki bana asik oldugunu varsayiyorum.
That's assuming she's in love with me.
Hiç bana asik oldugunu söyledi mi? O kelimeyi kullandi mi?
Did she ever say that she was in love with me?
O zaman en çok sevdigi erkege asik olur ve digerinden sonsuza dek nefret eder.
Drink from the same glass, then kiss her? She will fall in love with the man she loved most and hate the other forever, but if you wait too long, it won't work.
Size Diane'i öptükten bes dakika sonra kosarak kollarima atladigini ve sonsuza dek asik oldugumuzu söylemek isterdim. Ama öyle olmadi.
Well, I'd like to tell you that five minutes after I kissed Diane, she came running out into my arms and that we fell in love forever, but that's not what happened.
Marcus asik oldu.
Marcus is in love.
Eger bunu sürdürmekte kararliysan asik suratini ignelemem.
If you really insist on standing'around, I don't dig the long face.
Angela'ya asik oldugunu saniyorsun.
So now you think you're in love with Angela.
Biliyorum. Su anda o kadina asik oldugumu biliyorum.
I know - just at this moment, I know I'm in love with that woman.
Biz sadece bir kere asik oluruz sevgilim sonbaharda
We only fall in love once, my darling
Asik oldular.
You are in love.
Tamamen evcimen biri, ama kime asik olacagi konusunda yardim edemiyorsun iste.
True, she's a real homebody, but you can't help who you fall in love with.
Annem adamin ismine asik olmus,
My mother fell in love with the name.
Ama baska birine asik oldum.
But I've fallen in love with someone else.
Hiç asik olmamis.
Never fall in love.
Asik oldugum kisiyi artik taniyamiyorum.
I don't know who I'm making love to anymore.
Sana asik oluyorum.
Falling in love with you.
Bakalim, simdi... îlk kez 1975 Haziraninda asik oldum, Boca Raton'da.
Well, let's see, now... The first time I was in love was June 1975, in Boca Raton.
Meshur asik.
The great lover.
- Asik olmak için... buradasin.
- You are here... to fall in love.
- Bana asik oldugunu söylediginde.
- When he told me that he loved me.

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