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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ Y ] / Yapamazsin

Yapamazsin translate English

91 parallel translation
- Bunu yapamazsin Frank.
- You can't do it, Frank.
Can't do that, Wyatt.
Bunu bize yapamazsin...
You can't do that to us...
Beni de yakarsin. Yapamazsin.
This is ruining me too.
- Benim için hiçbir sey yapamazsin.
- What can I do? - There's nothing you can do for me.
Bunu yapamazsin.
You can't do this.
- Bunu yapamazsin!
- You can't do that!
Bunu yapamazsin...
You can't...
You can't...
sen bunu yapamazsin.yeryüzünde hiç bir güç yapamaz
You can't do it. No power on earth can!
Barodan kovulur ve - bir daha avukatlik yapamazsin, ugruna o kadar calistigin seyi.
You'll be disbarred - unable to practice law again, everything you've worked for.
Bunu yapamazsin!
Sen bunu yapamazsin.
You're not up to it.
Yapamazsin ha?
You can't?
You can't.
Yapamazsin! Madem paran yok.
You couldn't take a shit.
Burada tek basina yapamazsin.
You can't make it in here on your own.
Çay yapamazsin, Edward.
You cannot make tea, Edward.
- General yapamazsin.
- General, you can't.
iki oglun da öldügü zaman, isin de bitmis olacak, çünkü artik baska çocuk yapamazsin. Burada olmaz.
When both of your sons are dead, that'll be the end of it, because you ain't making any more children.
Kimseye bir şey yapamazsin.
You're not stitching anyone up.
No, sir! Cause he could do no wrong! He leaves a thousand on the beach in Cuba and his numbers go up!
Yemek yapamazsin herhalde, yapabiliyormusun?
I don't suppose you can cook, can you?
Bunu yapamazsin!
You can't do this!
Bir gezegene bu kadar yakin bir atlama Yapamazsin.
You can't plan a jump that close to a planet.
Bunu yapamazsin!
You cannot do this!
You can't do this.
Bunu bana yapamazsin!
You've got to be kidding me.
Bunu yapabilirsin, ama daha gerçekçi olmak gerekirse, muhtemelen yapamazsin.
You can do this, But to be more accurate, you probably can't.
Bunu bana yapamazsin tamam mi?
Don't do this to me, all right?
Bana bunu yapamazsin.
You can't make me.
Hic bir sey yapamazsin.
Sahay : You won't achieve a thing..
Bunu yapamazsin
You can't do this.
Jack, bunu yapamazsin.
Jack, You can't do this.
Boyle yapamazsin.
you can't do like that
insanlara bunu yapamazsin.
You can't just do that.
Eger Allah seninle degilse, hiçbirsey yapamazsin bu hayatta.
If God isn't with you, you can't do anything in life.
I won't let you do this.
hayir, s... Bunu yapamazsin.
No, y... you can't have it both ways.
Nicki, bunu yapamazsin.
Nicki, please don't do that.
Hans : bunu yapamazsin simdi.
Hans : Dont'do it.
- Yapamazsin... Bunu kullanamazsin.
- You can't... you can't use that thing.
Dev dişlerin ve keskin pulların ve duman horlaman ve ateş üflemen... BUNU YAPAMAZSIN...
You may have huge teeth and sharp scales and snore-smoke and breathe fire but you do not, I repeat, YOU DO NOT...
Hayallerini ve hedeflerini anlatirken Ben kimim ki ona "bunu yapamazsin" diyecek?
And her saying what her goals and dreams are, who am I to say, " You can't do that.
Kanunu kendin uygulayamazsin, bunu yapamazsin.
You can't take the law into your own hand, you can't.
Hiç bir sey yapamazsin!
You can't do nothing. "
- Siz yapamazsInız ama.
- I'm not gettin'it from you.
Hayir, hayir, yapamazsin.
No, no, you can't.
Bunu yapamazsin.
You can't do that.
Lance, bunu böyle yapamazsïn.
Lance, you can't do it that way.
Ama bana böyle baski yapamazsin!
But you cannot force me like this!

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