Buyur al translate English
262 parallel translation
Buyur al.
Help yourself.
- Buyur al.
- Help yourself.
Buyur al anne, mektubu sen oku.
Mama, here, you read the letter.
Buyur al bir tane.
Ah. Here you are. Have one.
Buyur al, D vitaminli karides.
Here's the shrimp with vitamin D. Put it down.
Buyur al.
Here you go.
Bu gecenin ücreti, buyur al.
This is for tonight.
Evet, Emily, buyur al.
Yeah, Emily. Here.
Buyur al.
Here you are.
Buyur al İhtiyar.
You're welcome to it, old timer.
- Ne diyorsunuz, Ilya Ilyich? - Buyur al.
- What are you saying, Ilya Ilyich?
Buyur al!
There you go!
Buyur al.
You're welcome to try.
- Buyur al.
Here, take them.
- Buyur al.
- Here, have some.
Buyur, bir bardak içki al.
Here, have a slug out of the mug.
- Neyim varsa buyur al.
- Whatever we have.
Buyur, al bakalım!
All right, go ahead and take it.
- Buyur, benim paketi al.
Here. Take my pack.
- Buyur al.
Punch the night bell.
Buyur. Al bunu.
Ah, here you are, sister.
Buyur, delikanlı. kendin al.
Here you are, kid.
Buyur, al.
Here you are.
Al buyur, ölen benim, vitamin yazılan o.
Buyur, Al.
No, thanks.
Buyur, biraz al.
Have some of this.
Buyur. Kahve al.
- Your coffee.
Buyur, al şunu.
Here, take this.
Buyur, bir içki daha al.
Here, have another drink.
Buyur al.
Buyur al.
Take it.
- Buyur. Şeker alır mısın?
- Here you are.
Buyur, al bakalım.
Go ahead, take one.
- Buyur, Sussman, bir turşu al.
- Here, Sussman, take a pickle.
Buyur, al.
Here, take it.
Buyur, genellikle en pahalı şişeyi alırdım, ama dükkandaki çocuk bunu tavsiye etti.
Here, I usually just buy the most expensive bottle, but the guy at the store recommended that one.
Al, buyur!
Buyur, al, bunun sende kalmasını istiyorum.
Please, I want to keep this copy.
Buyur, benim silahımı al.
Here, take my gun. Don't nibble on the barrel, pull the trigger.
Al buyur.
There you have it.
Önden buyur, al onu.
Go ahead, take it.
Buyur, kendine bir kola ve sosisli al.
Here, got you a coke and a dog.
Here. Here you go.
Doğru diyosun, buyur tatlı al!
You're right, you're right. Take this sweet from the offering.
Buyur kendin al.
Help yourself, man.
Al, buyur.
Here you go.
Onu düşmanların eline bırakma ve asla unutma. Ruhunun kutsal melekler tarafından yukarı çıkarılıp cennete alınmasını buyur.
Do not hand him over to the enemy, and do not forget him forever but command that this soul be taken up by the holy angels and brought home to Paradise.
Al, buyur-
- Here you go- - No!
Buyur. Al.
You can have it.
Buyur, bir roti al.
Here, have a roti.
Tekrar dene evlat. Al, buyur.
Here you go.